How to make your own healthy Mayonnaise and Ranch Dressing, with healthy oil, fresh herbs and no sugar added.

For rich, creamy, quality Lard, I highly recommend US Wellness Meats’ Pork Lard. It is not bleached, deodorized, hydrogenated, or altered –

Visit my website for the written version of this video –

Note of Gratitude: This video would not have been made without the help of my Daughter-in-Law, Julie. This is her creation. Over a year ago, she helped me put together an article about making Mayo and Ranch, and it’s been a constantly successful post on this website. To view the original post, click

Hello everyone, it’s Butter Bob and we got a new video tonight, How to Make Homemade Mayonnaise and when we get our mayonnaise done, How to Make Homemade Ranch Dressing. And the reason you ought to think about doing this, is because there’s two things, two items that are in the human diet now, that have never been in the human diet before. Maybe, two, three generations back, these two items were never in the human diet. One is vegetable seed oils, like Canola, Soybean Oil, Corn Oil, all these oils made in the industrial process are in everything you eat. Everything. Next time you’re at the store, just look around, hold the can up, look at it, you’re going to see that these things are in everything that you eat. Also sugar has been added to almost everything that you eat. These things, a lot of people believe, these things are responsible for insulin resistance, they’re responsible for hyperinsulinemia, or chronically high insulin. This is the thing that’s causing people to get sick, fat, fatty liver, heart disease, diabetes, type 2. All these things are caused by this industrial food we’re eating now, and in too high of a quantity. And this is pretty easy guys, I think you’re going to like it. But, I want to show you something for you’re next trip to the store, before we get started with the mayonnaise. And, I’m not picking on these companies. You know, guys, when we buy things, we are voting with our dollars. And, if we want these companies to change what they have, we have to start buying something different, or not buying what they’re making now, so they make what we want them to make. So, this is just a little Hidden Valley Ranch, first ingredient, vegetable oil, made with soybean oil, or canola oil. And the fourth ingredient is sugar. This is a Ken’s Steakhouse, first ingredient, soybean oil, second, third ingredient, sugar. Here’s just Mayonnaise, Kraft mayonnaise, first ingredient, soybean oil, soybean oil. I don’t know about you, but a, I’ve never taken a soybean squeezed the oil out of it. This stuff is bad for you. People have never ate this stuff. This stuff didn’t even exist, until recently, and yet, it’s in every product we have. The second thing is, you go to the store, a lot of people go to the store, they buy these oils, this is Corn Oil, I don’t know about you, but I’ve never taken an ear of corn and squeezed the oil out of it. And yet, it’s in everything we eat. Canola Oil, actually, they changed the name, it used to be rapeseed oil, they make it out of. That wasn’t a very good name, so they came up with this better name, called Canola Oil. It’s in everything that you get. And, soybean oil, this is Crisco, this is soybean oil. And, you don’t buy soybean oil in liquids, like this, but believe me, it’s in everything that you buy as we just saw. And the next trip that you take, get your a real good glasses on and go down the isle way and in the fine print, and in all capital letters that makes it harder to read, is these oils in everything that you buy. And you don’t want it. And by the way, while I was at the store buying these things for demonstration, I found something really cool. And this was at the Food Lion, here in my hometown. This Smithfield Lard. It doesn’t have any preservatives in it. It doesn’t have any hydrogenation. I’m so thrilled to find this! You know, a lot of people get mad at me for telling people to get the other thing. But this was 5 bucks for LARD to has none of the bad stuff in it. Right there at the store. And you know guys, as we buy things that we want, or don’t buy things that we don’t want, these people that are trying to make money, they’re going to do what we want. They’re going to give us what we want. They’re going to give us the stuff that makes us healthy. Alright guys, let’s get on with the mayonnaise making, now that I’ve droned on about oils and sugars and industrial processed stuff at the store. All you need to make the mayonnaise is some olive oil. You want to get the cheap olive oil, the olive oil that’s not extra virgin, so it doesn’t have the real powerful olive taste to it. You need some Dijon Mustard. I try to make sure that I get mustard that doesn’t have sugar, or other things in it. Most mustard�s are really good. You, you’re going to need about a teaspoon of Dijon, by the way. You need a cup of olive oil, which I already have measured out here, in a cup. You need a lemon. We’re going to squeeze the juice out of the lemon. And you need a pinch of salt. And you need an egg yolk. And one tablespoon of water. Which I already have, right here, already measured out, just to speed things along. Alright, to get started, we’re just gonna, gonna get our egg yolk out. This is a mine field for me, so we’ll see, if I can a, do it successfully. Just crack the egg, carefully take the shell off, and you going to kind of let the white of the egg run out. For all you cooks out there, that are laughing about this, believe me, there’s those of us that are not that good at stuff like this, and I’m one of them. This may be the trickiest part of this whole thing. Alright, we’re just going to get the We’re going to try not to break the yolk. Okay, I got it. I’m going to put it in the bowl there. Alright. We need a teaspoon of Dijon Mustard. I already have it, a measured out. Just going to put it in there, the bowl. I need a pinch of salt. Throw it down in the bowl. I’m going to add my tablespoon of water. And I’m going to squeeze my lemon and get the lemon juice. I need a tablespoon of lemon juice. Fresh squeezed. Get my little squeezer. My daughter-in-law, has this handy-dandy lemon squeezer, here. Put the lemon in there and squeeze the juice out. We need a tablespoon of that juice. Boy, you can smell the juice, too, it smells good. I just got squirted with it. Alright. We’ll get a tablespoon of lemon juice and put it right into our mix here. We’ll put this mixture into our olive oil, now. Just going to pour it down into the oil. Then we’re going to take this little Hamilton-Beach cheap stick blender, I bought at Wal-Mart about a year ago. They’re about twenty bucks. And we’re just going to go up and down with this thing and try to thicken this thing up. Thicken this up, this is going to turn into mayonnaise. As you can see, it’s real thick, just like mayonnaise, we got it. Alright guys, we got the mayonnaise done, and we’re going to move on to the making of the Ranch Dressing. It should thicken up like this here. If you don’t add. If you break your yolk, or if you don’t add the stuff after the oil, I mean, add (the mixture) to the oil. Don’t add oil to the mixture. That tends to have problems with getting it thickened up. So you don’t want to do that. Get it good and thick, we’re going to use this mayonnaise to make our Ranch Dressing. And be back in just a second with the Ranch Dressing. Alright, alright guys, in the last part of our video, we made the Mayonnaise, there it is in the cup. We got about a cup full. And now we’re going to make the Ranch Dressing, and it’s really pretty easy. But to speed the video along a little bit, we’ve already measured everything out. Alright guys, in order to make this Ranch Dressing, all you need is the mayonnaise we just made. You need about a cup of that. You need some Paprika. You need a � of a teaspoon of that. You need a � teaspoon of black pepper. We’ve got it right there. Already measured out. You need a, a � teaspoon of white vinegar. White Vinegar You need a � of a cup of heavy whipping cream. And you need a � a cup of sour cream. Then you need to get some Parsley. Chop up about a � of a cup of Parsley. A, Two tablespoons of fresh Dill. One tablespoon of fresh Chives. And a clove of Garlic, you can do fresh Garlic. Chop it up real fine. Mash it with the the knife. Mash it up, with the knife. Put a little pinch of salt in it. Or you can use a fine grater, fine garlic grater to grate it up. So, we’ve already got those things measured out. And basically, we’re just going to throw it all together and mix it up. Alright, all we’re going to do now is, mix it up in this big bowl. I’ll move this stuff out of the way. We’re going to take our mayonnaise, the recipe I showed you for. The recipe I showed you for mayonnaise is about a cup, and that’s what we’re going to put into this bowl. About a cup of mayonnaise. This is our homemade, olive oil mayonnaise, that we made. Put it right down in the bowl. We’re going to put our heavy whipping cream down in there. That’s a fourth of a cup. We’re going to put our sour cream down in there, about a half a cup. Our vinegar, our paprika, and pepper and mix it up a little bit. Then we’re going to put our herbs down in there. Mix it up. Actually got all kinds of extra, extra things to mix it up with. Put that over there in the sink. Alright, we’re just going to scrape this stuff off into the, into the mix. There’s our Dill, our fresh Dill. There’s our fresh Parsley, Now you can season this anyway you want to, this is a really good recipe by the way, there’s our Garlic, and our Chives. You can have other things that you like in your Ranch Dressing, or if you don’t like something in here, it’s easy to change it. I’m going to put that over there in the sink, too. I’m just going to mix it up, in the bowl. It’s nice and thick. You can see, nice and thick. Nice, thick Ranch Dressing. I’ve got some on my spoon I need to get off there. On my spatula. Some of the Paprika got on there. Boy, guys, this smells so good!! I’m going to try, put a little cucumber in mine next time, I like the smell of cucumber in them. For now, we’re just going to keep with this recipe. Alright, we got that out of the way. Boy, if you guys weren’t watching, I’d stick my finger right in the bowl and taste it, but I’m going to get a spoon and try it out. Mmmmm, nice and thick. Look here. Look how thick. Guys, it’s good!! It’s real good. And all you got to do now, with this, is, put it in a little Mason jar. Let’s see, I had one here a few minutes ago. Put it in a little Mason Jar, put a lid on it, put it in the refrigerator. It’ll keep for as long as, say your heavy whipping cream or your sour cream would keep. These things will keep real good. You’ve avoided all the bad oils. There’s no sugar. You can see it’s nice and thick. I like to put some on my hamburger patty. I love it on a salad. I mean, I love Ranch Dressing. So, there you go, there’s your Ranch Dressing and Mayonnaise from scratch recipe. And, guys, if you like these videos, if my channel has helped you in some way, or someone you love, please, hit that SUBSCRIBE button. And hit the LIKE button. Thank you for watching. Good Bye.


  1. We all miss you so much! You helped me years ago, and I need you help now, so Im back reviewing youe videos. I hope to see you back one day! ❤

  2. I need help! I've followed your instructions to the T and my Mayo won't thicken. I'm wasting so many ingredients. I'm adding the egg mixture to the oil but when I mix it turns to liquid. What am I missing?

  3. This man has been a real inspiration to all of us out here, who have become unwell on the, eh, 'Wellness Plate'.
    Was so pleased to see the stick blender make an appearance, as so many others demonstrate using a whisk, a blender, or a food processor – all too much like hard work and unnecessary clean up! What's more, despite Bob's insistence that his technique is poor – and I don't think he was fishing for compliments here – the tutorial demonstrates how very quick, easy and foolproof it is to make mayonnaise using the stick blender.

  4. love you Butter Bob , Wish you would come back with a update on how you are now today , The best Youtuber i have found in 7 years . Your a top top man Bob . 10 out of 10 .

  5. You want to get a good olive oil, otherwise you may get one that’s mixed with bad oils. EVOO is the best like Chosen or California EVOO! They we’re tested to be real olive oils. Otherwise you may using a mix of vegetable oil and old olives. Most olive olive oils are not good in the stores, beware!

  6. I think this is a very logical approach to what foods we aren't supposed to eat. If you can't squeeze the oil out from a seed by hand as Bob says it is very likely not for human consumption. Rapeseed oil seeds has to go through many chemical processes to extract oil from them and then even more chemical processes to remove those chemicals from initial stages. Cold pressed? I wouldn't touch it either.

  7. This just popped up in my feed. Somehow I missed this one when I discovered Bob in 2019. My life and health have improved so much since learning from Bob. His info led me to others on Youtube who do keto and carnivore. My first lesson from Bob was "keep it simple". Thank you Bob and I hope you and your plant nursery are doing well!

  8. The easiest way to separate an egg is to crack it, them dump the whole thing in your hand and let the whites fall through your fingers . (over the sink) 🙂

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