Delta Airlines food

by Mike_Coxslong420


  1. geoffacakes

    I fucking hate airline food, how can people eat it?
    Take some sarnies and crisps.

  2. waynesbrother

    It still look’s better than jail food, slightly

  3. Oystermeat

    I see you went with the Cheesy Uncrustables with peas

  4. Pink_Neons

    I bring a hardy bag of trail mix on my flights. Plenty of calories and better than any meals I’ve personally had prior

  5. happ3nings

    I had that same meal from Dublin to Boston. The tiramisu wasn’t the worst😭😭😭

  6. “Whatcha gonna do? Go somewhere else?” – Airlines when midflight

  7. One-Goose98

    Alotta you people ain’t never been poor. It’s better than nothing. For fucks sake try being grateful.

  8. brokoljub

    As horrible as it looks, i never had issues with airline food. It really breaks the monotony of those long flights.

  9. iDontLikeChimneys

    Better than hospital or jail food.

    Well, depending on the hospital. The one time I went to jail I swear to god they spiked the “Gatorade” because I felt absolutely aweful after drinking it. Gave my tray away because I was getting out the next morning.

    Immediately went to Chick-fil-A when I left

  10. Punch_Your_Facehole

    I feel sorry for the people sitting next to you.

  11. skillmau5

    I actually learned recently that it’s totally fine to bring food through TSA. Not sure about international flights, but you can bet I’m trying to bring through a sandwich instead of whatever that is.

  12. Svengoolie75

    Oh my goodness, the shit that they serve….😐🤮

  13. Nonlethalrtard

    I usually just get offered peanuts. I’d take this on my next flight

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