I tried and will unveil the secret to a decadent keto chocolate pudding recipe that’s not only delicious but also keto-friendly.

More Desserts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr32zrpyE3A4iAgyqzyLJhAdEX0iUH5-7
How to Hard Boil Eggs: https://youtu.be/bD_NHi_tgxY

🍫 Dive into Flavor: Satisfy your cravings with every spoonful of this velvety smooth keto chocolate pudding. Discover how simple ingredients come together to create a dessert that’s rich in flavor and low in carbs, perfect for anyone following a low carb keto lifestyle.

👩‍🍳 Tried and Tested: Join us as I take you through the step-by-step process of making this heavenly treat. With easy-to-follow instructions and insider tips, even novice cooks can master this low carb chocolate pudding recipe and impress friends and family with their culinary skills.

💫 Guilt-Free Indulgence: Say goodbye to sugar crashes and hello to a healthier dessert option! This keto chocolate pudding recipe allows you to enjoy the sweet pleasures of life without derailing your dietary goals. It’s a win-win for your taste buds and your well-being.

📈 Share the Love: Don’t keep this delectable secret to yourself! Like, share, and subscribe to spread the joy of keto-friendly desserts. Your support helps us reach more dessert enthusiasts eager to explore the world of guilt-free indulgence.

👉 Treat yourself to a taste sensation unlike any other. Watch now and prepare to fall in love with our irresistible keto chocolate pudding recipe! #KetoDesserts #ChocolatePudding #healthyindulgence

@MariaEmmerich video: https://youtu.be/QRctr5GMO5g?si=7nTl2PfFmdOyaNW6

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Keto Low Carb Chocolate Pudding:
10 large hard boiled eggs peeled
1 can or 14 ounces coconut milk
1/2 cup Magic Bakers: https://amzn.to/4af2f9Y
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder or chocolate collagen: https://amzn.to/44B9VCa
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon Redmond Real salt or Pink Himalayan Salt

Blend together & Enjoy!

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do you love a good chocy dessert do you hate carbs as much as I do do you want to know how to make a great pudding with close to zero carbs this absolutely delicious smooth creamy that you can eat without any guilt if so you’re in the right place I’m going to show you this chocolate pudding recipe right after this now for this pudding we’re going to use a little bit of an unexpected ingredient but hear me out on this and believe me when I tell you you’re not going to taste the ingredient you’re not going to smell it like you think you would you probably thought I lost my mind I believe the first time I saw this recipe was maybe Maria Emer had this video now I’ll put a link to that one down below too if you want to check it out I was real hesitant to try it I ain’t going to lie but once I did now I’ll make it over and over again it’s one of my favorite desserts when I’m craving something chocolate other than Maurice’s peanut butter cups and those are phenomenal I mean but if you want something a little bit lighter creamier and delicious give this one a shot but enough of that let’s get in the kitchen and let me show you what you need to put together this chocolate pudding now the first thing you’re going to need to put together this chocolate pudding is 10 hardboiled eggs and if you want to see the absolute easiest way you can hard boil eggs with no mess and no stress I’m put a link to my video right up there in the corner and also in the description to show you the easiest way I’ve ever found to do it the next thing you’re going to need is either some chocolate collagen powder which I happen to have on hand or you can just use some unsweetened cocoa and I love this Hershey’s version because it’s just cocoa powder and Alkali they don’t have a bunch of crap in there that you have to worry about so it’s super simple you can find this just about anywhere you can use the dark chocolate or just your favorite low carb chocolate the next thing you’re going to need is your favorite sweetener and you know I love the Splenda magic Bakers blend now I get a bunch of crap in the comments about using Splenda this is not Splenda this is not the original Splenda this is the magic Baker blend so all it has in it is alose arral and Stevia so if you don’t like those three ingredients don’t use it but it doesn’t have the maltodextrin it’s not the original Splenda so hey keto police comment down the next ingredient in here is one of my absolute favorites I feel like it’s so underused cuz it has so much good fat in it so much flavor and adds a richness and creaminess to just about anything it is this beautiful coconut milk make sure you look at the ingredients you don’t want a bunch of junk in there just coconut milk full fat don’t get that light stuff all that is is water added to the coconut milk if you want to do that do it yourself don’t pay for it and then the next ingredient you’re going to need and you better know if you come to my channel and you’re watching desert video it’s going to have some vanilla extract in it and it’s going to be the pure vanilla extract you know my motto by pure vanilla extract today save a beaver along the way you know what I’m talking about hey and if you don’t know phone a friend or ask somebody in the comments they know what’s up and after that vanilla the next thing you’re going to need is some cinnamon now you can get saline cinnamon you can get all kind of cinnamons from all over the world you can get Mountaintop rised sundried Banana Leaf wrapped under an oak tree sundried cinnamon hey whatever you want to get this kind I just get a food line hey it’s quick and easy oh man that was a mouthful anyway the next thing you’re going to need some salt either do this Redmond’s real salt or some pink Himalayan just make sure you don’t get any of the white refined salt just throw that stuff away just get rid of it these pink ones the unrefined ones have all the minerals that you’ll need 84 different minerals that’s what your body needs get rid of the other crap just throw it away this stuff’s so much better for you and hey the next thing you’re going to do is just find the dirtiest blender you can find and throw those eggs right in there we’re going to start combining everything together here so put all the eggs right in the basket now hey I know it looks dirty this thing is perfectly clean it’s been washed millions of times I’m going to pour the whole can of the coconut milk right in there and don’t worry I’ve scrub this blender for hours and hours and hours so please don’t worry about my personal health and well-being I’m going to add the chocolate in I’m going to add the sweetener in I’m going to take the cinnamon then I’m just going to start combining it together and last but not least I’m going to take that vanilla and pour that right in the mix oh man see it made like a little face in there ain’t that cute if you like keto or low carb desserts like this and you’re not subscribed to my channel make sure you hit the little subscribe button down there it just lit up for you and there’s a bell next to it click that Bell and you’ll know anytime I upload a new video and now it’s time to get all all these ingredients in there together it’s not a party unless everybody’s mingling and jingling so I’m going to put the top on this bad boy and hey if you notice up there I lost a little plastic piece that came on it so what I do is just take a paper towel and put it on top of there I know one day I’m going to get a new blender but hey till then I’m going to use this one it works just fine so start out with a low speed just start mixing everything together you want to get everything really well combined and I know you probably think this is going to taste like eggs that’s why I did this recipe I’m going to put it up a little bit higher just to keep blending everything together but listen I wanted to try this for you cuz I thought if you saw this recipe there’s no way you’re going to try it cuz it probably tastes like eggs but hey I tried it out wanted to let you know that once you mix all this stuff together it is absolutely delicious I had my doubts about it to begin with also now make sure when you’re doing this you scrape these sides down just like I did and I could have used a spatula but you know I always try to keep you guessing and I got to taste it also so there you go but yeah spatule it up whatever you want to do and then go to just a little bit higher of a blend can you see how that’s all getting together like that I’m telling you I was hesitant I didn’t think this was going to turn out good a lot of these other recipes I’ve tried I didn’t like but this one is a winner I’m just telling you right now look at how beautiful that looks see how everything kind of got together if you want a little more chocolate than that you can put a little more chocolate but then I just put it in a container like this it keeps real well in the fridge for about a week or so you can even freeze some if you wanted to but it’s not going to last that long in my house probably won’t last that long in yours either but I just like to put a lid on it stick it in the fridge and just let the flavors kind of get together for you know maybe an hour or so maybe a little bit less I’m just going to let it hang out in there until I get hungry enough when I have to eat it I love it and you’re going to love it too now if you like that dessert you’re really going to love these I’m going to put a playlist right here it’s got a ton of absolutely delicious keto desserts for you if you don’t like desserts not sure why you watch this video anyway but I do appreciate it I also appreciate everybody sharing these videos and your comments thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you on the next video


  1. You know you’re going to have people screaming at you, “Liar liar. Pants on fire. It HAS to taste like eggs!” lol 😂 Absolutely not! I’m glad you’re spreading the word—this stuff is yummy! 👍🏻 (I feel like I’m in the “cool” crowd now—when you speak of a yellow bowl or beaver butt, I know what you’re talking about! 🤣)

  2. I am going to try this recipe but only with the egg whites, let's see the result. Thanks for the idea

  3. I would like to try this after YOU made it. I seriously don’t trust me making this and it actually tasting good! 😮😂🤣

  4. We do ours with scrambled eggs and use Anthony’s organic black cocoa powder. It’s like Oreo pudding. I’ve also froze it in push pop containers for puffin pops. Great video sir!

  5. If you want hard boiled eggs for a recipe like this, the easiest way I found was to toss some water in your instapot and just cracking. Put your eggs in a instapot safe bowl. Just run it for like 6 minutes. Basically makes a shell-free bowl of hard boiled eggs. Going to have to try this recipe again. I've tried it twice and really didn't like the texture. I thought I blended it enough but may have to blend it even more. But definitely you can't taste the egg. It wouldn't bother me if you did. I definitely had all my fellow Pole workers at the last election. Jealous that I was basically eating what they thought of as pudding for lunch. But told him it's basically eating a dozen hard boiled eggs. They all wanted the recipe.

  6. Whenever you use coconut cream/milk would you please mention the fat%.? What is labelled 'coconut milk or cream' or 'lite' varies hugely by brand and where you are in the world. That would allow me to choose a brand that best fits with your recipe. Thanks

  7. Have you made a way to make pistachio or vanilla or banana or butterscotch loving your recipes? I was going to try to make the pudding with gelatin, cashew milk and chocolate and half of been able to try it out yet love your idea. I’ve saved every recipe could find from you, God bless you

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