What are the healing benefits of olive oil? And how do we know that we are getting the good stuff for our bodies? If you’re in the market for olive oil, you want it to be extra virgin olive oil for starters. It’s not called nature’s Ibuprofen for nothing! Read more here: https://drjockers.com/olive-oil-health-benefits/

You want it to come in a dark glass bottle ideally and you want to pay close attention to the harvesting date on the bottle. Should you go for green or black olives – which are better for you?

There’s a ton of great info to consider as Dr. Jockers shares valuable information on the above, as well as the 5 Key Compounds in Extra Virgin Olive Oil That Give Powerful Healing Benefits.

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[Music] extra virgin olive oil is also very rich in vitamin E which is great for our endothelial function of our blood vessels so it helps reduce our risk of heart disease helps improve blood flow into the brain vitamin E does so it reduces the risk of dementia depression um anxiety issues it helps reduce all of that it reduces all neurological related inflammation because it helps improve oxygen delivery into the brain so real powerful vitamin E there’s also polyphenols now the most well-studied polyphenols that are in extra virgin olive oil are aloc canthal and hydroxy thyrosol now aloc canthal are what actually gives olive oil the bitter peppery taste so one way you know you’re getting a really good olive oil is when you take it it should have like a bittery peppery taste to it should almost have like almost a level of uncomfortable ility when you take it uh just straight up if you don’t mix it you know have it in a salad or something it might even take take a little bit of uncomfortability kind of the back of your throat that’s that aloc canthal that you’re noticing now aloc canol is has been studied and actually been shown to be more powerful than nids like ibuprofen Tylenol so non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing pain I recommend consuming one to two tablespoons of high polyphenol fresh pressed extra virgin olive oil daily and you can get incredible pain relieving benefits there’s also a 2015 study that showed that this aloc canthal is actually able to kill cancer cells from lysosomal membrane permeation meaning that basically it breaks down the membrane the outer membrane of the cancer cell and destroys the cancer cell so a lot of promise there one to two tablespoons of a really good quality High polyphenol extra virgin olive oil will give you that clinical dose now what does that mean High polyphenol extra virgin olive oil yeah some extra virgin olive oils are not high in polyphenols right and that kind of brings us I’m going to I’m going to jump back up to here but first I’m going to go right here green versus black olives so green olives are unripe olives green olives are very high in polyphenols very high in aloc canthal very high in hydroxy thyrosol I didn’t talk about the benefit of hydroxy thyrosol but that actually helps protect the blood brain barrier it’s also able to cross the blood brain barrier and reduce inflammation in the brain which is really unique as far as a uh phytonutrient and it also protects and stabilizes the blood brain barrier so toxins don’t get in there pathogens don’t get in there um unwanted inflammation inflammatory uh provoking agents don’t get into the blood brain barrier so hydroxy tyrosol amazing for the brain aloc canol really great anti-inflammatory benefits throughout the body anti anti-cancer anti- pain uh it helps improve joint health skin health so these polyphenols are really awesome they’re really amazing they’re going to be found more in the green olives green olives are low in fat high in polyphenols what happens is the Olive ripens it gets lower in polyphenols higher in fat now the fat is healthy so black olives are healthy are higher in monounsaturated oleic acid but they’re low in these powerful polyphenols so personally I I I like all olives I like green and black but I I enjoy the flavor of the black olives better so when I have olives that’s what ief personally prefer I enjoy black olives uh but green olives actually have more of these polyphenols and so when you’re getting an olive oil to get the best clinical benefit and the best anti-inflammatory effect from it you want to make sure you’re getting it from the green olive press now the issue with that is it takes a lot more green olive Oles to make 32 ounces or whatever whatever your you know container of olive oil is and so it takes a lot more so it’s going to cost more so they’re going to be more expensive so if you see an olive oil that’s $1 $15 you know unfortunately uh for let’s say 16.9 ounces or so unfortunately it’s probably using the black olive so it’s not going to have the polyphenols and you’ll notice by The Taste if it doesn’t have that bitter peppery taste it’s not going to have those polyphenols you’re not going to get the same clinical benefit from it so it might have 20% of those polyphenols as opposed to you know the full dose therefore you need a lot more tablespoons to get that clinical [Music] benefit


  1. a quality artisan EVOO producer will give you the oleocanthol/hydroxytyrosol, etc. count!! It saddens me that most olive oil sold on the US market is adulterated knock off oil cut with vegetable and/or other oils. There's an olive oil cartel which makes a fortune selling cut rate junk oil in the US and the majority are unsuspecting and uneducated regarding the majority of all food products they shove in their mouths, let alone the quality of their EVOO.
    Food IS medicine. Thanx Doc!!

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