How’d your morning go?

by J-Kenji-Lopes_Main


  1. under_the_curve

    one time this happened while i was out of the kitchen. i walked in in full robot mode and cranked both handles open. i got a second shower like the most sanitary fecal japan you’ve ever seen in front of the owner and the exec.

  2. LlamaLlumps

    T and s brass works faucet? I’ve had so much of that scrap metal taken out of kitchens over the years.


    Ok. That was a bad idea to begin with. Good news is if you remove the broken pieces, and reinstall the faucet it will be correctly installed. 37 years in the industry, never saw such a bs extension on faucets.

  4. steakslinger757

    Call the plumber and use the other tripple.
    If no other tripple.
    Call the plumber and close until it’s fixed.
    Unless you have a dish machine, it’s just another graduation/fathers day weekend.

  5. Correct-West2427

    Tape a cup over it you still got running water

  6. Shimmer-Emprr

    Whole establisment flooded. Had to mop at 6 am with foh

  7. IcariusFallen

    I turned on a handwashing sink once at work, and the faucet blew off, then the hot water just started blasting me in the face. That wasn’t fun.

  8. Murky-Pass6571

    You should be able to use the 12” spout still. Just unthread the smaller arm and remove the broken piece from the faucet. That bonnet should go right onto the faucet itself. To save everyone some time when you get it replaced, let them know it’s a Fisher mfg. faucet. They are harder to get parts for sometimes.

  9. cameron4200

    One time I turned the faucet on and the spout popped off and started spilling water from the pipe lmao it cracked me up I felt like I was in a a cartoon

  10. weedRgogoodwithpizza

    Throw a clean bus bucket on top. It’s annoying but you can get em filled. 🤙

  11. CompoteStock3957

    For me the worst was walk down stair to our dry storage area. And see water I go that is not just water it was 2.5 inches of it I go oh fuck. Could get a plumber as it was a long weekend. And I finally got one it was a $1,000 call he had to snake the pipes and found out what it was. The building a cross the road did some renovations in the parking lot of something like that. And got our pipes it was the most stressful shift I ever worked. Because at that time my night crew didn’t show up so I was already kind of behind them dealing with that

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