I've got a butt coming off a 16 hr smoke.

It's 10am, friend's party is at 2pm. Aside from the super long rest advocates, I'm supplying food for kids and pregnant folks so I don't want to have the meat drop too low.

Any advice on what you'd do with it? Currently resting in foil/towels and cooler.

Obligatory pics added for fun ☺️

by Asketes


  1. BigOrkoo

    Put it in a crockpot if it gets too cold. Good luck!

  2. Chaseaustin864

    You can throw that thing in a cooler with some towels and it’ll be hot 6 hours after. Been there myself.

  3. Fabulous-Operation51

    Yeah if in a good cooler with towels it’ll still be pretty hot once you pull it out even after 4 hours. Assuming you pulled it out of the cooker when it’s over 200 degrees I wouldn’t even worry about. I did this same thing at my baby shower.

  4. jnkbndtradr

    Drink and congratulate yourself. That NEVER happens at my house, lol.

  5. Foil_Boat

    Cooler will be fine but if you are extra paranoid (for obvious reasons) you can throw it in your oven at the lowest setting.  For me is 170.  It  hold in there for as long as you need it.   Just make sure the temp comes down for awhile before throwing it in there so it doesn’t keep cooking. 

  6. linkdead56k

    You’re doing it right. A regular ass cooler will keep your meats warm for about 6 hours no problem.

  7. GmaninMS

    I do foil, then towels, in a cooler. Holds for 5-6 hours easily.

  8. RussellVolckman

    16 hours?!?! That’s brisket territory there.

  9. Jake777x

    Keep the probes in, wrap it and throw it in the oven with a couple bowls of water. When the internal temp is decreasing through 180, set the oven temp as low as it will go. Usually 170. Turn it off an hour before serving. This is my go to method for brisket and pork butt and it hasn’t failed me yet.

  10. manwoodlover

    Why is your daughter saying f*ck you to the Britts? I don’t blame her, I’m just curious.

  11. SteadyVariable

    This happened to me yesterday! Was planning on smoking for 16 hours and only needed 14. Double wrapped aluminum foil, a thick bath towel, and stuck in my cheap styrofoam cooler. Came back five hours after and was still too hot to pull after unwrapped lol.

  12. usererror007

    Wouldn’t ever post any of my kids on reddit, but maybe that’s just me. Nice ham, you got smoking

  13. torch9t9

    I use a small Styrofoam cooler with 3″ walls and it will keep a butt hot for over 8 hours. You’ll be fine in a cooler with something like a paper bag on top of the foil to keep the heat in

  14. Done… early? I’ve never heard of such things.

    Joking aside, wrap it and throw in a cooler. Enjoy life.

  15. DonCallate

    If you want to be able to guarantee a safe holding temp, you can vacuum seal it and drop it in a *sous vide* bath.

  16. Dramatic-Knee-4842

    Should be just fine in the cooler as others have stated. But if you want to be extra safe, get an oven preheated to 160 and hold it in there, wrapped up tight.

  17. No_Type8518

    Rap meat in good tin foil twice put a towel around it and put it in a cooler

  18. WarpGremlin

    Keep a probe in the meat and watch the temps. alert below 150 (below “140” is the danger zone).

    If your meat is coming off at 10 and service is at 2, foil wrap it, put it in a cooler and add some towels for additional thermal mass– you’ll be fine.

    Once its off the heat, “transportation” can easily be part of “rest” with a little extra insulation.

  19. Key-Spell9546

    Rest it longer. It literally will only HELP your tenderness.

    A big hunk of 8+ pound meat double wrapped in foil will literally take an hour or more just sitting on the counter to drop to under 160F by itself. And you can extend this.

    Wrap in blankets and put either in a preheated insulated cooler or warming tray. I’ll set my oven to 200F and preheat, shut it off, and then put the wrapped meat on it. That can extend my rest another hour. Electric ovens can be set to their lowest settings and hold warm pretty safely… I don’t like to rest in my gas oven while it’s turned on – the radiant heat from the bottom burners could easily ignite wrapped blankets towels or whatever.

  20. sybrwookie

    It sounds like you need a transport it, so wrap a couple of bricks in foil, throw them in the oven at as low as you can, hopefully around 150 to 170, And when those bricks warm up, throw them in the cooler with the meat and they will make sure the meat stays warm until you need it

  21. RedDeadYellowBlue

    crack a brewski open and chill out

  22. Constant-Tutor7785

    Stick a probe in it, then do the faux cambro thing that another poster linked. Make sure the temp doesn’t drop below 140F (it won’t, assuming you double foil wrapped, covered in multiple towels and stuck the whole thing in a cooler).

    Btw I gotta chuckle at the Europeans who may be seeing the two fingered salute from the very cute kid. Lol.

  23. Kev-O_20

    Put in the oven on low. Transport in cooler to keep warm/hot. Just has to stay over 150 internal temp during the rest period.

  24. I appreciate everyone’s insight. I got it in a cooler and am about to pop a prob in it to monitor.

    Cheers all!

    Also, excuse my 4 year and the bad European sign, she’s mimicking my wife and trying to do bunny ears 😂

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