Orange and Almond Cake

What I love about this cake is firstly its delicious!
Secondly its actually full of nutrition, yes it does have sugar in it which I cut by 30% (any more than 30% and you change the structure of the cake) and it has orange for vitamin C and Almonds for protein and roughage. something I’ve unconsciously been doing for a while is ask myself is there any way I can get any more nutrition into what I am making and this cake fits the bill.
I made it into mini muffins (great portion control and convenient snack from the freezer.
Also you can leave the oranges cooking in the Thermomix and go and walk the dog, have a shower etc without worrying about them!

morning um I am about to make the orang and almond cake which is really delicious and the reason I’ve chosen this one is because I did a course with Joe Whitten um so I was helping her at a at a workshop not that long ago before Christmas and one of the things that really stuck with me and it is also something that I I sort of have been following for a long time but it just was just a reminder that that is what I try and do and that is that whenever you’re making something how can you get more nutrition into it so I’m making a cake yes but what I’m doing is by doing the orange and almond cake I have fruit in there and I’ve got protein in the nuts so I it’s also gluten-free which of course is perfect um but that’s why I’m doing that so if I um if I do a chocolate cake I generally do Health by chocolate and it I make it as mini muffins but again that’s got almonds in it so it’s got your nuts in it um it’s just a bit more nutritious than flour I’m just got a bit of a thing about flour I do use it a bit and I um got some gluten-free beautiful gluten-free um flour um which does have nutrition in it but I just sort of think if there’s another way of doing things which feeds your body better why not do that um so I have I’ll show you the recipe in a minute I have pre-boiled my um uh oranges because they they cook for in the simmering basket for 45 minutes great thing about that is you can go out in that time you don’t have to worry about them if you were doing that on a stove top you’d be watching and watching the water level etc etc making sure that you know they hadn’t boiled dry so I love the fact that I can just pop them in there um and set them off and they get going um the other other thing is I do actually have some Casta sugar if you don’t have Casta sugar and you make it you need to make your Casta sugar before you start do it with the dry Bowl okay so it’s always a really good idea to look through a recipe and just see what ingredients are requireed because sometimes it will say almond meal and your partway three you go oh Bugger I didn’t do the almond meal at the beginning luckily enough I have two bowls so I can just take one bowl off and put the other one on and make my armor meal but not everybody’s as fortunate as me so just always being mindful to read a recipe first is there anything I need to make before I actually get started okay going let’s just hope this is okay and I might that’s okay you can see that all right um check my volume too that a bit go I hopefully you guys will heard that before start cooking so we’ve got a of water so this is the bit that I’ve already done simmering Basket in you put your two whole oranges in there uh and just make sure they don’t totally olude the hole on top of the simmering basket so when they’re in there make sure this isn’t just totally blocked all right pop the lid on with the measuring cup and you cook for 45 minutes all right that’s all done remove it with your simmering but with your um spatula oh there it is found it okay and then we’re going to go on with the next thing so I did that a little while ago my bowl I emptied it it’s actually um dried itself nice of bit so it says grease and line is springful so 180 degrees in the oven greas and line is spring for Te I don’t make it as a whole Cas I’ve got my little um mini muffin things here silicon don’t have to grease them and they pop out so easily so I love them obviously you can do it as a cake if you want to do it as a birthday cake or something like that but these are just for you know um snack lunch you know snacks to go in lunches or whatever okay CLE dry mixing bowl so I’m going to put 250 grams of almonds in I’m just going to tear that just raw almonds 10 seconds speed nine okay those of you who are new to thermic just tap the screen and that will stop the noise there you go got our armor meal I’m just going to just scrape around so that it’s all loosened up okay now 250 gram of cast of sugar um or two yeah 250 grams of cast of sugar now I don’t tend to use as much sugar as it says in these recipes in in all of the firm mix recipes really but one lesson which you may have heard me talk about before uh is that you cannot have it when you have it you change the structure of the cake so you can decrease it by 30% so 30% is going to be um oh that’s more than that isn’t it so 3 into 25 37 140 um yeah my brain’s not working I think I’ve decided I’d to use 180 so um I’m going to put my cast Sugar in as I said I’ve made um this I had this in the cupboard anyway there we go all right right three eggs one teaspoon of baking powder I knew I forgot to something there a teaspoon we’ll do a little guess on a teaspoon there we go glf free baking powder reserved orange segments so the orange the skin is still on but remember it’s all boiled so I’m just going to pop those SK and it smells delicious almost smells like marmalade so beautiful 20 seconds speed seven going to chop up the oranges pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 40 to 45 minutes at 180 there is the mixture all right and obviously I not pouring it straight into a tin going into my um silicon I’m not going to do a whole lot with you guys here cuz that’ll be super boring I love this spatula it’s a little spatula little silicon one um I find it it’s just a really nice size so what I tend to do with this is I go around I fill you know I put some mixture in all 24 of these and then I’ll go back and add if I think I um have got more to spare so then these are going to go in the oven honestly it’s not going to take 45 minutes in a in small containers like this um but you know maybe 25 30 minutes I’ll check them and I’m just going to do that by you know as I learned at school many years ago um just feel the top make sure that it feels like it’s cked properly um the other thing I learned was if it’s still sort of sizzling or whatever um then you need to let it cook a little bit longer too anyway I will keep going with this um however if you want a super easy cake now oh I should say that what it does after this you make you make an orange sugar syrup I’m not doing that because I don’t put it on these but if you’re doing the whole cake make the orange sugar syrup as well it’s all on the recipe and um and then you just pour it over the um over the cake and it just soaks in it makes it even more moist but these These are really moist cakes anyway and they are delicious I’m G to have a very happy husband tonight when it gets home

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