Here is muy final exam for the Specialization in artisanal bakery and pastries.
Really Happy with the results ☺️

by Mery_blablabla


  1. Ballet_blue_icee

    I’m absolutely sure you PASSED!! Wow!

  2. FredaFreya

    I’ve got my exam in 2 weeks. I hope I do as well as you

  3. KittyTitties666

    I would like one of each, please. Looks like you did a great job! How much time do you have to complete all of it?

  4. patientgardene

    These all look incredible, I’m drooling on my screen! What a great representation of your hard work, effort, and perseverance in your studies!!

  5. Girl this is a BEAUTIFUL spread I’m not even in this sub, this just got suggested to me and I am SALIVATING you go girl!

  6. Judgementalcat

    This is amazing,  well done!! It must have been so much work, you did a absolutely great job!

  7. LettuceWithBeetroot

    That is **incredible**!

    I think you should send it all to me for some expert tasting.

  8. Looks great. Bet you are now a fully certified pastry chef 🙂

  9. tr4shp4nd4s

    Absolutely beautiful! Good luck, congratulations, and bon appetit!

  10. pollywantapocket

    My final did not include such an extensive bread section and now I’m a little jealous of your program! Everything looks incredible, congrats on your final!

  11. Throwawasteofspace

    This is an absolutely gorgeous spread and you ought to be beyond proud! Congratulations on making it this far, you’ll definitely go further with work like this 

  12. Bossitronium1

    Unless I’m mistaken, isn’t that ciabatta and not chapata? Or is that the Spanish spelling or some other language?

  13. Bunnytoes256

    How did you make and cook all this in one day?

  14. Last_Advertising_52

    Oh, wow! Every single thing looks perfect! Congratulations on what I’m sure will be a great grade 😊

  15. TheodoreKarlShrubs

    When I die, I hope that I’m welcomed into the next life with a spread as gorgeous and tempting as yours!

  16. SincerelyBernadette

    Omg those look delectable! Excellent job!

  17. So obviously, this all looks incredible to me, a man that lives vicariously through this sub. But I’m curious, what kind of grade does this get in culinary school?

    Do they deduct points on the smallest things? I assume it’s all graded based on presentation and taste? Just very curious how this is actually scored in this kind of setting

  18. TemporaryMindless519

    You are the class topper aren’t you

  19. cynicaldogNV

    The “vestido de chocolate” looks incredibly delicious!

  20. PerplexedPoppy

    I would LOVE to be the taste tester for this!!!!

  21. tachikoma_devotee

    Is that Galician? It reads half in Portuguese and half in Spanish. They look beautiful!

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