Show us someone that DOESN’T love a Cinnamon Roll. Yes, we have done a video for them before on the channel but that was years ago and these are Danes take on the Classic Cinnamon Roll. This soft and chewy enriched dough is slathered with Cinnamon and Butter before its plaited and twisted to give those gorgeous layers! These Cinnamon Rolls are then baked individually in a cupcake or muffin pan so that each one is crispy on the outside. DEEEEELICIOUS!

We know you guys are gunna love this recipe and we want to see how you get on, so tag us in your photos over on Instagram using the tag #cupakejemma and give us a follow whilst you’re there too @danepemberton @cupcakejemma

Happy Baking!


To make 6 Cinnamon Rolls:
Preheat Oven to 185C (fan assist) ((205C non fan)

135ml Whole Milk (Room Temp)
1 Large Egg
7g Fast Action Dried Yeast
40g Caster Sugar
300g Strong White Bread Flour (but Plain Flour also works well. Use 450g of Plain Flour)
5g Salt
100g Soft Unsalted Butter

130g Soft Light Brown Sugar
80g Soft Unsalted Butter
2 tbsp Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract (get yours here:

PLUS: An extra egg and milk to glaze before baking. Plus extra Caster Sugar and Ground Cinnamon to finish.


MY INSTAGRAM: @cupcakejemma
CAKESTAGRAM: @crumbsanddoilies

[Music] hi guys welcome back to the cupcake gemma channel with me dain and today i’m here in the soho store and i’m bringing you another recipe and this one i absolutely love it’s a wonderfully heartwarming and comforting recipe for cinnamon buns now these are a really soft and pillowy multi-layered sweet bread bun with a toasty kind of warming spiced cinnamon and butter filling they are absolutely delicious you can eat them in many different ways you can have them for breakfast midday snack tea time snack warm them up and eat them with vanilla ice cream which is my favorite way to eat them so let’s get started we’re gonna make a kind of enriched dough with butter eggs and milk and i’ve already started by warming 135 milliliters of whole milk now it’s just warm to the touch it’s not hot and it’s going straight into a stand mixer which will make this recipe a lot easier because we’re gonna knead the bread for about eight to ten minutes which you can do by hand but it’s so handy if you’ve got a stand mixer with a dough hook attached to it next i’m gonna add some butter i’ve got 100 grams of really soft and salted butter going in so i’m putting all the wet ingredients first it’ll just make it a lot easier to kind of mix the dough together then i’ve got one whole egg one large egg which is about 60 grams i weighed it just in case you don’t have large eggs or um where you are and then going in with some flour next um this is 300 grams of strong white bread flour now if you can’t get strong white bread flour fear you’re not because i did actually try this recipe out this morning with plain flour and it works just exactly the same but do add 150 grams more of flour because it doesn’t kind of absorb the liquid as much as this flour does so that’s going straight in then next we’ve got 40 grams of caster sugar and then i’ve got seven grams of fast action dried yeast now you can get this readily available in the supermarkets and it looks like this it’s just kind of dried looks mealy but it will do magic to these buns i’m gonna add this straight into the mixer and then i’ve got a half a teaspoon of just regular salt and then we’ll pop the mixer on just on to a low speed just get it combined it’ll kind of look a bit like a shaggy dough and then it’ll start to come together we’ll turn it up to a medium speed and knead it for about 8-10 minutes [Music] this has been kneading for about eight minutes now and i’ll show you what it should look like when it’s ready so if you’ve been doing this by hand it might take you a little bit longer and you just want to do it on a floured surface and not too much flour because then you’ll be incorporating more flour into the dough than we need and it will kind of make the balance of the liquid that we put in kind of make it out of bounds so what you want to do is stretch the dough like this and if you can see through it like that then it’s done the gluten has developed nicely and we’ve got nice strands in there so the dough is nice and elastic and we’ll pop this onto a little bit of a floured surface and just roll it into a nice neat ball to roll my sleeves up for this one there we go just like so and just kind of gather underneath it and as you’re turning it tuck it underneath and you’ll see that the top will become really nice and smooth so the top is nice and smooth now and it’s in a nice ball so some grab a little bit of flour pop it in a bowl and we’ll pop the whole thing in like that and that will go to prove um in a warm place for about 40 minutes so if you’ve got an errand cupboard or if you want to pop the heating on and pop it next to a radiator i’m going to whack it in the oven because we’ve just baked some cookies about half an hour ago so it’s still a little bit warm but you want to have the oven turned off so it’s not super hot because then it will kill the yeast and it will affect the rising so this will go into the oven for about 40 minutes i have been proving the dough well that dough is proving but luckily for you guys i have one like blue pizza magic already approved now a little tip on how to know whether your dough is proved or not if it is over proved it won’t spring back and if it is under proved it will spring back too quickly got that so this dough is proved perfectly because it springs back kind of halfway that’s just massive admirable but now this is ready we’re going to leave it to one side and we’ll get on with making the filling which is really super simple and easy i’ve got 130 grams of soft light brown sugar and 80 grams of really soft unsalted butter going straight in to this bowl to that i’m gonna add two whole tablespoons of cinnamon which i know might seem like a lot but we want to empower a lot of flavor a little bit extra in there apart a lot of flavor into these cinnamon buns because that is where the flavor is going to come from from the filling and to that i’m going to add about half a teaspoon of vanilla extract going straight in there bish bash brush and then we’ll just pop it under our electric mixer you can do this by hand and just give it a whip up until it’s nice and light and fluffy for about two minutes [Music] been whipping up for a couple of minutes now and it is all ready i put a lot of cinnamon in there and it went quite dark and it has lightened a little bit in color but this is what it should look like so kind of a brown paste but this is packed full of flavor that you’re going to want to eat inside a bun in about an hour or so so we’ll leave that to one side and we’ll get rolling out our dough now you need to flour the surface a little bit because this dough might have a tendency tendency to stick to your surface so make sure it’s well floured and then what we’re going to do is turn it out and put the smooth side onto the surface now one of these um kind of dough scrapers are really handy it’s just a piece of plastic and that you could forge yourself if you wanted to and it’s got smooth sides and it just helps to scrape the dough out nice and easily so rolling pin are ready i’ll just flour this as well so it doesn’t stick and let’s get rolling you don’t need to do have a lot of pressure with this rolling because the dough is quite aerated and it rolls out quite easily as you can see so it’s not like a pastry um that’s kind of or a pie crust dough that’s a little bit firmer and you need to put a lot more work into it and i’m just rolling it forward for now just to get it nice and long and after every couple of rolls i’m just kind of fluffing it just to get a little bit of air underneath that so it doesn’t stick because i want to try and avoid adding too much flour to this dough and i’m just going to turn it around so i can roll it the other way and i’ve just picked up put my rolling pin down onto the dough flopped a little bit at the end over and i’m going to roll it over just halfway and then place it down like that we want to aim to roll this into a big rectangle [Music] okay this is all rolled out it’s about a little bit bigger than 30 by 50 centimeters and it’s quite thin um but we need to pack all of that filling in so we need it to be nice and big so what i’m going to do here are filling is nice and soft so if you can make this ahead of time just don’t put it in the fridge because then it will firm up because of the butter in there and i’m just going to plop it on in random splodges and you know that handy tool get it back the offset cranked palette knife this is going to help and make our life a lot easier to spread it along the dough without tearing it i’ve spread all of that delicious full of flavour cinnamon butter on to the dough and it’s time now to fold it and plait it these are cinnamon buns with a little bit of a twist literally so what we’re going to do is take a third of the dough and just from one end and bring it into the middle and i’m just going to stretch it out so it’s nice and kind of square to the dome and then we’ll do the same with the top end flatten that out a little bit and bring it over like so so we’re just folding it over a third and then another third and then what we’re going to do is just chop the ends off because you can see with the butter i kind of didn’t go quite to the edge so we want to make sure that in every bun we get all of that butter and you don’t just get just dough so then it’s time to divide it up so i’m gonna cut six pieces out of this um so just mark out where you’re gonna cut those two three four five six so i’ll make this one a little bit smaller and you can measure this if you wanted to um with the measuring tape to be extra precise but if they come out a little bit different shapes and sizes don’t worry at all they’re all going to be delicious in the end so i’m just going to chop along here these six pieces like so and you can see that delicious cinnamon filling kind of oozing out there it’s gonna be great now we’ve got our kind of slabs of the dough and the butter in here those layers they look insane i’m gonna get all that flavor all that flavor and then to each one i’m just gonna stretch it out a tiny bit you can do this on the surface so it’s a little bit longer and i’m just going to cut two incisions like this quite close to the top and then what we’re going to do is plait it nothing fancy just kind of one over the other like so there we go nearly there and we’re going to take the top end and roll it towards ourselves and we’ve got this little knot how cool does that look i’m going to do the rest of them but first i’ll show you the tin i’m going to pop it in this deep dish one these are jumbo muffin tins now i did try it last year you might have seen on my instagram i made these cinnamon buns these are a little bit upgraded i tweaked the recipe a little bit and we’ve made them bigger and better and the quantities are a little bit different so the dough is a lot softer than before um but i did them in just regular cupcake muffin pans and they’re a little bit small and dainty but these are a lot bigger so pop them straight in this is a non-stick pan and so you won’t need to grease it but if you’ve kind of got one of these pans and you know it’s going to stick spray a little bit of grease spray or put a little bit of butter around so it doesn’t stick all right get ready doing the next five [Music] all six rolled and in the tin now we’re going to do a second proof same thing into a warm space covered with a tea towel for about 40 minutes until they’ve doubled in size the buns are approved and they have doubled in size that is how you know that they are ready and what you don’t want to see is um in the kind of little lines where the cinnamon butter is you’ll see the dough if it’s over proved you’ll see it’s kind of um almost looks a bit you know the inside of an aero bar a little bit like that looks a bit aerated and it’s kind of stretched that is what you don’t want because then they’re over proved but these look great so the final thing to do is just to glaze them and we’re going to use some milk whole milk and an egg that’s all we’re going to do is crack some egg into some milk and i’ve got about equal quantities here give it a little whisk up just to break it up i like to use egg and milk i think it just gives the best result to be honest and also it makes it a little bit easier because the milk kind of thins out the egg so it’s not as gloopy i’ve got a little pastry brush and i’ll just brush it on [Music] all glazed and the glaze will just give it a kind of nice little shine and also give the cinnamon buns a little bit more of a golden color as well when they bake so i’ve preheated the oven to 185 degrees and we’ll whack these in for 15 minutes [Music] these cinnamon buns the smell is filling the bakery right now and i cannot wait to check in but we’re just going to do one last little finishing thing these have been cooling down for about five minutes and i’ve just got a cooling rack and they come out pretty easily as you can see it will just flip them over look at these beauties finishing touch is we’re gonna roll them in some cinnamon sugar so i’ve just got some caster sugar here and plenty full of cinnamon and we’ll just dunk them in and give them a good old roll around and this wee diddy one at the end finished these are my ultimate cinnamon buns and i think the only thing left to do is to tuck in and eat one i’m gonna go for the steady one and they’re still warm which is perfect it’s really hot i’m just gonna go for it i love rolling them in cinnamon sugar because it just gives it that extra boost and you’ve got all those layers in there so every piece that you take is a little bit different which we love and we put lots of cinnamon inside so this is full of flavor you get that kind of butteriness from the enriched dough it’s delicious i really want a tub of ice cream right now to put with this you may eat them differently you could slide the butter on this you could you could even not put cinnamon inside you could make raspberry ones added some raspberry and jam ones raspberry jam ones i put some coconut inside delicious with anything you could put nutella inside the possibilities are endless but i hope you enjoy these i hope you make them um obviously do all the usual hashtags at me and i want to see you make these cinnamon buns because you will not regret it thank you so much for watching and don’t forget if you’re not subscribed click the subscribe button and become part of the cupcake gemma family because we love having you here and that’s it for this week i’m just going to eat the rest of these and see you next week with another recipe bye [Music] [Music] you


  1. Hello there..Thank you for sharing dear .. tried these ..they were literally amazing .I just don't why the filling is leaking out from the buns.. they leak from my roll version too 😔 not sure what I am doing wrong 🤔

  2. Hmm. When the filling melted as they cooked, it all oozed out, the sugar then caramelised around the bun and stuck them to the tin… I feel there may have been a set up for the video! They are delicious though 😊

  3. So I made full recipe, but I don't have jumbo muffin tins so I made 12 buns (and they still came out pretty big). I have this little oversized cupcake tin so worked for this perfectly. 😊 I made sure to seperate the dough in two parts before the first rising to not awake the gluten before the rolling. And I added a thin layer of Nutella on top of the cinnamon filling and omg it was even better!

  4. I was so impressed by them that I turned them into cardamom buns the next time – I just used 1,5 tea spoons of cardamom instead of the cinnamon, they were so great! 🤩

  5. What yeast do you use as my local Asda sells Time Saver Yeast 11g or Easy Bake Yeast 7g. Not to sure which is the best to use as they don’t seem to sell fast action at 7g ? Thanks

  6. Can you keep the dough in the fridge and bake on another day once you've added the cinnamon etc + not proved the second time around?

  7. Great gonna make my cardamon buns kardamon bullar like this, Thank you..Brit in Tokyo thanking you for educating my Japanese friends who luv to say: British food is gross!.

  8. Omg that pull at the end 🥵🤤 I'm going to make it there (US) one day to try something from Cupcakes and Doilies

  9. I dont think ive ever managed to pull off the gluten window test, even though my buns, pizzas and such come out great.

  10. Ily chef, but this recipe does not work with ap flour. Did it 4 times and had it come together once. Has to be bread flour. Also worth the prep to bloom the yeast in the lukewarm milk. 🧡 you guys.

  11. I don't usually comment on videos but these cinnamon rolls are by far the tastiest thing I've ever baked! I don't have a stand mixer so I kneaded the dough by hand which took a whilte and I didn't get quite the same consistency but that didn't affect the rolls too much in the end. I had a lot of trouble spreading the cinnamon filling on the dough (perhaps in the future I would melt the butter so it's easier to spread) but I decided to create the rolls anyway and I was really surprised that they turned out looking pretty decent. I split the rolls into 12 and baked them in a cupcake tray for 12 minutes which seemed like the perfect duration

  12. I tried this recipe today and oh my God best recipe ever !! I have recently got a standmixer so the dough was soft like a pillow !!
    Just a tip for other people, in cold temperatures like these days, I think for the filling,it's best if you soften the butter a little by heating it up in microwave, don't melt it all the way though, just soft enough to easily spread on the rolled out dough. I had so much difficulty spreading the filling on the dough!

  13. I’m no longer 75 but am always looking for new techniques and recipes. Dane your dough looks lovely. Your presentation was superb!! Currently I am challenging myself to create the perfect cinnamon bun. Perhaps with your help I can do just that. I hope, I hope. 😊😊😊😊😊😊 Patricia

  14. I used AP flour but I found out that it made the dough very tough so I added in about a couple more tablespoons of milk (sticky kneading situation). It seemed to soften up the dough more after another duration of kneading by hand. I was initially hesitant about the dough because it did not pass the windowpane test though it looked like it had a lot of gluten development from all the stretch marks; the two proofing stages also went well. In the end, the rolls were soft, but I think bread flour might be the better choice to remove the guesswork and possibly result in even more softer rolls.

    Still delicious though, thank you for the recipe! (:

  15. Hello! Jemma I live in the US and I would love love love to have a Chelsea bun. However I can’t quite justify flying over to Great Brit to try one. Would you share your recipe so I may have a proper one my first time please 🙏

  16. This video was great! Love how you explain everything. Im going to try this! Mahalo for sharing🙋‍♀️

  17. These are insanely good. Just practice a few times and you'll be great. I messed it up like 3 times in a row but they still came out very edible, as i still ate like 4 or 5. Still havent cracked making them look good, but damn, they taste great.

  18. Not a massive issue, but the way Dane puts the cinnamon paste on results in the first fold having twice as much paste between the layers for no apparent reason. I only apply the past to two thirds of the dough and fold the unpasted dough over and then the pasted one over that, with the paste then being more even between the layers.

    Aside from that, I'll give this recipe a go but definitely not this size and see how they compare to my own version of Richard Bertinet/Gozney best cinnamon buns.

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