I have never been able to make good rice pudding. This recipe changed that for me, it’s wonderful and very creamy.

Here are the Links to her channels

LaRecetaDeLaAbuelita(Spanish): http://www.youtube.com/larecetadelaabuelita

HowToCookMexicanFood(English): http://www.youtube.com/howtocookmexicanfood

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today I’m gonna try my hand at rice pudding I have been trying to make rice pudding for years and I always always epic fail right all the time all the time never ever have I been it I don’t know why it just I destroy it every time so today I found this channel I met this woman through the me to network event a few months ago and she does great great videos off then take Mexican food she’s absolutely amazing she has two channels one of them is called la receta they love Juanita which means the rest of my grandmother’s recipes and the other channel is called how to cook Mexican food absolutely amazing channels I’ll link them below in the description so you can subscribe to them she does everything from sewing to baking to pastries and beautiful dishes entrees appetizers you name it even these fruit platters that are gorgeous so check out her channel and subscribe to her she’s absolutely awesome so today I’m gonna try making her rice pudding so here we go let’s get started with 2 cups of water 1 cup of rice and a cinnamon stick and we’re gonna stir this and let it come to a boil once it boils make sure you lower the flame just let it cook from after 10 minutes you’re gonna see that all the water is absorbed see now you’re gonna add 3 cups of milk 1/2 a cup of sugar a teaspoon of vanilla and now what I’m gonna do is I’m always worried about the eggs cooking when I put them into something like this so I’m gonna temper my eggs by adding a little bit of the mixture inside the egg mixing it around you temper the eggs you warm the egg so at this point I’m gonna raise the heat and let it come to a boil do not walk away from this because milk will rise up and if you walk away to go do something you’re gonna come back to a disaster on your stove so be a little patient and stick nearby so that you don’t boil it over okay once you see it get to this point that’s when you’re gonna lower the flame it’s beautifully creamy after a boil so you have to let the milk boil up you take it off that heat you put it on a lower heat and you stir it constantly for about three minutes okay now the three minutes of finish look how beautifully creamy it is we’re gonna let this cool off for a few hours because we’re not done yet now we’re gonna add a whole level of creaminess to this rice pudding bite that’s a cup of heavy cream a teaspoon of vanilla and a tablespoon of sugar and we’re gonna beat this heavy cream until it turns into whipped cream and there you have it that’s whip cream that lovely yeah take your rice pudding make sure you take out that cinnamon stick I forgot earlier and you’re gonna take your whipped cream and fold it in [Music] fold it in and this gives it a whole other level of creaminess now her recipe called for a half a cup of whipped cream but I like it very creamy so I added a whole cup of whipped cream and look how beautiful that looks just fold that in and that’s it you’re ready to serve it’s nice and chilled this is it this is the first time I’ve made a successful rice pudding I swear to God first time and I want to thank Jessica her name is Lonnie said the Samia would leave I’m gonna put links to her channel please please subscribe to her she has absolutely wonderful wonderful videos so I’m gonna try hmm the whipped cream adds a whole other level of creaminess to this dish absolutely beautiful desserts have pretty hated that in the martini lives enjoy [Music]


  1. I've been looking at this recipe for 2 years and I finally got off my ass and made it!!! WONDERFUL!! and SO EASY. But I have to say, lazy me didn't feel like whipping the cream and making another bowl dirty so I just folded in cold heavy cream with a little sugar and vanilla. It is AMAZING!! Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you Diana – Love it. Put it in pretty glass jars and gave away as Xmas gifts. 18 of them!

  3. Ingredients:

    2 cups water
    1 cup Rice
    1 cinnamon stick
    3 cups milk
    1/2 cup sugar
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 beaten egg

    (for cream)
    1 cup heavy cream
    1 teaspoon vanilla
    1 tablespoon sugar

  4. I thought the more whipped cream you added to the pudding, the creamier it would be….

  5. Why boil the milk and eggs for 3 minutes? It accomplishes nothing at best and your chances of getting scrambled eggs (masked as rice) is big. Take it off the heat when you see the first bubbles and then keep stirring till it cools down a little.

  6. Omg! I was recently in upstate New York and tried rice pudding for the first time and was instantly hooked. So I’ve tried others here locally and it just didn’t measure up. It’s not as light and fluffy as NY. So I was thinking it had a more whipped cream consistency than the usual custard density. So I’m searching YouTube and found your video and This is it! I can’t thank you enough, it really makes all the difference !

  7. thumbs down, you forgot to tell us what type rice to use
    and yes it makes a difference, so wipe the smile of your face and re do this video

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