#traditional #pasta #pastalover
If you’re anything like me – meaning, you find it hard to decide which *Italian pasta recipe* to pick or experiment with, because you just love pasta so much – then this video might come in handy!
Today I’m relying on the internet’s favorites and I’m reproducing 3 OF THE BEST RATED PASTA DISHES, according to the TASTE ATLAS website -yes, I hadn’t heard of this *super cool website* prior to filming this video. And yes, I’m going to consult it regularly from now on 🤌🏻
Follow this adventure from *your trusted Italian pasta lover* to know more!
I promise your mouth will start watering in 3…2…1…

🍝 TOP PASTA RECIPES – TASTE ATLAS RANKING: https://www.tasteatlas.com/best-rated-pasta-dishes-recipes-in-the-world
AUTHENTIC AMATRICIANA RECIPE – AMATRICE TOWN WEBSITE: https://www.comune.amatrice.rieti.it/gli-spaghetti-allamatriciana/
PASTA ALLA NORMA – THE FULL STORY: https://www.lucianopignataro.it/a/ricetta-pasta-a-la-norma-siciliana-in-siciliano/14079/

FOLLOW ME ON TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsbarbsonyoutube?_t=8fWchJiomaO&_r=1

02:40-06:10 1st pasta dish SPAGHETTI ALLE VONGOLE
06:10-10:05 2nd pasta dish AMATRICIANA
10:05-13:14 3rd pasta dish PASTA ALLA NORMA
13:14-13:56 OUTRO

one of the stereotypes about Italy and Italians is that we eat pasta every day and you know what they say about stereotypes right sometimes they might be true one affirmation that would anyways be really hard to argue with is that if we ate one traditional pasta recipe each day we would definitely not get bored there are so many authentic Italian pasta recipes the list is so long it would take us months to go through it all and when you have that many options it’s so hard to piek a favorite let alone for someone like me meaning someone who can never decide so that’s why today I want to rely on the people’s favorites on the internet’s favorites I want to reproduce three of the best rated traditional pasta recipes and I obviously want to take you guys along are you [Music] ready hello everyone this is barbs but today I am your trusted Italian pasta lover here is serve you once again and today I am also working closely with my laptop because I need to consult what the world has to say about pasta and Italian pasta recipes I randomly discovered this amazing website which by the way is totally worth checking it out if you haven’t already called taste Atlas which is and I’m quoting from their Wikipedia page a world atlas of traditional dishes local ingredients and authentic restaurants and you know at first I thought that was just a claim but then I took a closer look to the Articles and the recipes they share wo they have a bunch of different rankings and of course many of them are centered around pasta so when I stumbled on this top 24 best pasta recipes best rated pasta dishes recipes in the world and I saw that number one the list had been last updated on the 16th of March 2024 and number two that the first 10 positions were all Italian recipes parkour I thought it would be fun to play this game of randomly picking three out of these typical recipes that I rated to be the best so that we can try to reproduce them in the most traditional Italian passel over certified way so if we can please direct our attention to my laptop we I’m going to use an online number generator tool right number nine number nine all right let’s write number nine second number is six number six all right number six last but not least 10 number 10 all right so let me just quickly find out what recipes these numbers are linked to let me just quickly go grocery shopping and I’ll see you guys in the blink of an eye I am thrilled you guys in ninth position we find Spaghetti Al this is oh hi this is a Neapolitan dish where spaghetti and clams clams means bong are the absolute protagonist we need very few other ingredients this neap poan traditional recipe calls for the vong ver but unfortunately when I went both to my local fish shop and to the grocery store they didn’t have any so this time I’ll have to go with this other type of clam called lupini which is more typical of the Mar adriatico in the area where I live these are now all set and good to go but previously I rinsed them under cold water then I left them in salty water for I want to say a couple hours and then I washed them again so Tech technically we should have got rid of all the sand and the residuals and stuff all right from this angle you won’t be able to see me but hopefully you’ll be able to hear me cuz I have my new mic anyways I’ve already have my water going strong right here to this pin I’m going to add a round well maybe more than a round of like that that was too much that was too much that was too much I’m going to turn on the heat high heat I don’t particularly like garlic nor enjoy it nor can digest it so I’m going to add just one clove I am also going on with some Pon Chino like that and last but not least some parsley stocks all right this is too aggressive so let’s lower the heat a little bit so once the garlic is nice and I’m taking it out and now my lupini go in ready woo lit on top top of the pan clums in general don’t require much cooking and lupini specifically they’ll be done in like a couple minutes or so anyways we need to keep on eye on the pan because as soon as they start opening we need to take them out as you can see they’re pretty much all good what I’m going to do is I’m going to turn off the heat I’m going to carefully pluck out the meat from each shell I saved you guys the entire process so these are the clams these are all the shells I just cannot get over it look how tiny they are anyways just like that and then o can you see water here is about to boil so let’s add some salt and let’s get in with our spaghetti I will filter this again using a cloth this is a napkin is that what it’s called anyway so then we’ll have a definitely super clean juice to work with okay no residuals in here so now this goes back in and basically let’s just wait for the spaghetti to be ready actually not fully ready we want them really Al because we want them to finish cooking inside the pen with the juice and some of the pasta [Music] water I am now going to put my clams back in and when the liquid is almost fully absorbed I’m going to sprinkle some parsley on top time to Plate this [Music] up number six is amatria when you’re in Rome one of the first things you notice in terms of food is that amri carbon Anda are like the Holy Grail of pasta dishes and that might make you think that a matri Chana is a Roman recipe but actually it’s not the matri Chana sauce comes from the town of Amat and they are so proud of their world-known recipe that they decided to share an absolutely authentic like verified certified traditional version of that on their website it’s a big deal my friend one of the main ingredient of the recipe is one chal that I’ve already wiced up I know it’s a bit difficult to find one chal outside of Italy I mean you obviously do what you can but this is what the tradition requires so that’s what I’m going to use use I’m going to drizzle a little bit of olive oil this much and I’m going to keep the pan on a very high heat this is optional from what I understand the tiniest amount of Pono you know there’s a fine line between having it too soggy or too crispy we need to find that balance and like stay in the middle all right and at this point we add our wine and de glaze woo [Music] when we don’t smell the alcohol anymore we wait for the color to get just right then we turn off the heat and we carefully drain it putting it on some paper towel we also put some other paper on top now what we need to do is we’re going to keep the liquid with all the juice from the gual and we’re going to cook our um tomato sauce in here I ended up using four Sano as you can see I like pierced them and then I boiled it just for a few minutes until I could see the peel coming off basically on its own then I drained them I carefully peel them and then I diced them I also removed all the seats so this is what I ended up with so we need to cook these Tomatoes again inside the juice on medium low heat with a lid on the pan for about 15 maybe 20 minutes and let’s wait for our tomatoes to turn into a proper sauce our water is now boiling I’m going to go in with my pasta now both spaghetti and bucatini are fine in the meantime let’s check on our table I know this next step is not on the recipe let alone the traditional one I think I’m going to add some of the pasta water into my sauce because I want it to get a bit thicker and creamier do you guys think theatri town will sue me well at least if this all goes wrong we know when it started to go wrong [Music] right okay now because our pasta is almost ready I’m going to put it back in the pan so that it gets all combined with the sauce while this dances in here for a little bit and our pasta finishes cooking I’m going to tell you the last piece of information usually when you cook a pasta dish you keep some of the pasta water you drain your p pasta and you put it back in the pen with the where the sauce is also cooking so that it all gets very creamy and well combined what the traditional recipe says we need to do instead is we need to get rid of all the pasta water drain our spaghetti very very carefully and then put them in a regular Bowl in a non-head bowl together with some grated picino cheese as our very last step we put our sauce directly in the bowl old school baby [Music] and our last one is number 10 pasta nor for our final recipe we’re flying straight to Sicily and specifically to the city of katania where they say this recipe was originally invented it’s so rich yet it’s fresh it’s comforting it’s for sure one of those traditional recipes it’s really worth knowing how to reproduce at home first on the agenda is taking care of our eggplants again I’m making this recipe only for me and my dad so I decided to use only one eggplant I rinsed it under cold water then I cut it into slices and as I hope you can see from this angle I tried to cut almost at the same distance as much as I could because if we managed to end up with slices that are almost the same size it’s more likely for them to have almost the same cooking time hopefully they should cook evenly when we fry them in olive oil oh yes we need fried eggplants for this one this is is my frying pan literally frying pan meaning a pan that I use for only when I have to fry things up I’m sure everybody has at least one in their kitchen and we just wait until they’re a nice golden brown [Music] color next up is our tomato sauce and I know the recipe on the taste Atlas website called for tomato sauce but I was told to use um canned tomatoes like peeled Tom like whole peel like P SCA let’s smash the tomatoes a little bit now we cover with the lid and we’ll leave it here for about 15 minutes time to get our pasta in and now let’s check on our sauce oo all right so it’s been less than 15 minutes but honestly I’m already quite happy with the consistency so I’m going to turn up the heat and then I need to filter the sauce so that we’ll get rid of all the seeds and the pieces of garlic and whatever does not belong in here now I want to let it reduce for another 10 minutes on low heat and in the meantime I’m going to cut my eggplants that are now almost room T into Stripes all right all right now let’s add in our pasta this is still pretty alente so we want the macaroni to finish cooking inside the sauce rip my white sweater you guys turn up the heat a little bit cuz now our pasta is fully cooked let’s turn off the heat completely sprinkle our grated ricotta Salata a grated ricotta on top honestly I don’t even remember what the recipe said I’m just measuring with my heart let’s plate this beauty shall [Music] we what a fun time you guys I really hope you enjoyed this little traditional Italian pasta recipes roulette I honestly found exciting this thing of randomly picking recipes basically blindfolded and then trying to reproduce them together but obviously let me know what what you think did you guys like this forat would you like me to do it again or to pick other recipes also from other rankings or from other websites let me know and of course if you try out one of these pasta dishes or if you have a personal favorite among the OG Italian classic don’t forget to leave me a comment down below give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye


  1. I totally lived off Spaghetti alla Vongole when I was in Venice.

    At home I usually cook Pasta alla Salmone with plenty of lemon juice in with the salmon.

    Totally going to research more pasta recipes on TasteAtlas

    grazie per il suggerimento!

  2. This was great thank you Barbs, like I need an excuse to cook more pasta. If anyone is also in the US, you can get Guanciale at wholefoods and if you're on the east cost Wegmans.

  3. Love your channel. I just returned from Rome a few days ago and already miss the food. Took a cooking class one of the restaurants offered, made our own fettuccini, ravioli, tiramisu, and ate it for lunch.

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