Smok d chicken quarters and bacon wrapped cheeseburger onion rings

by CrownedHeads


  1. Ondrasfnbr

    this seems like a heart attack in four pictures

  2. speedbump32

    Fuck it….I’ll risk heart failure pile me up a fat plate!

  3. Truck3R_Dude

    Not big on onion rings, but it’s a whole meal in one circle.
    🙋 I’ll take 3 please

  4. more_beans_mrtaggart

    That chicken looks good. Can you give me the times and temps please?

  5. Imaginary_Audience_5

    I’m not a big chicken fan but who could resist that mahogany color!

  6. wltmpinyc

    Those onion rings would be bonkers on a burger

  7. Icy-Astronaut-9994

    Ok, I admit it, you got me on those Onion rings.

    Have never seen such a delicious looking creation, and I foresee those in my future, like later today.

  8. Idont_know2022

    That looks great. Chicken looks like it’s going to be extra juicy

  9. Feisty-Specific-8793

    Cousin!!!! I miss you!! Me and the kids have been meaning to come over!

  10. JMacLax16

    Bacon wrapped cheeseburger onion rings… You beautiful sonofabitch, I’m doing this.

  11. tokugawabloodynine

    You got some fabulous color on that bird

  12. Lowkey_Photographer

    I need instructions on how to make those onion rings……please

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