Today I bucked up and attempted some homemade bread after a few… meh previous tries. Very proud of this one ๐Ÿฅฐ and just wanted to share, since my husband is very supportive of taste testing but doesn't share the excitement I do!

by Temporary-Maximum-94


  1. sailingtroy

    Very cool! Definitely reminds me of home. Did you use milk or sugar, or just the flour, water, salt and yeast? Some folks do, some folks don’t. My grandma never used milk in anything because she was old enough that having fresh milk around all the time was not normal for her. We also made the three buns, or “trinity loaf,” even though we’re not Catholic. We are from the French part of the island, though.

    That looks like a very good loaf, with a good crumb. Your top isn’t so smooth as we would aim for. Maybe a touch more kneading, but also making the three buns in the pan helps you get it taut.

    Now those four buns – are they supposed to be dinner rolls our toutons? Because for rolls you want to roll them up a bit more, but for toutons they’re the perfect shape. It’s just that we fry those in fat instead of baking them.

  2. russkhan

    Nice looking loaf. Never heard of Newfoundland bread. What’s it about?

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