This recipe came from my MIL over 40 years ago, but has no processing times for the jars. I know that we have eaten this countless times with no problems, but is this safe? Does the amount of vinegar, salt, and sugar do the preserving? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

by drwho5000

1 Comment

  1. chanseychansey

    Thanks for asking! First, the bad news: we can’t vouch for the safety of this particular recipe, especially since the instructions as given are for open kettle canning, which is proven unsafe.

    The good news: this feels like what’s known as Minnesota Mix, and [there is a safe recipe for it]( complete with processing directions. Additionally, if you’re attached to the seasonings in your MIL’s recipe, it is safe to add small amounts of dried spices to canning recipes.

    If you’d like to know more, here’s a couple links on safe canning:

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