Dry aged strip that I picked up from Wegmans

by Accomplished-Wave478


  1. Noisy-Remote728

    Pretty solid- nice crust & internal temp. A little grey banding, but looks delicious. 7.5/10

  2. Ok_Turnip2235

    This reminds me of a steak from the 50s

  3. I’m not a regular on this reddit but this looks absolutely amazing! I’d absolutely destroy this 💪🏽

  4. Historical-Peak-860

    It’s so bad. I’ll take it off your hands.

  5. Rough-Expression-458

    Bad idea to check food pics at work.

  6. SerDavosSeaworth64

    I would probably prefer it a hair rarer but other than that it’s literally perfect

  7. timreidmcd

    Where’s the rest of it? It’s like the size of a chicken budget.

  8. EasternCandle1617

    That sear and even cook on a steak that thin demonstrates the cook knew what they were doing.

  9. You didn’t plan this, but the post just above yours dealt looking at shit in a toilet. Unfortunate timing, bro.

  10. Vegetable-Shower150

    fucking 11 man that looks amazing

  11. myboyfriendisgay24

    I give it a 37 on the Bourdain Scale; which, when converted to Metric, equals about 3.28332 Ramsays… that’s 209.5 Huabi, for our Asian friends.

  12. Temporary-Dot6500

    Just need my tools it looks like a good hunk of beef

  13. Dismal-Business-8797

    That crust looks fucking beautiful. I’m drunk after so I’d never the able to comment this if is was sober, but like it’s a truly beautiful crus, it just hits a lot a grey. Not even a lot but about 30%. Not trynna be a douche, just wanna see u lower it. Cook it a bit less time but let it rest a bit longer, it allows it to be fully cooked, but not much grey. U could also sous vide it. Chef kiss tho either way. I really wants to bites into that

  14. Chief_Dances_w_Cash

    I thought that was sole off a doc Martin book for a second.

  15. Available-Cow-411

    I rate it as should be on my plate!

  16. wang-chuy

    Just ever so slightly over. But it looks like it’ll eat..

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