The chefs each have 20 minutes to make tapas using leftovers from the previous service. During this service, J overcooked rice for both teams, turning it into mush and forcing Chef Ramsay to take the risotto off the menu for the night. Andrea and Carol were forced to eat a pasta dish after Chef Ramsay said that the pasta was raw.

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In Hell’s Kitchen, two teams compete for the prestigious job of head chef at a top restaurant, all under the guidance of world-class fiery chef Gordon Ramsay.

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and now the continuation of Hell’s Kitchen I don’t wish that spot on anybody I’m feeling pretty beat up at having had made the last decision as far as who was going to be on the chopping block I can’t blame you didn’t pick me I told you I’m not going to base it on something so stupid and Petty Carol was quite shocked that I didn’t put her up on the Block just because she wanted to punch me in the bro I wanted to punch you in the neck I don’t feel like you’re a weak part of the team and I honestly feel like La has not been there for us what the [ __ ] how can you take me to go home I just felt like there was a lack of passion over the past 3 days from you la I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you from my perspective I think you can do more I’m starting to get sick of women right now I just back up everything that Paul just said it’s just it’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] Fest it’s not a personal thing tell you right now it’s going to be balls to the wall Now red team is definitely dividing itself into two little teams Paula and Andrea are Team LA and myself seem to be a team we try to work together but it’s just getting more difficult and more difficult as the days go by they I felt like the two of them were just like to each other yeah it’s a team effort you just have to put by gon we bu gon work as a team after a tense night in the dorms the chefs face the uncertainty of another day in Hell’s Kitchen right good morning morning Che I’ve prepared something something slightly special for you this morning a little treat a few samples of dishes from my restaurant back in London maze Scott Gloria please they’re called TAA style small unique delicious portion yeah salmon 6 way now jump in have a taste don’t look so nervous Jan fresh vibrant nice and out of this world delicious Chef oh my God I don’t even like salmon necessarily but Chef Ramsey’s dishes were freaking phenomenal six nice small vibrant portions all taken from salmon I hope you realize over the last 2 and a half to 3 years this has been a huge Trend in restaurants around the world today’s challenge is tapus style cooking yes yes each team will create five small plates the team with the most winning dishes will win the challenge and as a added bonus you’ll be creating those small individual portions from leftovers this is going to be tough what have we wasted the last few days what kind of junk are we going to get you all have 20 minutes to create that tappa style dish Jay can make a five course meal out of anything leftovers canned food you’d be surprised now as a slight problem don’t need to even the teams Lacy yes chef ever since you have been with the men the girls have never won Lacy yes sir oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] stay where you are yes chef Giovani yes chef with the ladies yes chef H here we are there we are went to the other team there’s a lot more girls there you’ve got one hell of a strong Chef take advantage of it Chef Ramsey gave the worst from the red team to the blue team and the best from The Blue Team to the red team are you ready yes chef go go go cutting boards knives each Chef will have just 20 minutes to create a top dish using the provided tray of leftovers let’s win this one I’ll take the Lobster Claw this challenge will test the chef’s ability to improvise a quality that every great chef must possess you want you look nice and red thank you Chef all right then I’ll use this has to be soy sauce is that soy sauce right there yeah I’m going to do something with the tuna and the soy okay I’m taking Lobster I know I’m new here but your sauce is going to take the longest time heard that no matter what team I’m on red blue purple it doesn’t matter I’m just staying focused and ready to go and uh hopefully the red team will put their difference behind and we can pull together and win come on guys somebody give me an idea I’m not going to make it that much farther in this competition if I can’t even come up with a dish why don’t you Dice the tomatoes dice up some mushrooms make a little mushroom brushetta Lacy has no culinary skill whatsoever and I’m getting kind of pissed off that Chef Ramsay is amusing himself by keeping this fat [ __ ] 5 minutes let’s go ladies yes chef Jay taste this what does it need tast good it’s good plat right here in the middle of the table 90 seconds to go I’m pling up let’s go 35 seconds let’s get it up there time to go 5 4 3 2 1 and stop Chef Ramsey will now judge the dishes head to-head first up are Danny and Paula Paula what is it Chef this is kind of a peppered steak steak and eggs we have some Tomatoes down there shallots as well as some leaks uhhuh good very nice thank you Chef Danny what have we got we have a grilled Fon with a wild mushroom ragu mhm two very similar dishes that’s nice thank you Chef you both won Absolut absolutely delicious one point for each team thank you Chef okay Lacy what have we got Chef um I have a mushroom breta with balsamic vinegar on top of a sauteed leak did you cook them uh yes chef for how long not long enough Chef that could hold up a [ __ ] suspension bridge what a shame what it’s an asparagus and ginger soup the idea of Ginger and asparagus came from where just threw it together what is that in there parmesan Che yeah that looks like it’s coming out at the bottom of a dishwasher it also tastes like it’s come out the bottom of dishwasher in sepid almost like some camels piss in your pot I was like oh this going to be easy for me and it kind of went like that’s disgusting that is foul [ __ ] off back you’ve both got zero okay ladies first Carol what is it this is a ginger rubbed seared tuna with fried leaks and the tuna is glazed with a uh Ginger soy reduction I here at 6:00 this morning putting that stuff out there was no soy sauce there yeah it may look the same color but it’s not soy sauce okay did you taste it I did dude if you can’t tell the difference between soy and balsamic I mean Hello um it’s glazed on the outside I didn’t want it Saucy Chef that’s a shame cuz it’s quite dry Robert what is it peppered pasta with uh sauteed butternut squash with a pan seared uh uh lamb loin the idea came from where came right from my mother’s kitchen I get a lot of inspiration from her that’s slightly too large in terms of tapa style in terms of flavor it’s absolutely spoton I need a little bit more on there really nowhere near good enough Robert well done thank you delicious Chef you very much well done mom here’s to you you just got toasted by Chef Gordon Ramsey ready good that’s for you Ma nice job great job buddy Andre yes chef what is it I have an open face Lobster and asparagus ravioli with a Peno reduction M it looks boring but when it delivers it delivers big time in taste and flavor very nice thank you sir yeah Jay slightly phallic but what is it it’s Lobster with a fennel and leak broth here’s the thing Jay yes chef you’ve gone simple but too simple I expect something a little bit more more creative and less boring as that that on the other hand delivers in flavor well done thank you two two thank you Chef I got robbed it hurts my soul I just got to take what he says and [ __ ] internalize it and show it with the score tied it all comes down to the red team’s new member executive chef Giovani versus executive Sue Chef Ben okay Ben yes chef what is it well I took some tuna sir I grilled it on all sides it served over uh grilled asparagus and what’s in the sauce took some fennel fronds I took a little of the balsamic but I wanted to make sure I maintain the acidity of the vinegar at the same time absolutely delicious Jan yes chef what is it it’s a surf and turf style Tapper I panted a piece of beef I I have a a Lobster Claw gave it a quick fry M both look great the amount of work that’s g into these two dishes is extraordinary a little nerve raging sitting right there and watching Chef enjoy both dishes not knowing which way it was going I rather gone against someone that’s dishes was horrible that way I knew it would win this is really half seriously the winning team he the red team well done Gian well done thank you I’m glad I could do my part for my new team and and then hopefully I can keep on carrying them to a victory absolutely delicious thank you well done yes chef I’m psyched out of my mind to have goo on our team I definitely think the Spicer need a little testosterone and Gio has an over a abundance of it to give Ben do not be upset that was very very difficult the closest ever three times now i’ I’ve put my dish up against someone else’s and I’ve lost it’s a humbling feeling to uh to consistently get beat losers you know there’s a punishment yes chef unfortunately this one sucks because you’re going to be setting up both kitchens ahead of service tonight that’s right we’re open tonight yes chef are you serious the worst punishments here are double prep days with service that night and it’s tapis night we’re changing plates down to the small size plates I want them unloaded I want them washed and dried and Polished ahead of tonight’s service is that clear Che ladies and Giovani as you won today you’ll continue to focus on winning because we’re going to a place where people really value winning we’re going to Hollywood Park horse racing yes it’s fabulous first race is an hour move your ass get upstairs get changed see you good job guys hey good job giovan’s officially a red team member he’s a strong forward Italian like myself I hope that we can use that and come together are super fancy for horse races dude we’re going horse racing I’m just going to dress up because I want to all that bitterness and that bicker and they do it is no good now we got to go help each other out and work together as a team Hey listen whatever your difference is between all four of you is push it to the side and push forward cuz if we don’t we’ll lose a service and if you lose a service then one of us goes the way I see it we got the strongest person from the blue over on our team we’re only as good as each other we have to work as a team to win you got it while Giovani pushes his new team forward his former teammates have two kitchens to prep for tonight’s dinner service we got so much stuff to do and we got to move man just got to cook the risotto a lot of pressure prepping up for both kitchens risoto is just half and half water chicken stock right three boxes for both rice rather have more than run out right L see what you can do to hustle we have a shitload of prep to do we got to move man beautiful mhm between rolling out cookie dough this is going to take off freaking day and mashing potatoes it’s awful with Lacy bringing up the rear on prep out at the track the red team is lining up their bets what number you going for victory’s Lady victory’s Lady there you go I’ll go for stress free that that has to be my favorite no have you ever had a stress free day Chef I have actually you know that have you yeah on the flight home back to the UK Chef yours is the gry horse doesn’t exactly look the fit is does it no being around Chef Ramsey outside of Hill’s kitchen is [ __ ] awesome it’s like hanging out with your dad to the finish line here it’s a beautiful track I think the race is about to start the house kitchen Derby how exciting is this let’s go guys here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go lady come on come on all right plates are here our punishment we’re just busy the entire time boom boom boom we got to go get plates so it’s just non-stop go go go go go guys where wehe headed with these Lacy take them outside and you start polishing them what are we polishing them with just a towel Robert’s like lacy take these dishes back you know none of these people here treat me like an equal and I’m sick of it where am I going I don’t know Lacy I mean somewhere where you can polish him take him back to that front table Lacy start polishing him yeah yeah dude I can’t handle it dude it’s like babysitting where do I polish him Lacy get your [ __ ] together this is Hell’s Kitchen this is not the after school daycare program this is the pace you have to work you know what I mean not dah while The Blue Team tries to get Lacy up and running back at the track it’s a race to the Finish pushing track stress free has the lead victory’s lady begins to run after her look like it might be down to these two excessive tail is third lady outside of stress free stress free victory’s lady they come to the wire victory lady yeah my horse whipped Chef ramy’s horse’s ass that right out of nowhere that’s going to be me kitchen while the race was a close call back in Hell’s Kitchen the blue team is anything but close we got a lot to do to finishing prep oh you didn’t take the uh this part off no so you’re supposed to take the paper off Robert trust me you’re not supposed to do that Lacy then I [ __ ] up then it’s not your [ __ ] problem you need stop right now and listen to what we’re trying to tell you I’m so sick of lacy I’m about to use a Jedi mind trick and just choked [ __ ] out of that [ __ ] mentally I’m trying to yelling at me you’re not he’s trying to help you he’s trying to help you Lacy I know but never mind that [ __ ] just got to go man I don’t care what that fat ass has to say to me he just needs to say it to my face instead of mumbling it under his [ __ ] breath I’m not fight if I fight with anybody right now I’m leaving I swear to God you’re what last thing we need if you got to go then just go I don’t understand why everyone don’t Fu back I’m serious this is a professional kitchen if you want to [ __ ] go go I’ll [ __ ] do everything just shut the [ __ ] up and get out of the kitchen and let me do my job Ben what else cuz I can’t find fennel at the moment be lazy oh God 1 2 3 4 use your head baby come on push this back I don’t know what’s in your [ __ ] dish oh I hate you guys 7 8 9 I’m sick I’ve taken [ __ ] from you people it’s stopping now I quck I get treated like the donkey of the group and I’m supposed to help these people [ __ ] that I am not going to compromise my health and happiness for [ __ ] 250 Grand no [ __ ] way it’s not worth it where the hell did Lacy go man I I don’t know do that [ __ ] needs her ass kicked man Lacy sucks she needs to be the chef of some psycho Wards so she can get some free therapy I can’t tell her every time she’s got to wipe her ass man I am literally a fraction from losing it with her but the blue team needs that extra pair of hands Lacy’s the extra pair of hands I don’t want to be the [ __ ] from Hell’s Kitchen cuz I’m really not a [ __ ] I’m really a nice cool person let me ask you a real serious question Li can you brush this off and can you go back in the kitchen and produce we need you here we go again we need you I know but I don’t understand I’m not us like this we need you we we need you as much as we ride you we need you tonight oh we need you okay no you don’t need me you want me here because you don’t want to be a man down to the red team no I I understand I’m sorry can you go back in the kitchen and produce yeah it’s time to push the little bird to the edge and make sure it can [Music] fly winning the challenge has definitely given Giovani a positive attitude and he’s trying to instill that in his team let’s pull together let’s communicate we can rock this I agree geod seems to to balance out the hormones that are there and it might just be what we need in order to to just step us up I’m ready okay Jean Philip yeah open house’s kitchen yeah wish I’m going to start with the tuna and H order yes took of us table for one Lobster one surf and turf one tuna one Roto entree one lamb one chicken yes let’s go let’s go let’s go two covers 24 one tuna one serent tur one skulls one Lobster away don’t stop how long than the Roto and pasta bling up the pasta right now how’s your Roto I’m going go where’s the Roto right here Chef Carol yes [Music] chef taste that Rice taste the rice it’s like mush show me the rice right here oh my God it’s overcooked it’s like mush who cooked the rice just got to cook The risoto Blue Team The Blue Team what oh come here you all of you who cooked this rice I did Chef look at it Jay how can you do that Jay Jay for both teams yes chef oh [ __ ] H oh come on you can’t do this the risoto was mushy clumpy and nasty and it definitely was not a good way to start the evening it’s Marsh you cook all in the same pan yes chef oh [ __ ] me oh come on [ __ ] off Jay I’ll get a pot on Chef that pissed off Chef Ramy and I definitely didn’t need that because uh you know Chef Ramsey has been riding me hard the past couple days John pH stop the ratoo yeah Jay I can’t believe you just screwed the service in both kitchens Jay you’re my friend and I like you a lot but today you [ __ ] suck man a half hour after Jay’s risoto brought both teams to a standstill appetizers are finally starting to leave the kitchens again too hard let me organize the new one for you and coming back p on the Cure is it yeah it is really on the cook tri hey you Madam the past’s Raw who’s running appetizers I am well then run it then does she wipe your ass no Chef I get [ __ ] yelled at because this stupid [ __ ] can’t [ __ ] cook what the hell is up with that there must be some mixed in cuz it’s what why aren’t you tasting I was tasting it Chef so you tasted it and knew it raw and still sent it that stupid [ __ ] doesn’t [ __ ] say anything when Chef Ramsey’s yelling at me [ __ ] this [ __ ] imagine come here you mathy little [ __ ] you come here yes hey get me that tow out there and sit on that table and eat that both of you [ __ ] off out there it’s not undercooked it’s raw raw Carol let’s eat it let’s get this [ __ ] over with and you’re not coming back to this clear and you let me know how it tastes I was appalled that I had to stop during service that pasta was grossly undercooked and I had to eat that [ __ ] [ __ ] eat up girl it’s it’s I’m eating it it’s f while Carol and Andrea chew on their mistakes in the blue kitchen Jay is hoping to redeem himself Jay yes chef come on then look it’s still Stone Cold back in the oven [ __ ] hell Jay I know you’re busy buddy how long on salm in my man 5 minutes 5 minutes he said four out can you make it four everything you’ve touched so far tonight has been screwed Jay just lost his [ __ ] man he was just clamming up didn’t take control he was burning the seafood he was sending raw seafood that’s called burnt salmon not seared salmon it takes a real good Chef to recover you can really turn this around if you want to I I know I know wipe your face wipe your face with a r Jay where’s the salmon coming around right here Chef hey Bozo sauce come here you put that down come here you come here you get in there get in what the [ __ ] are you doing I’m here Chef it’s not good enough Jay I know chef got no [ __ ] excuse what’s the matter with you I don’t know I’ll [ __ ] turn it on right now shf I can’t [ __ ] go any further please wake up yes chef Chef Ramsey has given Jay a wakeup call but he may not be the only Chef in need of one I’ve got sour of one here and I’ve got two Dory on sour of one I’ve got two Dory on La it’s almost like La it was like half asleep or something come on La come on La wake up what are you sleeping no I’m she’s dreaming come on M she silly cow he called me a cow for the first time don’t cook all the [ __ ] Dory in one pan unless you boil them yes yes chef in the real world you wouldn’t have someone yelling at you like that you wouldn’t have someone calling you a cow a [ __ ] you wouldn’t cuz in the real world if someone called you a cow or a [ __ ] you would walk up to and suck him in the face come on La please 30 seconds je as La tries to get up to speed over in the blue kitchen Hey where’s the other scull up right here Chef we seen this [ __ ] it I have had enough come here you you leave it here put it down you come here you come here yes sir what is that what is that what is that that SS out our best what is it wait it gets better look touch that it’s rubber oh my God unbelievable no no no no no no get out out out out get out out get out hit your jacket off and [ __ ] off I guess I don’t belong here so I’ll be going home I’m here for a reason and it’s uh my boy and my wife so of course I’m disappointed was a tough day oh it’s [ __ ] up my dream when I came to Hell’s kitchen was to [Music] win so uh now it’s time to move on and get my own restaurants going you know I don’t need Chef Ramsay’s opinion anymore I’ve got it tomorrow’s another day let’s do it but uh it’s time to Jay Maxwell to do his own thing 2 hours into dinner service Jay has been shown the door and Chef Ramsey is trying to help The Blue Team find their way we’ve lost one this is where we all pull together you back on fish you over there you fin the desserts let’s go it was like blue team semi truck bam nobody had an idea what the [ __ ] was going on tell her what’s going on Robert what’s going on over here I got to T in the oven Danny I two lamb in a Wellington sir go after that table Lacy back on garnish yes Danny help Ben cuz he [ __ ] needs it yeah you’re not even Rising you’re you’re you’re sinking I’m going to rise Chef get it in yes chef oh [ __ ] disaster as The Blue Team tries to pick up the pieces after Jay’s departure over in the red kitchen a leader is emerging you got two chickens three wellingtons all day three wellingtons one just came in a little while ago made a show that I’m a leader and I’m I’m not a follower there’s too many Indians in this world and I want to be the [ __ ] Chief how long in a salmon we’re down to one one minute on of salmon I’ll bringing up the garnish go for it babe J’s a good asset to our team he’s a chef he knows what he’s doing we definitely benefited it felt like a [ __ ] kitchen I need a full surfing turs you got two John dory’s next Lam is up sounds like a team yes we’re cooking as a team let’s go barely holding my head above water actually at least your hair is still standing up while Giovani pulls the red kitchen together over in the blue kitchen Ben tries to get it together on the meat station where’s the bastard wedding time coming Chef coming and he just need another 10 seconds what oh come on sauce yes coming Chef really they not even [ __ ] hard I have a very difficult time with the uh beef wellingtons everyone’s got their weak points the oven door’s spending more time open than it’s closed so how can you cook the Wellington perfectly when you’re opening the door it’s impossible the oven will call off sh C the Wellington in a convector in the convection OV yes chef Chef Ramsey put the infrared Beam on me and uh pulled the trigger you’re [ __ ] next no I swear to God you’re [ __ ] next I’m very upset with myself Chef no I wouldn’t be upset with our you I’d be embarrassed yeah Chef I understand I’m sorry Chef wake up yes chef Ben’s wellingtons have failed to impress now Chef Ramsey checks in with paa yes chef come here yes chef that’s perfectly cooked thank you Chef absolutely perfect thank you when Chef Ramsey compliments you it just really makes you feel great that Madam yes chef is the best Wellington we’ve ever sent thank you Chef Paula is definitely the strongest person here seriously rocking [ __ ] out tonight on the meat station she is my mark to beat right now now that you know how to do it compose yourself time it and get on top of it got it chef Paula has answered Chef Ramsey’s prayers for perfect wellingtons now he has a question for Ben why is the wellingtons 5 and A2 minutes I’m watching you like a [ __ ] [ __ ] why do you know why I don’t know I want you out you’re not cutting it you’re dreaming it hurts it hurts when someone goes at you like that stop stop stop stop stop put that down oh my god look look B was struggling get getting just beat up by Chef Ben’s just like Jay during dinner service he just falls apart come here you come here get in there here Chef what’s your [ __ ] game no game Chef Tell Me TR what are you doing I’m doing everything I can why you putting them on a dirty tray Chef only because I was doing Wellington on them before I could not find any more that’s good enough for you no it’s not Chef is it Fu it’s not I don’t want to do it in you dirty Pig yes chef clean the [ __ ] tray yes chef one more and your [ __ ] history Chef get in yes chef today took every little part of me to not open my little cocoon I did everything I could to just push forward dirty pink it’s 3 hours into dinner service and despite Ben’s troubles on the meat station the blue kitchen is pushing out its last tickets service please let’s go meanwhile in the red kitchen everything else please I can start shutting it down yes good job very happy place very Happ our team was so down in the [ __ ] we fell apart from the beginning it’s a pain in the ass the red team may have won dinner service but not everyone feels like celebrating andreo I think I got more Angry tonight than I’ve ever been who’s running the appetizers I am well then run it then does she wipe your ass no [ __ ] you can’t even [ __ ] admit when you’ve done something wrong I don’t feel like i’ done anything wrong of course cuz Andrea is [ __ ] perfect in Andrea’s little [ __ ] world wow Carol’s got a verbal diarrhea problem I’m just feeling like you had your worst service ever and you’re pushing blame on to me Andrea has not yet to this day fessed up to any [ __ ] mistake she has ever made if I was a leader if in my kitchen if I have something I’m just saying in my kit if I have something to say people give me the respect and let me say what’s on my mind I I really had everything under control I’ve never stooped so low as to make someone else look bad to make myself look good and I’m coming real [ __ ] close I’m about to lose my [ __ ] cool listen cut that [ __ ] no if you had a shitty service move on from it although both teams finished dinner service oh Chef Ramsey is anything but happy okay service number seven let me confirm something seven is definitely not my lucky number it’s pretty obvious the blue team lost all of you go back up upstairs and think about one person that you don’t want on your team is that clear yes chef chef now back to the dorms first of all Robert Danny I’m sorry man I went down in flames I did everything I could I really did I really don’t think there was any good part about my performance during service tonight there’s definitely a part in my mind that makes me think that Chef Ramsey could send me home I [ __ ] up this was one of the worst nights of service I’ve ever cooked and I’m ashamed Ben runs his mouth about a big game but he sucked every dinner service I wouldn’t be sad to see Ben [Music] go you guys know who you guys got I don’t know what to do at this point why do I put Robert up there cuz Robert kicked ass tonight why do I put Danny up there when Danny’s been doing good Services who do I [ __ ] put up there for you to put me up because I had a bad service tonight for everything that I’ve done to try and help you along with everything like that you know as much as you’ve done well I can’t forgive that [ __ ] that happened today man oh God when you left the red team you [ __ ] done a great job not taking that away from you but I’m constantly stressed with dealing with your [ __ ] emotional [ __ ] I know how you guys feel about me that’s fine no you don’t you just sat here and [ __ ] blabbed your [ __ ] to me if all you’re hearing is all the negative you’re a Mor what did you just say that that you gave a [ __ ] since you’ve been here the first time you [ __ ] left your team up there where they’re busting their ass Lac is not a team player she doesn’t find this serious she blames everybody but herself the girl is [ __ ] in the head man you care when you want to care when it’s convenient for Lacy that’s not how a team works if you don’t give a [ __ ] Beat It Robert is just an [ __ ] maybe I’ll put Robert up there cuz Chef Ramy did say go back and nominate one person you don’t want on your team dude I swear to God if you win this I will hang up my coat and become a crack hor [Music] dude that was painful in there tonight do each of you know who you’re voting for yeah good tell me who you don’t want on your team any longer and why Robert I don’t want Lacy on my team anymore Chef cuz I believe in my heart this she’s a cancer I don’t appreciate holding our team up for ransom before service by threat of quitting and on service yes and I refuse to accept quitters and we’ve tried to help her but she’s constantly blaming everybody else and I’m serious emotional like like with this passionate about this because in the long run she doesn’t care about what happens and if I was running my restaurant see you later holy crap sorry you got that one off your chest yes Che yeah and you’ve got a big chest yeah yes sure okay byy which one of these men do you want off your team Chef the person I would not like to work with any longer is Robert we just don’t understand each other as people therefore we’re not able to work together it shouldn’t be about personal issues it should be about service and how you perform during service so why do you want to get rid of each other is there love in the air no not at all Chef Danny who do you think you can’t work with any longer Lacy Chef Lacy yes chef why she has a piss poor ad ude she threatened to walk out on us today and I think that’s [ __ ] Ben who’s your nominee my Nomine is Lacy Chef she’s not a team player and she is more holding us down and pushing us forward well we’re not exactly bonding are we okay Lacy yes chef Ben step for forward Ben yes chef chef to Chef why didn’t you nominate yourself because I feel like I’ve offered a lot to this team from the very beginning and I bring a solid foundation of food knowledge to the table I was just testing to see how honest you were I will always tell you the truth Chef yes who’s the worst performing Chef in the blue team tonight be honest I believe ultimately it was me who dropped the ball the most in the Kitchen Tonight without question guess what you’re right Lacy yes chef why should I keep you in Hell’s Kitchen you know Chef I’ve come a long way since I first got here working on a line scared me when I first got here cuz I’d never worked on a line but now I know I can do it you know I didn’t come here for a vacation I came here to learn and grow so that I can win and become great I’ve got someone who can’t get along with a team and someone that clearly can’t cook meat my decision is Ben I really want your jacket I’m giving you one more chance oh thank you Lacy Ben back in line Lacy yes chef you must start working with your team yes chef are all four of you capable of working together yes I can’t hear it yes chef then do it now do me a favor get out a lot of you [ __ ] yeah I’m still here and you know what I’m giving a big [ __ ] you to all these people here of course now I’m definitely the most hated one in the house so I’m sure there’ll be lots more drama tomorrow Lacy’s like a cockroach she’s like the Teflon Dawn nothing can touch that [ __ ] but eventually her Luck’s going to run out and Chef Ramsay is going to be the raid and squash that [ __ ] like a bug Andrea is out for Andrea she’s out to make herself look good and other people look B you know what I’m too old to [ __ ] play these stupid kid games Chef Ramsey rides my cuz I believe he sees something in me and I need to prove to him that I have the ability to win this competition you know shape up or ship the [ __ ] out I kept Ben and Lacy because Jay put the kitchen in such a hole that they never stood a chance they’re very lucky that I sent Jay packing


  1. I love the reason behind Lacey, the Girls had no one to focus their anger on, so they goofed big time

  2. robert was right though. lacey was definitely kept for amusement it ours however not Ramseys😂

  3. Ben and Lacey in fact especially Ben were very very lucky to be in the same kitchen as J there if J wasn't there Ben would've been gone he was horrific here. As for J well it had been a slippery downward spiral it culminated in him joining Josh in the mid service ejection club. Gordon made up for lost time because we didn't have a mid service ejection in HK4.

  4. Andrea actually having respect for Gio and how it could improve the all-female environment was quite refreshing.

  5. I feel bad for J it's unfortunate he had a massive downward spiral it should've been either lazy lacey or big Ben

  6. Lot of people saying Ben was lucky to survive this, but I will forever maintain that Ramsay had a personal hatred for him, which went FAR deeper than his "This isnt personal this is professional" comment to Gio in the later episode.
    Him walking up to Ben and going "Im watching you like a hawk cause I want you out" is like a police officer saying "Ill find something to arrest you for", fate is sealed even if it is unfair.

  7. If and when the contestants get the opportunity to vote someone out of the game, they will without any doubt choose the most dangerous and strongest contestant, which will be the strongest to win the game…Sooooo, I am kinda confused, why do you not judge the contestants with a valid panel of judges???

  8. For all of Ben's faults he was never a liar and Ramsey seems to really want him to step up. Ben could have been eliminated if Ramsey saw nothing in him.

  9. Can you imagine having a day like J had in this episode, having to do Double Prep Work, Over-Cooking The Rice For Both Kitchens (through Tiredness & Stress most likely) & then getting Eliminated Mid-Service like that, J had to take some Tommy-Gun Bullets from Gordon Ramsay that episode & he still came out the other side Alive & Breathing

  10. Are people in recent episodes this rude and mean? I'm amazed that they can just call someone mean things like it's nothing.

  11. Lacey is the walking definition of a negative, self-fulfilling-prophecy. She expected a bad response from others, and behaved in such a way until she got the expected bad response.

  12. How exactly is she the "worst from the red team" if her former teammates haven't won anything since she switched over to the blue team? Wouldn't they be WINNING the challenges more without her there to drag the team down?

  13. The Red Team only won because of GIOVANNI & PAULA
    CAROL & LA were just lucky J was so disastrous that night otherwise it could've easily been one of them going home

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