Hello pepper subreddit. I'm growing several different varieties of peppers across my backyard and I'm starting to notice torn leaves for lack of a better term. I'm wonder what's causing these.

After a bit of research myself, the best guess I can come up with is a manganese deficiency but I'm skeptical.


  • Growing Zone 5a
  • Partial Sun
  • Several different varieties of peppers, some sweet, some hot
  • No other plants in my garden are having this issue besides tomatoes
  • Peppers are in whiskey barrels and raised beds
  • This is mostly affecting my peppers with only the tomatoes closest to the peppers showing these same torn leaves for right now
  • Peppers are being fertilized with a 3-6-6 blend every 2 weeks after they started fruiting:
  • This is the 7th year I've been growing plants in the same setup, first year I've used this fertilizer and first year I've had this problem.

Any help is appreciated.

by BrettanomycesRex


  1. badcompany8519

    Just in case. Not saying it is slugs. But setup a slug trap. At the least drink half a beer and leave the can out overnight in your garden.

  2. whatwedointheupdog

    Same area here, I have a lot of issues with earwigs doing this kind of damage, especially in containers. They hide under the dark moist pots and come out at night to snack on the leaves.

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