Just tried Culver’s Pub Burger it’s bangin.

by Spider-Ghost-616


  1. 2sdaeAddams

    I recently tried that. Would eat again. And again!

  2. IncarceratedScarface

    I was thinking about trying this and you just sold me

  3. badgers4194

    Culvers is the goat. Always go when I go home to visit or if there’s one near me on vacation since there’s none near where I live now

  4. johnsonfromsconsin

    Love this burger. The pretzel bun combined with the pickled onions makes it one of the best fast food burgers out there. It’s messy though!

  5. I don’t know about this bread to meat ratio. It seems off to me.

  6. parlonida

    This is how I learned that I don’t like cheddar on burgers. The pretzel bun is nice but their regular burger is so much better to me. American cheese is the only way

  7. ChillinDylan901

    I’ll be in STL in a few months, can’t wait to try Culver’s for the first time! I’ve stared at it there for years but never realized what I was missing!

  8. pentangleit

    As a Brit, I’ve never seen that sort of a burger in any of our pubs

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