Can we play guess the hot dog joint? Depression dog, 1950s vibe, outdoor seating with yellow tables, suburban

by PostComa


  1. Almost looks like Mean Weiner in Highwood, but last time I went (admittedly a LONG time ago) the dog was much larger

  2. Johnnie’s Beef in Elmwood

    I know those yellow tables anywhere

  3. Gosh. There was a place called kings and queens in the burbs of Berwyn back in the 90s. It was two hot dog and fries for 0.99. We went there all the time for that deal. One hot dog and fries was enough. But on those days you’d go out and have a few. It hit the spot. Good times as a kid

  4. The double char dog is the top dog at Rand’s.

  5. Sufficient-Length153

    I wont get a dog there bc of lack of poppy seeds.

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