cooking my husband viral recipes until he allows me to be a stay-at home Wife today’s recipe is chicken caesar wraps I got this recipe from avocado Bella and it has almost 10 million views so it has to be pretty good first I just sliced up my lettuce a little bit and then added in mozzarella cheese typically Caesar salads have parmesan but I felt like using mozzarella next I’m just using a creamy Caesar from Walmart and then we’ll just mix it all up together and there’s our Caesar salad now I’m going to get my tortillas ready I’m just going to heat these in the microwave for 15 seconds chicks now to get my chicken these are homemade chicken tenders add into your salad mixture mix and roll into your tortilla simple as that let’s see what the hubby thinks it’s good what do you give it out of 10 eight and 1 half


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