So my dad knows a guy (like everyone’s dad does) and he got me this heft piece of beef (90% sure it’s beef not lamb). He not I can remember what cut it is though and I’ve never been good at identifying cuts of meat. Any help?

by FarmSilly20


  1. At first glance I would say boneless leg of lamb.

    Maybe picanha? Looks too big though and I’ve never seen a net around one. I don’t know… open it up. Maybe it’s chuck roast? Rump roast maybe?

  2. ThermalScrewed

    Bottom round. That’s what roast beef is typically made from.

  3. DaolongDong

    Looks like the peeled knuckle of an inside round.

  4. BarberLoud1571

    Sure it’s not pork? A lot of pork hams come wrapped like that *

  5. more_beans_mrtaggart

    Come on guys, it’s a silverside beef roast.

    It’s a cheap cut (less than half the cost of a rib roast), with not much fat, but lots of people like that. This cut is also great to roast beef for the slicer.

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