does anyone else save their bean bags

by savvanch


  1. I tried this for the first couple of months of this year but felt like a massive hoarder and had to throw them. I should start just cutting out the labels.

  2. Bigslug333

    No, but I do write things in a little coffee book so i can remember what i’ve drank, and how it was dialed in.

  3. letsgetfree

    I did but they kept getting in the way of my other coffee paraphernalia so I tossed them.

  4. Opening_Chance2731

    Only packages of coffee I purchase when abroad, they’re free souvenirs!

  5. eguskina

    I’ve saved every single bag I’ve bought over at least the past 7 years and I’ve used them to make a coffee collage. I want to make more collages but I’m kinda lazy

  6. HumbleLife69

    No, I have a garbage can and make use of it

  7. extrawave_

    I keep, cut off the front and glue to a big canvas. Eventually I will coat the canvas with a clear coating 

  8. JerryConn

    I do and am scared to show the world the stash.

  9. Dry-Squirrel1026

    Yes ….yes I do!! I always thought I was wierd. 😆 🤣

  10. Dumpst3r_Dom

    Cut the bags up and make a patchwork pinup posterboard out of them

  11. themrdistortion

    i started cutting out the labels for awhile but then eventually i decided to only keep the labels of ones that i really liked to save space. will probably end up just tossing them though eventually haha

  12. aeroartist

    only via photo. i take a snap of my favorite shot pulled from each bag and save it to a folder in my phone. nice to recollect

  13. threesixtyone

    I used to but then decided to log them on in a spreadsheet with tasting notes, and grinder settings for dialing in.

  14. SameDifferenceYo

    Yes I keep them with my bread tags. So I’ll be prepared. For End Times.

  15. TanguayX

    I do!! It’s really fun to go through them. Tons of cool designs

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