My smash burger πŸ”πŸ’―

by realzik-only


  1. slut4burritos

    Where’s the smash? I just see a regular patty

  2. UnitedSteakOfAmerica

    Not exactly a smash, but still a decent looking burger. I would smash

  3. Apparently people call normal burgers smash burgers now? Seen this a few times now.

  4. Boeiing_Not_Going

    Not a smashburger but looks delicious!

  5. Ok_Strain_2065

    Looks like beans, not sauce haha
    pretty good!

  6. ZestycloseRaisin9864

    not enough greens

    this isn’t vegan

  7. boomgoesthevegemite

    β€œBut I squished it with a spatula!”

  8. bbbertie-wooster

    I’d happily eat that – but its not a smashburger…

  9. Can we get some clarification on what counts as smash burger? Apparently every burger’s a smash burger now

  10. Helpmeiminhell6

    These Smashburger posts are just troll posts now

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