Tired of BAD Keto Ice Cream? Today, I’m sharing the LAST Keto Ice Cream Recipe You’ll EVER NEED! If you’re on a low-carb or keto diet, this sugar-free ice cream is a game-changer. It’s creamy, delicious, and incredibly easy to make.
What to Serve it With: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr32zrpyE3A4iAgyqzyLJhAdEX0iUH5-7


Ice Cream Maker: https://amzn.to/3VmJlIQ
Induction Cooktop: https://amzn.to/4bYnsGx
Quart Ice Cream Containers: https://amzn.to/4b7GSYm
Laser Thermometer: https://amzn.to/3VEq46W
Instant Read Thermometer: https://amzn.to/3yUv8en
Allulose: https://amzn.to/3xhDjkw
Salt: https://amzn.to/4egW7kJ
Beef Gelatin: https://amzn.to/3VGeLuX
Xanthan Gum: https://amzn.to/4aXGmfC


Let’s dive into the recipe!

Keto & Sugar Free Ice Cream Recipe:

1-1/2 cups heavy cream
1-1/2 cups almond milk
2 t vanilla extract
3/4 cup Allulose: https://amzn.to/3xhDjkw
1/2 teaspoon salt: https://amzn.to/4egW7kJ
1/4 teaspoon gelatin: https://amzn.to/3VGeLuX
1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum: https://amzn.to/4aXGmfC
Prepare the Almond Milk Mixture:

In a mixing bowl, add gelatin to almond milk and whisk together thoroughly. .
Add heavy cream, vanilla extract, Allulose or other sweetener (see video), and salt. Whisk together thoroughly.

Heat to 125°F. Remove from heat and add xanthan gum and whisk until fully combined. Put back in mixing bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. (Needs to be completely cooled & chilled) After 2 hours, pour the almond milk mixture into an ice cream maker.

Churn in the ice cream maker for 25 minutes until it reaches a creamy consistency.

Watch the video for consistencies. Pack in Quart Containers and freeze overnight.

Enjoy Your Keto Ice Cream!

This keto ice cream is perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth while keeping you on track with your low-carb lifestyle. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more delicious keto recipes!

#KetoIceCream #LowCarbDessert #SugarFree #KetoRecipe #HomemadeIceCream #HealthyIceCream #KetoDiet #LowCarbRecipes #KetoFriendly #EasyKeto

Additional Tips:
Experiment with different flavor extracts to create your perfect ice cream.
For a richer texture, you can increase the amount of heavy cream.
Make sure your ice cream maker bowl is well-frozen before starting for the best results.
Thank you for watching! If you try this recipe, let me know how it turned out in the comments below. Enjoy your delicious keto ice cream!

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to me nothing screams summertime like a great ice cream whether you’re having it with a nice blackberry cobbler a keto pie or cake or just by itself in a bowl maybe mixed in with some of your favorite ingredients problem is a great keto ice cream recipe is hard to find and sure you could go to the store and buy a pint of ice cream for $8 or $9 if you wanted to but if you want to save a few bucks and make one at home it’s really hard to find one that comes out just right there either too hard to where you need an ice pick or a knife to break into them they’re too mushy where you have to eat it like a soup or they’re just not good but I think I have figured out the ultimate keto ice cream it’s smooth it’s creamy it’s absolutely delicious and it’s something you can share with even your nine keto friends and they’ll love it too so if you want to see the last keto ice cream recipe you’re ever going to need stick around [Music] now I’ve worked on this ice cream recipe for quite a while and I finally nailed it it uses simple ingredients that if you’ve been doing keto cooking for a while you probably already have in your pantry and your fridge now this recipe does use an ice cream maker so I’m going to link the one I use down below but if you already have one you can absolutely use it as well mine’s super simple because you keep the container that the ice cream’s made in right in the freezer and then when you’re ready to use it it’s ready for you to use it so I’m so glad you’re joining me to make this keto ice cream I’m going to show you all the ingredients that you need and I’ll show you how to put it together let’s go to the kitchen now the first thing you’re going to need for this keto ice cream is some heavy cream you’re going to need 1 and 1/2 cups of this of course you can’t have ice cream without heavy cream so that’s what we’re going to use the next ingredient you’re going to need for this low carb ice cream is some almond milk and you want to make sure and get the unsweetened original this one I get at Aldi don’t get the vanilla we’re going to add vanilla extract in in just a minute and you’re going to need a cup and a half of this make sure you don’t get the sweeten kind the next ingredient you’re going to need is allulose and I can even find this one at Walgreens and CVS if you can’t find any allulose anywhere else you can also use other sweeteners in this recipe so make sure you stick around till the end and I’ll tell you what you can use and why and you’re going to need 3/4 of a cup of it the next thing you’re going to need is some vanilla extract and you know my saying bu real vanilla today save a beaver along the way you definitely don’t want any of that fake stuff get the real deal if you make it yourself even better and you’re going to need two teaspoons of that the next thing you’re going to need is some unflavored gelatin beef gelatin is definitely the best I’ve tried all of them some of them just don’t give you the good results that this beef gelatin does I’ll put a link down below to where you can get this if you don’t have it and you’re going to need a/4 teaspoon of the gelatin the next thing we’re going to do is some zanan gum now you know in a lot of my recipes I use this zanan gum it’s absolutely essential for keto cooking and you need an eighth of a teaspoon now you’re going to take your favorite stainless steel mixing bowl it’s not my favorite mixing bowl y’all know what that one is but this is my favorite stainless steel one and we’re just going to add in the almond milk now to the almond milk I’m going to go ahead and add in my gelatin now what this is going to do is just let that gelatin start to bloom a little bit kind of absorb a lot of that liquid and get ripe while we’re putting all the other ingredients together make sure you give it a good whisk try to fully incorporate it and then we’ll go on to the next step so the next thing I’m going to do is take our gelatin and almond milk mixture and add in some heavy cream cream I mean you can’t have a good full fat keto ice cream without cream right so then just whisk it up and keep going faster and faster just whisk it real good I mean some folks say this is whiskey business but I say you just got to live a little make sure you get it all combined pretty good the next thing we’re going to do is add in our oose and then since this is going to be a vanilla ice cream go ahead and add in all the vanilla now if you want a different flavor you could substitute one teaspoon of the vanilla extract for a different type of extract if you want like if you want an almond flavor do one teaspoon of vanilla one teaspoon of almond extract hey it’s up to you the next thing you’re going to add in is your salt and I know you may be thinking hey this is a sweet dessert what do I need salt for well salt brings out all the flavors and it makes it where you don’t have to use as much sweetener because it really brings out the sweetness as well make sure you whisk it all up good together and we’ll go on to the next step if you love keto desserts and you’re not subscribed to my channel make sure you hit the button right down there hit the Bell beside it and anytime I upload a new dessert video or any other video you’re going to know about it so the next step we’re going to take a pot and we’re going to pour our ice cream base right into it and we’re going to heat this up now this does a couple things once it gets up the temperature zanan gum needs to be at 125° in order to fully absorb into this so you need to bring it up to temperature it’s also going to let the gelatin dissolve and it’s going to make your results absolutely phenomenal now you can use either thermometer that you want to bring this up to temperature and if you don’t have a thermometer I’ll link the two that I use down there in the description as well as in my Amazon store but just make sure you get it up to 125° before you add in that zanthin gum and if you’re not taking this temperature to make sure it’s got a nice fever going on make sure you whisk it we want to get all that zanth and gum and that gelatin fully Incorporated in there now once you’ve got it up to temperature remember 125° go ahead and turn off your heat source and take it off the heat to chill now this is the point where you want to put in your zanthin gum and make sure it’s over 125° we’ll go in with a zanan gum now what The zanth Gum and the gelatin do is just stabilize this so that when you put it in the freezer you can take it out of the freezer without having to thaw it out on the counter or anything like that it’s going to keep it the perfect ice cream consistency just Stir It Up really good make sure that zanth and gum is fully Incorporated in there and hopefully you didn’t wash that bowl out from earlier because we’re going to pour it right back into there yeah I know what’s coming next it’s time to take a little trip into the fridge you’re going to put it in the fridge for a couple hours or a little bit longer if you want to but at least do it for 2 hours it needs to be completely cool before we move on to the next step so after 2 hours we’re going back in yeah we’re going to take that right back out of the fridge it’s ready now I think it’s time to make some ice cream you want to this is the ice cream maker I use it’s the quinart 2 quart it is super simple it’s an on and off you leave this metal container that the ice cream actually mixes in in your freezer and so then anytime you’re ready to make some ice cream it’s ready for you so before you go into the ice cream maker with this just make sure you engage in a little more of that Whiskey Business make sure the gelatins in there good the zanth and gums all in and then all you have to do is pour it right in the top of this metal part this is so simple I mean mean kids and grandkids can do this you basically take the little paddle stick it right down inside it fits right in a little hole in the bottom put it right there in place and then just put the lid on the next thing you got to do super simple flip it on and you’re good to go it starts churning just like that oh yeah it’s time for some nice churning music check this out [Music] now after 20 or 25 minutes this is what it starts to look like I mean you can tell us ice cream now right this is the consistency right here that you want to look for and it’s just as simple as turning it on and it does the rest so take your paddle out get all that beautiful ice cream back off into the container and now you’ve got decisions to make you could eat it just like this if you wanted to it’s more of a really soft serve consistency the way I designed this is to make it where you can put it in a quart container put it in the freezer and if you want to come back to it 2 3 days later it’ll have the same consistency but hey you can eat it right now if you want to it is still delicious it’s got the Great Taste This is the consistency of it it’s really soft you put it on a little bit of a hot plate like that or a warm plate oh man it just slides around like that but it’s delicious right here and of course I’m going have to try a little bit of it right now but what I like to do is just take these cork containers and these are plastic and again I’ll link down to these below every kitchen tool or ingredient that I use that may not be readily available to you I always link down in the description I’ve got an Amazon store down there so you can find all the things that I like to use and I only use things that make my life in the kitchen easier or the ingredients that make everything delicious I just like to use tools that make my life easy so basically just take all of that ice cream out pack it in these quart containers and just use a spatula just to press down the top a little bit you just want it nice and smooth you don’t want to pack it in there just make it smooth on the top and then put your lid on top there it’s like a rubber lid it fits on there really well and makes it nice now I left it in for 2 hours just to show you what it it looks like after a couple hours so it’s more firm than before that’s like a perfect soft serve consistency and this is kind of what I like when I make the blackberry cobbler and if you haven’t seen that video I’ll link it up above and in the description so you can check it out cuz it’s delicious but this is the consistency of the ice cream that I like when I put it on cobblers and things like that then this is after 2 days I scooped this out it Scoops out just like your favorite store bought ice cream or even better you don’t have to thaw it out for any length of time and remember I told you earlier I’d tell you what other sweeteners you can use you could use the magic Baker you could use the lantto sweetener or whatever your favorite sweetener is it’s just not going to be quite this consistency it may be a little more firm you may have to set it out for about 5 minutes man you’re going to love this ice cream and if you want to see something that goes really good with it check out these two videos over here this ice cream is a great accompaniment to either one of them or both of them hey make both of them and share the love and thanks for sharing my videos all your comments and likes thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you on the next video


  1. I will be in here live with you in the morning at 9:00 a.m. EST to answer all your questions and chat. The recipe will be live then as well in the description and comments. Some of you have the recipe already, because I don't know what I'm doing 😂 The description wasn't supposed to go live yet. I believe there will be a lot of questions and so we can all help each other then. Hope yall enjoy! This is one of the recipes I'm most proud of, because I've been working on it for a long time. See you in the morning!

  2. Love the soft serve of the ice cream! I don’t have an ice cream maker. Easy recipe though. I’m thinking of looking into using more
    RX brand sweeteners . And have recently read that allulose is the best and the RX is best to use. Your thoughts 0n the allulose compared to others?

  3. Do you have a chocolate one? I love this recipe, I also have that same ice cream maker that I thought I would have to retire, now I can use it again!! Yayyyy🎉🎉

  4. This looks amazing – my favorite ice cream is butter pecan. Do you think I could incorporate butter powder to get the proper flavor?

  5. I make homemade low carb ice cream using allulose.

    I whip everything in a kitchenaid. Also egg yokes make it creamy.

    3 cups heavy cream
    1/2 cup allulose (more if you want it sweeter)
    4 egg yokes
    Pinch of salt
    1 or 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract

    *(2-3 packs of instant dried coffee) if making coffee ice cream.

  6. The 3 ingredient keto vanilla ice cream in a mason jar is just as good (if not better), a lot easier, and less expensive.
    But, you can't get a 10+ minute video out of it.

  7. ❤❤❤ Thank you, Víctor! You are working overtime for your Channel and I love watching it grow! Now to go purchase an ice cream maker lol

  8. Looks great! We’ve been doing ninja creami ice cream for a year now. We were eating ice cream every night and our ice cream maker couldn’t keep up with us lol. We mix up 12 deluxe pints, all different flavors, and freeze so if someone wants icecream they put on the creami machine and it’s ready in 8 minutes. The creami does a lot more than icecream but we’ve never tried anything else lol. I’ll have to try your recipe out in the creami. What is the reason for warming it?

  9. love this recipe…gonna try it!!! i dont have ANY ice cream machone (even a rock dalt one) but ill slap that bugger in my freezer and see how it turns out as i do my fave choc version that way and its fabulous. thanks for your time victor!!! i love listening to you talk lol.

  10. Yum! I just made blueberry ice cream! Frozen blueberries,allulose,and a little heavy cream. It was delicious!

  11. I just got one of these ice cream makers. I just read the directions, and it says to put in the frozen bowl, put in the mixer part, put on the lid, then turn on the ice cream maker and then put in the liquid. ☺️

  12. Even easier: Whip heavy cream, sweetener and vanilla till you have soft peaks. Place in the freezer. That's it!

  13. Xanthan gum does not need to be heated. It will thicken water-based liquids at any temperature. It is also heat-resistant and freeze-thaw-resistant.

  14. It isn't the xanthan gum that keeps your ice cream scoopable. It's the allulose. Any other sweetener will allow it to harden like a rock. I have been testing a lot of keto ice creams lately and so far the winner is Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 2.0 by Keto Upgrade. FYI … if you add an egg to yours, it will make it richer.

  15. Oh man thank you! Definitely going to try this recipe. Vanilla is my absolute favorite!!

  16. I just found your channel and subscribed! I have been trying out the cottage cheese ice cream recipes using an allulose and monk fruit blend. So far, yuk! lol I am going to try yours to see if this is for sure the last keto ice cream recipe I'll ever need! it sure does look good. Thanks for the links to the ingredients – I'm fresh out of beef gelatin! ; )

  17. Almond milk is high in oxalates so it’s definitely better to use coconut milk. Maria Emmerich has way better ice cream recipes just saying 🤷‍♂️

  18. I’m a carb-aholic, but this looks so good and I have everything except allulose, so I just may have to try it with sugar!

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