Made some filets for a steak rice bowl with teriyaki sauce. Rate my steak

by big_gorilla_cloud


  1. riverphoenix360

    Wow that’s a beautiful color! Since you said “don’t hold back”. It could use a little more crust, but all is forgiven since it’s served over rice.

  2. YogurtclosetBroad872

    Teriyaki is perfect for filet. Nice work

  3. Dry-Squirrel1026

    Looks great!! Only thing is I didn’t get none!

  4. Jealous_Principle_81

    Looks amazing! My preference would be a bit more of a sear, but I’d still give it a 10/10 over rice. Excellent!!!

  5. Punch_Your_Facehole

    Oh yea!! That’s my kind of steak meal right there!

  6. Cook looks good, I would have sliced it much thinner to go on top rice like that

  7. stephen250

    2/10. Let me give my friend a call. He’s a veterinarian. That cow will be back on the field chewing its cud within a week.

  8. The sear looks like it was added in post production.

  9. mmmjordaaaan

    I hate this sub, it makes me SO HUNGRY. What a tease lol. Great looking steak, very nice OP!

  10. latherdome

    Oh, that’s good. I like that. I want some of that. All of it actually.

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