Smoked a brisket. Let me know if its smash or pass

by mapleleafsf4n


  1. TestSample1183

    Smoke ring looks great and the bark looks amazing. Perhaps a little overcooked but I bet it tastes great.

  2. PoemSpecial6284

    Id eat 1/2 of the entire thing, all of your side and dessert., pass out on your couch for 4 hours and then violently clog your toilet..

  3. Fabulous-Operation51

    Overcooked or not it looks moist and delicious, that’s all I require to smash

  4. reddit_and_forget_um

    Over cooked. Why has it got to be smash or pass? 10 or 1? It’s a solid 7.

  5. No_Bottle_8910

    It would have to make my mouth dryer after eating it for me to pass on brisket.

    Ok, even then.

  6. illegal_deagle

    Hard pass. Overcooked and poorly sliced with the wrong knife.

  7. WurittoJesus

    I’d pass go and collect my plate on the way out

  8. hoppycolt

    Looks good for pulled beef/sandwiches. For sliced brisket I think the internal got too high so it’s falling apart.

  9. dmyoungblut

    Even if I smash it, I still have to pass it.
    So the answer is yes.

  10. Practical-Film-8573

    it looks pulled but what choice do i have? I mean pulled is good too

  11. Brisket breakfast tacos are great.
    Chili too!👍🤌

  12. bkedsmkr

    I like to finish briskets at 195 to keep them from falling apart like this, but it won’t affect flavor just consistency. Mos def I’d smash

  13. Successful-Oil4063

    This brisket deserves a new knife. Can we crowd fund for this guy?

  14. It’s definitely over cooked.

    But who cares this isn’t a competition.

    Did you enjoy it? That’s the most important metric for if you did a good job.

    You’ll always be improving your briskets and fucking some up that’s life!

  15. An_Average_Man09

    Did you squeeze it after the first cut?

  16. djdadzone

    It definitely looks smashed but 100% would take a nibble

  17. AZCARDS77

    Looks good but I have to ask. Did you a bench grinder to cut it?

  18. Boop_Boop_0983

    Imma gonna do dirty things, rub it on my…………..definitely smash.

  19. FloatMurse

    Looks great to me! Although that knife is about to turn your brisket into pulled beef.

  20. Rewerts7

    It’s a pot roast with good bark.

    That being said I would smash this for sure.

  21. BeyondDrivenEh

    First person to haiku.

    The violent clog.


  22. TurdMcDirk

    How do you keep slicing it in every picture and in every picture the cutting board is clean? Also, where’s picture of the flat? I just see the point.

    Also, you need to get a brisket slicing knife with a grant on edge.

    You can tell it’s dry because when you slice into it, it’s tearing up the brisket into chunks instead of cutting nice clean thin slices.

  23. Mmoose2111

    Was going to say falling apart. I would take the stuff that’s shredding and use it in brisket mac n cheese or brisket pizza.

  24. my_dancing_pants

    You ain’t fooling anyone with those black gloves

  25. SoonerLax45

    Yea id smash that, take to a nice seafood dinner, and call it back

  26. InTheSky57

    I’m going to guess this was cooked on a pellet smoker

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