Liz from The Lemon Bowl demonstrates how to make easy and delicious roasted red pepper hummus for your next gathering. For other great recipe ideas visit

hello my name is Liz delross from the lemon where I make healthy food tastes delicious today I partnered with my friends at Kettle brand chips to talk about picnic Inspirations the sun’s getting out the weather’s heating up it’s time of the year when we take our parties Outdoors whether that’s pool parties barbecues or picnics you name it we’re going to take those parties Outdoors so when I’m thinking about what to create for those events I like to create dishes that can kind of sit out for a little bit without worrying about keeping them cold and that type of thing so it’ll probably come to no surprise to you today that when I think of going Outdoors homeless is what comes to mind you know it’s a huge part of my family it’s really our signature dish something that I bring to every special event and holiday so today I’m sharing roasted red pepper hmus so it’s a different take on your traditional and humus is great like that you can really switch it up by adding a few different ingredients and really making it your own it’s really simple you basically put everything right in the food processor and let that do all the work for you as with most homeless recipes it starts out quite simply with canned chickpeas be sure to drain and rinse them I like to do that because it gets rid of that liquid that contains a lot of excess sodium and when you get rid of that that helps you really lower the sodium content and control the salt level yourself put those right in here next up the star ingredient roasted red peppers full of vitamins full of antioxidants really good for you adds a lot of delicious deep roasted red pepper flavor they’re very easy to make yourself as well um you can boil the pepper quickly over your gas stove put them in a bowl cover them and let the skin come off very simply but I’m not going to judge you if you buy them just like I did next up we’re going to add lemon juice no surprise there right but the juice of one lemon I like to it’s usually about a/4 cup but every lemon is a little bit different so you might need a little more than one the other ingredient that you have to use is tahini it’s a SES it’s really just Sesame past so pureed sesame seeds contains a lot of healthy fats that are good for you and they provide a really deep earthy nutty flavor to really any Hess recipe it’s about um about 1/4 cup my mom likes a lot more so again you can make it your own my mom would probably add almost a half a cup the next ingredient that provides a little bit of smoky flavor is smoked paprika it smells really just Rich deep it’s a lot more flavorful than traditional paprika so I really like to add it and I think it really compliments the other ingredients very well I add about a teaspoon again feel free to add more or less of course you need a little bit of salt to bring on all the flavors about 1 teaspoon and can’t forget garlic my favorite flavor is lemon and garlic a little bit of water also helps get things moving and creates a really smooth texture start with a couple teaspoons tablespoons you can keep a little extra and then if you need to add it later go right ahead um olive oil is another ingredient I like to add that helps make the really creamy healthy texture as well because you’re getting more healthy omega-3 fats from the olive oil start with a couple tablespoons to 1/4 cup and then you can always add more less later if you need it that’s it we’re going to give it our goal and see how it looks so now that the homus is ready to go you can tell everything’s really puring really nicely I’m going to show you how I like to serve it cuz remember you eat with your eyes first so all about presentation in my book I like to take the homus and actually I like to put it in a flat platter a lot of times you see people put dips in bowls but I like to put a lot of delicious garnishes on top and when you have it flat out each little bite gets a bit of the garnish whereas with a small bowl not many people will get those delicious fresh garnishes on top so once that’s kind of spread out nicely you’re going to go ahead and put a little bit of fresh chopped parsley curly your Italian works perfectly and again you’re just kind of bringing out the brightness of the colors making everybody want to come take a bite after that my favorite ingredient for home is toasted pine nuts and the best way to toast them is to put them on a baking sheet and bake them at 350 for about five minutes they’ll be evenly Brown and you don’t have to worry about um them burning on a stove top in a pan I’ve done that way too many times and it it just you have to constant watch them and you get nervous you’re always going to burn them and usually you do so the oven makes it really simple and feel free to go crazy with the pine nuts everybody loves them one of my favorite ways to serve them is with veggies chips you you could have peer bread chips are actually really nice because they’re gluten-free so if you have a party where you might have some guess of different allergies and some that don’t no matter what Everyone likes a potato chip and kettle chips one of the reasons why I choose them when I do eat potato chips is the fact that they don’t contain any GMO ingredients so you really don’t have to feel guilty about eating them they’re made with all natural ingredients potatoes and different seasonings and again there’s no trans fats so if you’re going to indulge in a snack food like a potato chip I really like kettle chips because I trust what’s behind the brand and let’s be real the flavor is delicious let’s give this hommus a try make sure you get a bit of the pine nut in your bite that smell paprika prent the perfect balance to all the flavors perfect amount of garlic lemon juice and guess what this will taste even better tomorrow so if you are throwing a party or going to a picnic save yourself some time the day of and do this ahead of time and that way your stress you the day of the party again thank you for stopping by I hope you like this roasted red pepper homus from Liz atth

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