Yakitori is challenging.

My first attempt with this setup was not good. My lump charcoal wasn't and couldn't be evenly distributed across the brick trough and the bricks were spaced too far apart for the skewers to rest properly.

In my second attempt, I blocked off the sides and gave the front some air gaps. I also improved my butchery and skewering, so the chicken skewers wouldn't spin while resting on the metal rods. These adjustments significantly sped up the cooking process, and the results turned out much better.

by danimal24k

1 Comment

  1. beersnfoodnfam

    Nice job. I’ve seen so many videos of street food in Asia where the vendors have long skinny grills with a layer of lit charcoal and tons of skewers with chicken, etc. and the cook stands there constantly watching and spinning the food until it’s cooked thoroughly. Looks grueling, but as an avid griller, I always wanted to try something like that at home. Now I’m inspired and just might need to give it a shot soon.


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