Please help. The bread tastes great but I feel like it’s a little on the flatter side. I’ve been baking bread a couple months and I feel like this has been my best one but it still feels like I’m doing something wrong. It maybe my bulk fermentation? Can you tell what’s wrong by looking at it? I use the following recipe:

  • 150 grams of fed starter
  • 350 grams of water
  • 10 grams salt
  • 500 grams bread flour

Mix starter in water

Add flour

Add salt

Mix into shaggy dough. Let sit for 1 hr and begin stretch and folds

4 rounds of stretch and fold every 30 min

Bulk ferment


Cold ferment overnight

Bake on parchment in preheated Dutch oven at 450 for 30 minutes covered. Take off lid and turn oven to 400 and bake for 15 minutes.

by im_here_but_late


  1. AutoModerator

    **Hello im_here_but_late,**

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  2. im_here_but_late

    Just to add, I also used artisansourdoughbaker aliquot method

  3. Looks good to me. Maybe make your score a weeeee bit deeper and at a sharper angle, but that’s just “cosmetics” you know? Your crumb looks great, it doesn’t look gummy or anything like that.

  4. Electronic-Ad-856

    It looks great to me! You could try scoring deeper into the loaf but at a very shallow angle. I follow a similar recipe but I heat the Dutch oven at 490 for a full hour, then I place the scored loaf in quickly and throw in 2 ice cubes. Then bake for 30 min, remove lid, reduce to 400 and bake another 20-30 min (keeping an eye on it, final bake time depends on your oven). With the extra heat and the ice, it seems to really spring!

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