It was a group project and I have no clue what happened, they didn’t taste good either 😭 such a fun time though!! You can see what they were supposed to look like when I tried rescuing them with a cookie cutter lol

by SloppyInevitability


  1. AbbeyRoadMoonwalk

    They look like chubby babies sitting with their back to a window 😂

  2. We home bakers have all experienced the flatness 🥴

  3. You guys have cooking class in high school?! Also, what in the world is “home ec”? I live in Quebec and I have never heard of those before appart from american movies and books.

  4. Oldbutnottired3119

    Oh my, I’m so stupid. For a minute there, I saw the shroud of Turin. My Catholic mom would shoot me if she were here XD

  5. 😂🤣😂 those are some obese baby butts! But seriously, that dough needs some more flour.

  6. Dark-wolf1313

    Looks good just put them to close together still edible lol

  7. sweet-n-soursauce

    Someone in my cooking class group mixed up the sugar with the salt in a peanut butter cookie recipe, it hurt my soul when I tasted how salty they were lol.

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