“FOURTH OF JULY” mouthwatering RED, WHITE & BLUE CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES…you’re gonna just LOVE!! Simple, easy & fun for anyone to make!! Click on “SHOW MORE” below to get my favorite recipe…


1 – pound fresh Strawberries, submerged into ice cold water for 30 seconds, gently lift strawberries out by hand and drain on paper towels. Dry completely.

12 ounce bag white morsels
2 tablespoons blue colored sugar
2 tablespoons sweetened shredded coconut

Add white morsels to double boiler or heat proof bowl and melt over simmering water. CAUTION: Do NOT get any liquid or moisture in white chocolate.

Dip each strawberry into melted white morsels, dip tips of chocolate covered strawberries into colored sugar or use a spoon to sprinkle sugar on tips. Place on wax paper until chocolate is firm.

Transfer to serving dish. Ready to eat or store in airtight container in refrigerator.

#food #dipped #strawberry #recipe #video #homemade

Hey this is Deronda welcome to foods 101 the fourth is a couple of weeks away so I am going to show you how to prepare these beautiful strawberries dipped in white chocolate and the tips rolled in a colored blue sugar so we’ll have red white and blue white chocolate covered strawberries absolutely delicious simple and easy I’ve taken my strawberries here I put them in a big huge bowl of ice cold water let them soak for 2-3 minutes gently remove them from the water and let them drain here on a paper towel as you can see you don’t want your strawberries wet when you’re dipping them into your white chocolate here I’ve got a little coconut for garnish it’s not necessary but we like coconut with our fruit so I may be putting it on a few of our strawberries that are dipped in white chocolate the white chocolate comes from these slight morsels for like chocolate chips but there and we’re going to go ahead and melt this over some simmering water now you can do it in the microwave but I like to do it over simmering water so come over here and I’ll show you hide you right in your I’ve got some water simmering you see it’s not boiling it’s just barely simmering now I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to put my bowl right on the top of that pen so I can capture the steam coming up the steam will stay trapped between the Pyrex Bowl and the pan and it will start gradually melting these white morsels this may take about three to four minutes so what you want to do is kind of stir it around a little bit so that chocolate can really start melting there I’ve got my white morsels melted as you can see and it’s crucial that you do not get any water or liquid in your morsels while you’re melting them because if you get water in it it’s going to completely separate and you won’t have that pretty chocolate and it will be totally disastrous because you won’t be able to different strawberries in Tights so be sure not to get water in your white morsel before you mount them or after you melt them now I’m going to go ahead and take one of our strawberries over here and I just grab the green part here as you can see and dip it in just give it a little twirl to the right to the left and bring it out there and I dip it in a little bit of blue sugar and put it back over here on the wax paper and let it drop let me show you how to do another one back here in the back they’re larger strawberries just going to dip them in the white chocolate as you can see get them as close up to the green stem as you can shake off the excess white chocolate and then just gently roll it into your blue sugar there you got red white and blue strawberries now when I was melting the morsels I went ahead and I lined my cutting board over here with wax paper you can use parchment paper or wax paper that way when the white chocolate dries you can just pull the strawberries off without them sticking all right then into the sugar again and then whoops and over here on the paper boy those are looking so beautiful and they’re everyone’s favorite alright then into the sugar now if you don’t want to dip it in the sugar don’t do it I just think it makes it look festive if it puts you in the fourth of July spirit and it’s unique and different and people know you put a lot of love and time in it and they really truly appreciate that all right continue this until you have them all coated and they are looking yummy and smell delicious as a matter of fact I want to show you here this blue sugar coloring we have is called a blue raspberry so it’s got a little flavoring to it also let me do another one for you I’ll show you I’ll put the coconut on this one alright just gonna put them down in there dip it there in your sugar put it over here you take a little bit of coconut you see here and just dab it up here at the top and look how beautiful that is all right we’ll do one close-up grab one of the big ones here the big strawberries and see once I wash my strawberries and dry them I put them back in the refrigerator and I make sure the strawberries are very cold because it will stick to the chocolate much better all right now here in the blue sugar and then we can take a little bit of coconut and I’ll show you just sprinkle it on the edges there there you go put it back over here and let it sit up all right I’ll come back and I’ll show you how I’m going to play them and serve them and we’ll give them a taste here they are folks my red white and blue white chocolate dipped strawberries and look how scrumptious and beautiful they are that would put anybody in the 4th of July mood all right let’s give one of these a try and before I do that look over here where I have the coconut you see where I get the coconut on some of them and I’ve got the coconut over here and some I left the coconut off and some I probably should have just left with white chocolate on it but I’m a white chocolate thin with a little sweetness from the colored sugar and of course the coconut I think always polishes off a nice piece of fruit I’m gonna go ahead try this see what it tastes like oh my i took one big bite and that is absolutely delicious hmm hey y’all give me thumbs up wishing all of my subscribers and those who are viewing this video a very happy and safe 4th of July thanks for watching I’ll catch you next time


  1. Dear Deronda, I insist you do captions in Spanish, because I'm sure many more than you might imagine would come to see your wonderful recipes and very well explained …. People look at a good teacher, there are many who want to learn to cook, to make things nice and simple like these and delicious as all your recipes. Plus you have a kitchen very typical here and people seeking this.

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