Here is the recipe ๐Ÿ˜

For 6 naans :

  • t55 flour 350 (g)
    -sugar 1 (tsp)
    -salt 5 (g)
    -dehydrated baker's yeast 5 (g)
    -olive oil 30 (g)
    -plant based yogurt 50 (ml)

Pour the 200 mL of warm water into a mixing bowl, then dissolve the dehydrated active dry yeast and sugar. Allow it to rest for about 10 minutes.
Add all the other ingredients and mix.
Form a ball and let it rise for about 45 minutes.
Cut the dough into 6 equal parts and roll out each small dough ball with a rolling pin. You should have fairly thin and large naans (about 20 cm in diameter).
Heat a lightly oiled pan over high heat.
Cook the naans one by one in it: large bubbles should form before flipping the naan to cook it on the other side.
Lightly re-oil the pan between each naan cooking.
Serve the naans while they're still hot! You can brush them with melted margarine before serving ๐Ÿ˜

by ElineBonnin

1 Comment

  1. Carbon-Base

    Nice, it looks good! Though I’d recommend something other than margarine to brush on top.

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