The prettiest and ugliest cake I’ve ever made

by Thelocust337


  1. reise_inspir

    At first I thought “Why is it the ugliest?”, but then I saw the second photo hahaha… Okay, seriously I think this cake is not ugly it is fun and original.

  2. thelegendoftimbit

    Hahaha thanks for the laugh. I especially can’t stop laughing at the video clip lol. This cake looks amazing! Do you use any specific funfetti recipe?

  3. lemons_forever

    I love it (so cute <3) and I hate it ( so ugly 🤮 )

  4. International-Lab212

    I died when I saw the second pic 😭

  5. PollyPore

    Imagine going to the kitchen for a midnight snack and you open the fridge to see THAT.

  6. nancy_scareigan

    I do not know why you made this, but I’m obsessed with it. The video clip is a work of art 😂

  7. xdandelion-fluff

    That peeking out of the fridge one 👀🤣

  8. svar7alfh3im

    I just made the weirdest noise when I swiped to that second photo. 🤣🤣🤣 Fantastic work, OP!

  9. nottaP123

    r/unexpected I thought you were talking about 2 separate cakes, this is hilarious.
    Did someone ask for this or did you just make it for fun?

  10. I just spat water out my nose. That second pic absolutely got me 😆!

  11. Even-Reaction-1297

    Is this supposed to remind me of those cartoon rabbits that were super clumsy and destructive? (I think they were called Rabbids)

  12. Bubbly-Dragonfly-443

    The fridge shot is sending me ahahahah

  13. facialscanbefatal

    This reminds me of the Nickelodeon show “Ahhh! Real Monsters!!” which was a favorite show of mine as a child. Love this so much.

  14. imnoneofthese

    Prettiest, ugliest and scary and I hope yummy

  15. heathertidwell7

    I was going to say how is this cake ugly until I went through the other pictures 😂

  16. trunks_gt

    I wasn’t ready for that. Pure nightmare fuel.

    Amazing work, though. The cake looks great.

  17. breadboxofbats

    Please don’t jump scare me with baked goods

  18. TriZARAtops

    It’s all 🎂 and it’s all 👁️ 🦷 👁️

    Jesus 😂

  19. 182secondsofblinking

    I am fucking obsesssssed with this and want one for every single occasion left in my life please

  20. AttemptRemarkable887

    This is the best cake I’ve ever seen I love it SO much

  21. Bitter-insides

    I love this! lol made me jump. What’s the story OP?

  22. Please show us how you did this –
    I’m obsessed with this.

  23. noteverrelevant

    Christ, you made that? You intentionally gave it that look of pain and confusion? Like on purpose?

    More please.

  24. “it’s beautiful, what’s ugly about tha- oh what the fuck”

  25. MyCatHasCats

    If I open my fridge and that thing is looking at me, I will scream

  26. Q8DD33C7J8

    I was so confused about how it could be the prettiest and ugliest at the same time. Now I understand and my god you were right.

  27. Significant-Toe2648

    WHAT are those teeth made out of if not real human teeth!?

  28. PawneeSunGoddess

    Please Op, tell us the story behind this delightfully terrifying cake!

  29. I was NOT ready for that, it is absolutely fabulous!!

  30. tinycherrypie

    it’s not only the wall-eyed, thousand yard stare that’s killing me, it’s also the CHAPPED LIPS UGH it’s freaking me out!!! fantastic job, i would love/hate a cake like this!!

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