Some people stress clean. I anxious bake. Peanut butter and jelly blondies.

by Ok-Book7529


  1. sparklingredcardinal

    This looks delicious, do you have a recipe you can share?

  2. -Twyptophan-

    That looks good as hell. Do you have a recipe?

  3. AcanthaceaeNo4397

    Now you and me are alike, I purposely have to budget in my grocery run for my baking stuff because I also have a high stressed job and am just stressed in general and it takes my mind off things

  4. LupoUpNorth

    Saaame 4 loaves of bread last week. Also, those look yuuumy

  5. IcePrincess_Not_Sk8r

    I stress bake as well. When I’m having a really rough time, my friends know because they’re suddenly overflowing in baked goods.

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