Hi! These are large malted milk balls from a local candy store. How many calories would you estimate for each one? I have dark chocolate and milk chocolate (in the picture).

I'm 2 weeks into counting calories to lose weight. I am honest with myself and know I have no little self control so I am counting calories and watching portion sizes of the 'bad' foods and making healthier choices, trying new fruits and veggies (I'm picky!) as well as fasting 20+ hours a day to keep my calories for my dinner. My question is, what would you recommend my deficit should be?

Weight starting was 330. 36 year old female. Going to the gym for 45 minutes exercise 3 times a week (new to this as well so learning). Trying to do 30 minutes on the treadmill then weight machines.

The pinned posts links suggest my calorie needs to maintain weight is 2921 😳 I'm sure I was eating at least this much prior to beginning my journey but it seems so high.

I'm down to 323.8 so far and I'm eating about 1600 calories per day Monday through Friday and 1900 on Saturdays and Sundays.

by DragonflyOwn5164

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