I replied to someone’s “what to do with leftover steak” post with a sandwich approach (infinite choices here – this is but one idea). It got a lot of action, so… I made one. Normally I wouldn’t make a steak specifically for this unless I was really craving it, but I did have a couple little filets that weren’t good or big enough for anything else, so I used those and made these fresh.

The bread is a leftover chunk of a kind of focaccia called Schiacciata that I made a couple days ago for another purpose. Also had roasted tomatoes (I often do – I just make a big batch and keep them in the fridge for various things).

This has (in order bottom to top)

  • schiacciata bread
  • parmigiano reggiano
  • roasted tomatoes
  • caramelized onion
  • steak
  • chimichuri (parsley, garlic, oil, vinegar, chili pepper)
  • burrata cheese (mozz with cream)
  • mixed greens

by johnnyribcage


  1. Acceptable-Soup-333

    One does simply not have any leftovers

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