πŸšπŸ‹ Welcome to Episode 194: ‘Transform Your Italian Feast with 4 Unique Arancini Variations and a Limoncello Collins Twist’ on Side Dish

Prepare for an Italian culinary adventure in this week’s episode of Side Dish! We’re exploring four unique Arancini variations and pairing them with a refreshing Limoncello Collins. Join us for a delightful journey that will elevate your Italian feast.

What’s on the Menu?

Classic Arancini: Delight in the traditional taste of classic arancini, with a gooey mozzarella center and a hint of saffron.

Sausage and Pepper Arancini: Enjoy the hearty flavors of sausage and peppers encased in crispy, golden arancini.

Mexican Rice Arancini: Experience a fusion of flavors with arancini made from Mexican rice, bringing a spicy twist to this Italian classic.

Spinach and Ricotta Arancini: Savor the creamy goodness of spinach and ricotta, perfectly complemented by the crunchy exterior of the arancini.

Limoncello Collins: Quench your thirst with our Limoncello Collins, a refreshing cocktail that combines the zesty flavors of limoncello with the effervescence of soda water and a hint of gin.

Why You Can’t Miss This Episode:

Italian Culinary Delight: Discover how to create these four unique variations of arancini, perfect for impressing guests or enjoying a special meal at home.

Refreshing Cocktail Pairing: Learn how to mix a Limoncello Collins, an ideal companion to our arancini creations, adding a citrusy twist to your Italian feast.

Interactive Viewing: Engage with us during our live premiere! Share your culinary experiments, ask questions, and interact with fellow food and drink enthusiasts.

πŸ”” Elevate Your Italian Feast: Subscribe and hit the bell to stay updated with all our culinary adventures. Let’s enjoy the art of Italian cooking together!

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[Music] cookie hi everybody it’s me Doug welcome to side dish um I’m just cutting some peppers here in the red variety and you’re like Doug why are you doing that and it’s because I’m making these three variations of classic arini like what’s arini do aini if you don’t know is a Oreo rice that’s made into risoto tradition and risoto is filled you stuff it you put some mozzarella in the middle of it coat it in flour egg and breadcrumbs and pan fries delicious delicious treat yeah and that is what we’re doing so uh great week this week I believe short short week yeah but super awesome also you know speci about today it’s July it’s June 1st and you know what June 1st is everybody it’s the start of’s birthday month yeah it’s my birthday month um the other thing that happened today [Music] um hear you yeah I was streaming but now you all have um is the new rev of our Minecraft server the what Minecraft server you’ve had a Minecraft server no no I’m saying that the one that ping in the new version of it like um yeah so we’re going to just um I’ve already made the the risoto that took an hour standing here and going it was worth it it’s very good that’s currently chilling so what we’re going to do is we’re going to just start with making getting the fillings and stuff ready for the other ones we’re going to make so what are we what ones are we making we’re going to make this sausage and pepper AR Chini variation a Mexican rice AR and Chi and a Spanish Rota uh energy those are going to be really good let’s start with this one so I’ve got a half pound of uh a little bit spicy Italian sausage and that will go there this guy you can’t no you cannot rush it and I did not also if you don’t have like a tool like this that looks like a like a b [Music] then get your sof one cuz they are really great and let that cook a little but the other thing we’re going to add to this [Music] is qu cup of these onions that I finally diced and half cup of the dice little bit probably what we have hatun Oria I’ve heard about Chow House just heard about it last weekend the boys I think they were talking about show House oh yeah oh you’re just put the rest in yeah measurements be damed well I figur that’s kind of you cooking with your heart yeah I’m put the rest of the onions used okay weast not want that yeah that’s what again all of this is going to go back into their bowls because again um oh the other thing I got that I thought I would do for this one is I ground no no not ground threaded up some mozzarella cheese and I’m just gonna once this is all yeah otherwise there was no cheese there was no cheese oh yeah you got to have some cheese or else y yeah otherwise otherwise yuck yeah you heard it here first you heard it here first I want to get everything nice and there’s plenty of oil in the sausage you don’t need to put anything else there plenty of fat that’s it just like right here to your oh it’s beautiful here the weather’s been just phenomenal last night was yeah we ate outside what that’s is that the third meal you’ve eaten outside this summer dog are you going to be all right well it’s not bloody hot there’s not a lot of bugs you enjoyed it yes I did enjoy that’s my point is it wasn’t bloody hot and I I know I know I know I know I know know I know I know I’ve been finding I’ve been going cleaning my studio and finding like oh there’s like a 3/4 finished project in this bag I’m going to finish it which really slows you down so today I found a little like tabletop gumball machine I had found I had purchased at some point yeah I remember that and I just glued it all together and I filled it with shells and it’s real cute and I put a little shell in the in the little place where your prize comes out or your Gumball comes out uh so isn’t that cute I said it was cute oh you did um I was gonna say speaking of shells last night we had our friends the Elling over and they almost two-year-old Remy Amy got out a big box of shells um she really really enjoyed the sound that they made and then Jack thought there was some sort of treat and he picked one up he tried to steal one like one of the spikiest ones like Jack you’re not going to like that they you know sometimes their brains don’t work I think for a dog brain his was working just fine he thought it was a drink kid was really into it so what else is Friday said oh I B beautiful of bread like out of the perfect Lo of bread and it turned out perfect yeah it was beautiful I should have taken a picture of it and you made that roast chicken I made roast chick you could show half of it you only cut into half of it and it was really really really really really great I want to get let this fry because I’m going to get it to the point where I can show off your loaf of bread what’s that what’s in your fountain oh yeah so we have a fountain back there and we got uh I was cleaning up a bunch of cardboard we had over there because from the patio for set up I was like walked over to it and I was like what the hell the whole thing is filled with Tad so cute this I just I go on and on and on and on and on but so good it is good that was a dog coffee why would you think it was you I thought oh um yeah otherwise I mean just been kind of cleaning up the front room game room area is pretty close to like together pretty well we got to get Chester drawers that we’re going to use as the console CER I need the TV painted and sanded and all that yes and then um TV switch TVs from one room to the next yes good GL I’m proud of your and for throwing away old food I kind of chop up these peppers a little bit too they’re going to get soft enough but I feel like oh oh the so okay so we should go back to last night the reason the alien pins came over is because um you know I have a I have a kombucha scobby and Kucha I have a thing Lindsay [Music] wanted to learn how to make kombucha when I took the scobby out for the first time uh Chris her husband was not impressed he uh he thought that well hi Annie and uh he thought that was gross like super gross and um linday wasn’t super impressed by it either but I was like this is what you need in order to make what you want so [Music] okay so now but she’s drinking like two kombuchas a day so she needs to learn how to make her own yeah because Kucha pricy she likes a very specific kombucha coconut lime what’s happening blue Al hper has a little swollen eye not her eye on not her eyeball but around her eye like like when you have a black eye it looks kind of looks better maybe she got bit by something yeah or she goture okay I’ll I’ll see where he’s out and uh see if he wants to be here because I know that you enjoyed our interaction I don’t know how much this is I just did a lot you said my name oh yeah here back this do that both have raw stuff in it had raw sausage go here that’s seven five and a half with kids they got to come back for a half day that Monday uhhuh and it’s going to be field day how many kids do you think are coming no kids are coming except for maybe like a handful or something we have to feed them breakfast and lunch yeah you might get has anybody made anything interesting lately any fun me made that raspberry s Bay last week and we tooky Saturday or Sunday afternoon bit of a hit and then made lime or lemon and high school has finals on that Monday that is so rude mean okay so I’ve got some tro here I’m just going to Brown this up because what I’m going to do is I’m going to take this toito and then I’m I have pepper jet cheese and we’re going to basically stuff and then put cheese we’re going to make the rice ball we’re going to throw the toito in there and and then stuff that in the middle I made Spanish I made Spanish no Spanish I made Spanish rice for day really excellent really excellent onion and cheese enchiladas yeah Torito is underrated I really enjoy it quite a bit this is I okay so I will admit something right off the pretty much right off the bat here I don’t I have not really enjoyed Aaron chy that much in the past find it I found it to be one dimensional where I’ve at eaten it Amy made these Mexican like that last weekend sometime yeah and it was I like I like this I ended up eating Myer what cheese did you put in the middle of just ched well we had those cheddar colby jack oh yeah cheese sticks so I just chopped one of those up and stuffed it in the middle or two of those up oh a charita breakfast taco aome does it have an egg on it because if it has an egg with it that is so those ear and chy were just an experiment but they turned out really well I think they really well um I do think the thing that I don’t know I just I think where I’ve had them they just have not been in my mind very flavorful except the ones you made like again because the rice was flat seasoned really well came out really nicely well I think the last time we’ve had them they’ve just been like they had like ham and peas in the rice it and it was just like a bland cheese and yeah they weren’t all that flavorable they were more about like dipping them in marinara that gave them flavor oh speaking of you I’ll just add so we get textura egg cheese man I am a huge fan of just egg on like anything yeah I love these are one of my favorite especially a properly made soft not soft oil but over medium egg where it goes a little bit of the yolk the rest of is just kind [Music] of what about Peas I said it had they have peas and ham in them the other Aon JY that we where did we get where did we have [Music] it say was it the Irish PB no that I mean I know that I was [Music] there I don’t remember where have you been well we haven’t had them in a restaurant lately because Doug doesn’t like them but we’ve have ordered them before I don’t know I can’t [Music] remember and it’s not like when you order arini you can be like are these flavorful or are they just a vessel for marinara go te Adventure inde go team pure how does he know oh uh I don’t know if we’ve said this but Venture Brothers is a probably held in one of the most high esteemed things in this household it is one of my greatest joys in life I introduced Amy to venture brothers and she fell in love with Brock Samson pretty much immediately and has we we’ve probably watched all the seasons I was watching some episodes today multiple times like we we still crack up like there are things said like I’m just like this is the best did crack up at something I can’t remember makes me laugh out loud oh that’s it yes that’s where we had them yes I mean and they you know I don’t know just it doesn’t seem like they made their a handmade risoto and then you know kind of discussed that that it I think I believe yeah there wasn’t a boreal rice which is what you make okay so this is done we got one more to do well and the truth is Aon CH is not like a thing you set you originally set out to make most of the time it’s what’s made with your left over risoto from last night so what this proved and I said it earlier before we started was that I can make pretty good result so coming soon to a screen near you you can’t make rice pea but you can make risoto I sure can also why you bring up bad memories sorry I’m just saying they’re pretty Rel I’m just saying what is that there’s a line in that Taylor Swift song that’s like casually brutally honest in the name no casually cruel in the name of being brutally honest oh and it’s like sorry is that how you think of that no I’m just saying it’s but that reminds me of that because people always say you know just being honest that’s saying just being honest with you like yeah you don’t have to I wanted to clean that out a little bit because I don’t want the painted person and their order of operations if you watch this show see a smart man do anything I have bad news for all of you Jo has to get done so okay so what we’ve got here is we’ve got some spinach and two cups birth I pushed it way down and I need butter which I have right here yep the dog you need that much butter I’m sauteing that down yeah okay and I do and I’m adding garlic I knew this would happen so don’t worry oh man I don’t know yes you did Teresa probably thinks that’s all we do around here well it is pretty funny that she came like texted you this would she come texted you this morning can she bring stuff over or well I text her early this morning because I found a fting couch on Craigslist that I thought she might be interested in and then and then I missed a text from her at like 10 maybe earlier saying they’d made french bread french toast casserole could she bring me some and then I said yeah but Doug is asleep and then by the time she got over here you were up but I was taking a nap true statement everyone true statement oh well Saturday it is Saturday and you know what I don’t have children do that naps are truest one of the truest Joys and sleeping of my life know that if you are child and the sun has been waking me up at like 5:45 I know but I don’t I don’t I’m not mad there’s a few days I feel like you might I wasn’t mad this morning were you just like just sleep with my mask on and I’ll probably never I Batman I the bat I’m gonna be a super vill he goes cool I’m gonna be Batman but I think he go Venture when he put I think he says I am the bat because I’m pretty sure I am the Knight is probably tra marked but pink could probably he probably knows she [Music] more got me really yeah that thing on your lip finally healed up that burn on your grease burn on your lip maybe turn it turn it off burn it just to put that right on the floor perfect people are giving you love for getting burned well I put you think maybe is people don’t have your best interest in I don’t know you know just I think like they just want to see it it’s fine just want to see it work to do we wants a party for her birthday this year what party I do want a party I deserve a party [Music] all six of our [Music] friends and add this literally just got don’t go using frozen spinach or you don’t use use it in a salad treat yourself nice I need a half cup of morot a pinch this is going to be making creamy delicious Cent creamy and delicious perfect we had this is something I probably I might I would make on the show last night Lind brought over one I mean it was simple and delicious but it was UN it was so good it was a combination of two salad it was like a melon and Pudo salad and then she chopped up a shallot put it bomic vinegar and let it soak in the bomic vinegar for a little bit and then in the middle of the bowl of and so she ringed the bowl with the melon then sprinkled the Pudo around put a whole ball BR half half sorry half a ball of bar inside of each of the bowls and then um B add some basil the onions and then have the olive oil if you wanted to drizzle more over the top salt and pepper and pine nuts yep oh P I forgot yeah it it was something else it was delicious on top chat not all chat I like top chat I don’t want this to get too wilty but it’s perfect still wilted that’s wilted don’t you think yeah I would take are you going to take it off the heat this would also make an excellent Pini or what’s the other one ravioli stuffing [Music] that was not me yes fresh not me over heat will do that I got to do some rejiggering here and then I know it looks pretty good right yeah that would be good on toast yeah the fountain you gave me going up front okay so we have all three of our fillings perfect Andrea you know the way to my heart Philadelphia with a one candle and a cream cheese no Philadelphia with a candle and a cheese steak sandwich that seems right yeah that sounds great okay so little secret to make aotto and you need to put it in the it needs to be spread out like this and you’re like why do because it needs to cool so it was pretty hot when we put it in there and you need me to wash that pan no I’m just thinking are you sure cuz what are you going to fry in I push it real good now we have already sampled this the r yeah yeah it was gross you guys perfect consistency so such good balls y sorry guys obviously need this guy make the cocktail no we should make the cocktail when they’re frying you do you whatever you want to do sure I’ll take a cocktail while every while your fillings continue to cool so you don’t go [Music] shakes head head indeed what you makeing I’m going to make a variation on of cins why do you have two different glasses one’s for you and one for me no I like this so I got a [Music] Shaker and [Music] and and 1 oz of lemon cello I almost I almost looked up if I had been smarter enough I feel when I made all that lemonade I should have taken all the r well we can for um next weekend cuz Avery’s making lemonade for the yard sale true that true that that is correct so 1 oz of this so this is the variation is that it’s got lemon cello in it instead of the 2 O of Jen this is how much Jen we drink in this house and it’s funny because Amy didn’t drink really drink J when we first E I did not when Jin comes out your nose you stay wait from it for a while that cuz that’s painful it is painful simple syrup everyone it’s right here found it what was the dry white wine for oh you already used it did oh bounce of that squeez guys I’ve been making fresh good it is I’m just put it out there and [Music] now audio is going in and out thank you Danny else having audio issues whose audio Dougs or mine with finger there was something I think it’s a delish running around so much it’s like [Music] lemonade sorry I will just stay right here is it I can move this so it catches more of your voice e e e e e how about now can you hear okay wait that can you hear me okay I see me going up and down oh okay yours is on there’s okay I think both of us are back on okay can you see do we still have a okay I see I see the I see the problem okay I got it okay I think you hit that one on yours and then mine was being weird on there so and I think mine wasn’t working at all oh and it was only picking so that’s when I was walking away there was a thing where it said it wasn’t like it was red so okay cool okay well we we did that let me top off a little bit here give it the old finger stir tastes like finger oh I like that I like that a lot that’s dangerous I was just mixing lemonade with u tequila last night and a little squeeze a little lot half of lime in it my apron is in the closet Daniel this I’m using this one right now um he’s afraid put baby in the corner okay where do we start we start right here oh we start first over here so I need to get a few things this is why I was [Music] like don’t worry about it I got it everybody I know what’s happening we just have to make a little adjustment here because I got to have a braing station you do eat you I’m gonna see what I can do here real quick I just use the bowls what bowls cereal bowls the the big ones or the oh these guys yeah no open the other side up up there y those okay sorry okay it’s back on black oh no what does that mean oh never mind I got it B sorry um and you need like flour and seasoning and want what what were you going to say flour I also need a couple eggs too so wow I I like it when the sound goes out take a deep breath you’re fine it makes me unhappy cuz they can’t hear my my beautiful voice blue get out of the kitchen okay so this goes in the middle just get a little allpurpose flower here yeah I have haven’t used them quite yet because I have had it far enough away that I don’t need them but here’s my I my old man reading glasses so I can if I have to pick it up I can actually see what it says okay this guy can be here blue is not a good boy he’s an okay [Music] boy so I got panco and regular uh bread clums bread clums that’s what I said yep I heard you prob got to call out on it what’s up everybody Welcome to my show about bread clums okay season everything I’m just going to do something B because that does have Italian seasonings in it [Applause] so which ones are you doing first I’m going to do the standard the okay because then this will use be then I can use this to stuff with the Italian sausage and peppers and onions and the and the Rota mix yes and then I can do the Mexican ones at the end yes perfect because I suggest when you do the Mexican ones you put a little chili powder in your flour I could I can do that okay so this guy gets the live over here this guy goes here this guy goes here and I’m what I’m going to do is I’m going to sort of be just mix these in a little bit now how did you do it did you T did you take a like a scoop okay did you use this one no smaller this one yes or this one no I think I use the black one okay because I wanted to make sure that the cheese melted inside cool so then you kind of flatten it so is that all for that one do that one ch these yeah yeah okay so you’re making four different kinds classic yeah oh okay I missunderstood boo please leave the kitchen come here that’s it I mean you just want wait wait wait wait so make like four of those I will how about that but just leave them in the flour okay like for plane yeah gotcha gotcha gotcha again you know for the gumming up of your hands it’s this is it’s a little quicker oh this gu a biger oh it’s the the I was like you know it’s like oh make the Rota to it’s like um the the rice is tender and the creamy you know sauce and it was like don’t sure the two are going to happen at the same time and sure enough they did so this is where a party of um people probably helps you out blue has well I think you can get those to the breadcrumb stage and freeze them yeah I agree with that yes so like you want to have them for a dinner party or something you don’t have to be playing this game the day y I agree that’s 100% true so that’s a really good tip from Amy’s Corner Amy’s tip of the day Okay so now we go into the egg roll can you move that cocktail shaker so we can see your I should have switched is what I should have done but you don’t want too much here you just want to get it right into the mix perfect okay that guy’s going to live there now you’re thinking Lincoln this is a lefty righty operation also probably not do it over the hot oil I didn’t I didn’t get any blisters or anything from when I grabbed that pan I can’t believe that yeah yeah Amy um gra like a pan got I had here’s the kicker I had the cast iron in front and I had a saucepan in the back when I went to move the cast iron I got a hot pad and I grabb the handle with my hot pad when I went to move the saucepan I didn’t think about the fact that the handle had been over and I just grabbed that handle yeah you made a lot of terrible sounds and I like dropped everything yeah I was mad as you should have been that’s not great never no blisters shockingly but it was also like you had a freaking hot pan in your head why did you use that I think you were more angry at yourself about that yes totally like that was dumb why did you do that H oh well blue out of the kitchen oh this is a very sticky job everyone and these are not quite balls anymore but hey they’ll be fun well you can kind of roll them around again in your palm before you put them in the yeah I was thinking very similarly your oil is shimmering we can see it and I just want to make it give it a heat gun guys look at these Gorgeous Flowers that Lindsay this bouquet that Lindsay brought us yeah it’s really from her garden she is she’s amazing Garden is amazing oh yeah that’s way too hot of course she is a landscape architect so that helps okay so these going to go in heard te me a new front La h a be Garden here we go oh she would love to do that oh yeah perfect so we’re going to try these and then we’ll each variations well I think while you’re making the next variation those can be cooking want them nice and brown all the way around this is what you used uh-huh yes but you could also use your fish flipper if you didn’t have that yeah okay so these next ones are going to be uh they’re going to be the Italian sausage do you need a smaller you do for that stuff I think it should why did you just put that right in the flow cuz it goes in the flow first before you put the filling in it oh that’s true sorry whoops just the rice ball everybody it’s fine I mean I’m done with that but this is going to be the tricky part is making the ball around it this a bit the magic of Television this is a Sticky Wicket everybody okay so there’ll be a little bit of meat and stuff mixed in here totally fine you could probably and you can probably make these a little bigger because everything in here is already cooked yeah so there or roll my hands are all sticky anyways I’ll just have a glove I should have just made three of each that way we could each have one true true story but is that empty too no oh t a l t a look okay I kind of been are you panicking a little bit not just I just don’t want these to get you know I don’t want to over yeah I mean nothing to be honest it’s just more of we got I think you’re doing great we got a few minutes make another one yeah we got some C if you can take two hours for cookies you can take an hour and a half Aon but this does sort of speak to the ease of just using like a cube of cheese in the middle instead of a loose filling yeah which is why I tried to be honest with you I tried to get not get burning on my face but what’s happening perfect okay okay okay okay okay oh yeah there you go okay maybe turn those guys yep [Music] so this with this one I’m with the loose conglomeration of things I’m kind of just getting it in the middle here and then I’m just putting a little bit as much as I can over the top of it it’s already in my hand and then I’m just uh putting um more on the top of it yeah so so if you were making these ahead of time you could make the centers into little balls freeze them and freeze them yep yeah and then put them in there and that would make your life easier y going to be delicious so in my the ones I made originally were just instead of risotto I had leftover Mexican rice that I just mushed and mushed didn’t mushed yeah yeah sorry I just it’s getting real slimy the uh the Denise got you a tray to put them out on I see [Applause] these are a little darker than you want nice ball St I don’t know I think they’re going to be crispy they’re going to be delicious yeah yours were should we oh and then that’s a anything fried just a shower of salt I think I made all of mine and just set them on a cutting board and then I put them in the fryer okay that’s a probably a good plan okay so now we’ll finish these ones up and then we’ll move on yeah you’re just going to make three right yeah okay yep I don’t think you need to make the Mexican we pretty much already talk about okay unless you want to oh you kind of gave it real light I just already made the chit and stuff so that’s why the tereso in here what is this these are the Italian sausage but then you also have some Roto thing that’s yes that’s they’re all three separate guys out of the kitchen they’re like but he’s like spilling a lot I can hear it hitting the ground yeah like I’m excited this I love AR [Music] me but not with ham and peas I I even love that I love all right next kind I just I got this fingers so you can it’s it’s intensive it really is but it’s it’s good okay I need a need a spoon everybody why a spoon cousin cuz it will hurt more does anybody know what that’s from I hope so negative Robin Hood Robin Hood bees merry men type movies merry men type movies she says everybody blue get out of my kitchen feel Hing he’s underneath my feet and if I trip hey blue fall I’m going to die and I would really like lot that for that to happen okay oh this one I think it’s going to be really good yes I think I oh I wanted to have a tree for that and and I kind of got to build one with Ted we built a a tree fort in the like out of the same sort of thing and it was awesome could you go now please my boo oh made Marion’s Hair yeah she that g with a curly hair Master Antonio yeah she’s gorgeous in that with that long flowing black curly hairly hair oh man beautiful [Music] indeed but as far as uh Robin Hood references go the one in Shrek is pretty awesome Amy loves shre Amy might be I don’t know win Fiona she I think is probably one of your favorite movies of all time uh I just just the whole set we’ call the whole set one of my favorite movies yeah okay a lot of washing my hands here it’s very slimy I’m telling you I know you don’t believe me but I think the risotto mix at extra so maybe because the Spanish rice is not that bad no but I think you’re right but it’s because it’s not creamy yeah it was really really kind of oh they look like black and white cookies in there now they are much bigger than no just cuz the way they’re in the fry pan oh oh I got it sorry not those ones these ones I thought you meant these ones here but again everything’s cooked so it’s probably going to be fine yeah yeah it’s going to be great okay so is this your third one of this kind yep and we’re we’ll call a good for this one you’re not going to make the Spanish one well I mean we can if anybody cares you make made a big frowny face when I said not to do it so you’re freaking making them dude whatever I think all of this as Amy said this would be way better if again Frozen cold yeah colder mhm so what’s what’s the moral of the story here everybody cold Frozen desolate no did I what have you been watching lately Doug what do you mean me yeah I don’t know what did we just watch together oh we watched all of Monk and Monk’s last and the movie monk movie which thing good oh no spoilers it’s very good it is really good if you haven’t watched lately it’s great it’s a great show very it a great show Tony shaloo love him yeah I think the episode with Stanley Tucci is one of my favorites it’s so hilarious to me he’s the actor who’s going to play mon yeah and then he becomes like mon there’re just so it’s just one of those things where you like you see all everybody everybody is in that show at some point there’s like everybody who is Ever a star in the like 2000s yeah also just seeing Buffalo Bill as leand Sodom is hilarious to me oh and um well he’s still leand stomm but seeing him in the movie yeah was great honey these are just getting like bigger and bigger believe me I’m watching them get bigger and bigger I’m thinking to myself this is going sideways this is going sideways it’s fun I turned the oil down and it like you can see the color on that side I think is better yes so I’m going to ow this is why I like to have a bigger container for this stuff cuz well they were they’re like twice the size of your first one first of all no they’re not second of all they are don’t tell me my business Devil Woman cuz you stop well whatever you’re a nut yeah yeah I’m sure you do snap snap that’s what Denise does uh if you ever see Denise uh snap snap somewhere that’s her uh saying that’s what she said so just a that’s what I mean what was that from sority okay okay okay whoa what happened to that one what happened to this one nothing see perfect okay fix them yeah he looks he he’s beautiful okay last batch now that should be fine what’ you buy Lily this week I bought Lily two scratching posts a popcorn bag to hide in a tunnel to hide in and some sticky tape and tape sheets that go on our furniture so she will stop cling it yes oh this is and I hope that it works most might drier than you did yes that’s why you have to smush it smush it smush it like this oh smush it smush it oh cck it out of the thing oh smush it smush it real good keep going keep going now flatten it out hold on please now put your flavoring in [Applause] there now smush it around it maybe put some more on there that’s how I did it this seems well I guess that’ll kind of work let’s hope yeah [Applause] [Music] okay one let’s turn it’s all ballet right now everybody we’re just in a ballet of turning and and rolling and balls and everywh B ballet balls [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] uh this is it’s like trying to make diamonds out of a coold with en hands it’s now you now you feel for how hard I work to make those for you yeah right I do see things quit putting your arm over it nice it’s just how it is happening s I having really sticky together yeah but see it does really sticky together yeah okay got to make one more I know don’t worry everybody we’re going to get there there little plates to eat them off Forks now you can make different dipping sauces make a little like a little sour cream and uh for the Mexican rice one little sour cream and uh you did a green chili green chili sauce I there’s a red sauce that I really like you could do oh yeah you could do Marin ones you could do [Music] Marin so Asian well you could there were some ones that I saw that were you know inspir yeah Korean ones so with like sushi rice or what uh okay oh that be so good this is I I did not like the feel of this at all but you liked the feel of the risoto or you didn’t mind the feel of the risotto no because this is like I’m squishing on it and like it’s individual uh grains of rice that are then being smooshed into a paste basically and um and then there’s rice is a little drier and it’s just not what I enjoy maybe put I don’t know I didn’t well that maybe this is a different you know consistency I think so but Different Strokes for different we got there in right sort of my rice may have been a few days older than I just didn’t want it to go to waste we made this rice two days ago I don’t know texture is a personal thing it totally is and it’s real and okay if you don’t like certain textures true that garlic butter marinara add just some garlic butter on some those Italian like yeah Sala yeah sorry I’m not speaking I’m trying to concentrate and also maybe a couple uh dots of wor I was that Worster sure and something the other day that I made that I was like darn it I should have added that oh what was that too the fata maybe we she sure is underrated you should add it to more things do you I should added some more stuff because yeah I don’t think it was that though what was it I don’t know oh maybe I was thinking to the Mexican gravy be that adds a good depth of flavor yeah okay walk sour cream yep I delicious honey you’re doing a great job I mean youve made how many different kinds four five four just four just four okay well that’s a lot and you’re doing great well I’m trying to and that’s why I’m trying to you know Quadro fagio that’s a different show [Music] Andrea get out of here so good yeah it was so good oh yeah oh yeah yeah okay okay I like this and I can feel the crispiness of them so so I’m going to uh we’re going to try can I ask you a question you can ask me any question you like why do you move them to the outer edge cuz there’s this the way this Cooks this particular thing Cooks is that the direct heat in the middle is gonna be too much of it’s GNA be too hot in the middle so I’m just doing it’s just more for control of the okay so the outer edges are more consistent yeah okay is that true on our regular burner well no because the like in here the way this burner is it’s bigger and the flame shoots out more this is more to get it like that the flame at the bottom the heat would be way too hot all over the place so it wouldn’t be I don’t know I don’t think it would be what you would really want can you really keep track of which is which do you know the one closest to you is the regular the original original flavor just rice and cheese just rice and cheese right how how can you not tell they’re much smaller oh I oh I was just going to thank you just in case so okay this one is rice and cheese it looks delicious your godson is cheering you up baby that’s that’s that’s pretty good that good that’s way better than the restaurant ones yeah the flavor is MHM there’s actually flavor there wow wow wow wow that is delicious all right so this is the the um sausage and mushroom or sausage onions and pepper no cheese all hot than one there’s I put a little bit of the mozzarella in the in the mix oh that’s right that’s also very good I really I like it what the flavor of that H hot yeah I knew it was hot I knew it was hot but I went back I made a terrible mistake there let’s have a bit of Taco oh that’s good but that one with the cuz it’s a spicy Italian right now my favorite is just a cheese mhm I don’t know I think that one’s my favorite I wouldn’t cook any of them out of bed but I mean there is prep to this this is the thing I think you should um you should think about all this is that there’s prep but it’s worth it it is worth it you’re going to have to make Roto but if you make risotto for a meal the night before you can have these for a brunch with like nice salad and like a really clean Italian salad with yeah uh bomic and vinegarette would be really excellent cuz the acid of that cutting the richness of this I think that would be a perfect combination that melon just that salad Lindsay made would be really good that would be really good with these so because they’re rich like really rich but they’re good in my mind okay so I need to get rid of some of these things we’re going to need them [Music] but I think I just have blue is trying to get a little lick off my fingers no blue they think they’re starving they’re not these ones these are the Roto ones here get bed those once you get them in and the flour and the Egg and the other they’re much less unruly they’re much less unruly and I was afraid that the cheese for the Roto was going to leak out but it’s not it does not look to be and again all of the ingredients are cooked so you can just need to get the nice crispiness and then call it good so you can get this beautiful brown on the outside and now we can just kind of watch these guys and talk about next week um so I figured it out excuse me episode 200 if we continue weekly if we don’t take any breaks we may take a break for Amy’s birthday because that’s on a Saturday so we probably won’t have a show that Saturday but we may do it on Wednesday and then that it would basically be out uh July 13th is what the 200th episode of this show which not if we take a break not that’s what I’m saying oh if we do take a break there might be two instances of us taking a break Amy’s birthday but if we do it on Wednesday it would still be July 13th oh okay if we did Remy’s birthday is happening that July 13th weekend Oh shoot so my guess is so maybe two Wednesdays two Wednesdays we would have the twoth episode on one of those or I feel like we could wait to the next weekend which would be the SE 20th of July and do the 200th episode there and we just miss out on either we miss out on your birthday so we can concentrate on all I can concentrate all that on there as well you should I know that’s why I want to so we’ll call it July 20th mark your calendars 200th episode um I would really love if all of our regulars were there so share it out to everybody when and that you know I’ll put it out there as well um we’ll talk about we’ll see who we I’ll try and have Landon here is part of the live studio audience and nobody uh Andre and Lena will be out of town still right yeah when are you out of town oh yeah Amy’s gone for like five weeks she hates me not until 26 I so these are we kind of know what these ones taste like but like I said these with that um with the sour cream and uh salsa ver sauce you made green jelly sauce wait so what did you say July What 20th oh uh she’s back the the before the no I will be back then so but yeah so good did you they don’t even need sauce no I mean this yeah it’s so good yeah I ate all of both of mine is there more coming yes here is the Rota can I have another one of those cocktails they were really the what one yeah which one cocktail yes doesn’t have to be on air I will make it are you okay I got a little a Genie in the wrong pipe so there’s that o this looks good yeah yeah yeah yeah look bad huh man that’s now we know now when we go to restaurants and we order AR Andi it’s not good we can be like hold up do you need to go back there and take care of this for you I really I like both of the one the original one and but I really like the one with the sausage I like the like oh no I made dropped hers no got it in my lap she’s eating hot a andini out of her lap every hey wa not want it but I think like the oil and that of the sausage and the heat of it oh man it just really permeates through the the entire thing I’m really like super stoked about that oh yeah oh it’s so good yeah that’s [Music] good the Spanish ones are still cooking holy sh oh my God burn your mouth no luckily I didn’t burn my mouth because I had a layer of of breading from the hot Rota Center but I got to tell you folks when I got to the hot Rota Center all hell broke GL in there there was chewy no no there was cheese oozing everywhere all right well lava burning as it goes I’m just going to get that little these are you mean we can have try these but they’re going to be Lava Hot I know so I’m going to send you this one and it’s but you still have we still have to try to blow blow blow oh man cut it open and it will whoa there’s a lot coming out of that lot of steam pepper jack cheese everyone o pepper jack cheese yeah and charito and charito if you’re still watching blue is here to check me just in case I spill it smells like a taco does smell like a taco oh my you add a little chili powder to the flour I did but the rice was also really well seasoned this last time I think I tried um oh my God that let’s just get in there you can do it that was that was more cheese than I was willing to accept that’s excellent mhm that’s really good those are good really good yeah that’s good I mean you too can have love it now we know what to do with leftover Spanish rice for sure you two oh I probably should turn that oil off before I start a fire who would do that I don’t know kind of fool some kind of fool all right well we did it um thanks for stopping by it is a like the dogs are going to have a veritable smorgus board down here when we’re done but like I said next week we’re not sure what we’re going to do as always I really thought about this today but you know what maybe we’ll just do the risoto yeah I’ve got the rice we’ve got the ingredients we’ll just do risoto get ready for a lot of stirring but it’s it’s worth it in the end so okay that’s it we did it it’s 828 thanks for sticking around we love you very much and uh remember out there that it’s summer get outside vitamin D is good for you and that we love you and be kind be loyal do something nice for somebody next week we will see you next week we love you goodbye e e

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