I live in Ohio, zone 6b, and around late February I threw an entire half of a jalapeno into some dirt and watched what happened. To be straight to the point, this is what happened and I am finally wanting to learn what to do to properly care for this guy.

Now for the read if you want part; I honestly did this with 0 knowledge of how to even care for a simple house plant. I have a curious brain and wanted to initially make a mega pepper plant (there might have been some strange green herb involved to be honest.) As I watched it grow from a bush to something that seems viable, I began to care a little more and got a tiny bit overprotective of it. I almost thought it was dying when the first flower fell off.

Could someone kindly educate me on what to do going forward? I don't have fertilizer of any kind or much in the sense of anything to supplement the plant other than generic potting soil I got from Walmart. I do have the ability to get about $50 worth of whatever if I need. Thank you in advance.

by False9-Bezz


  1. SeniorBag6859

    It needs full sun. The container should be adequate for this season but if you over winter it you’ll want to go to a larger one. Tomato fertilizer will help encourage blooms which will yield more peppers. I’m not sure how long your growing season is but you’ll probably have at least a few peppers by the end of the season.

    Don’t do drugs. Grow peppers.

  2. Downtown_Dog_9401

    Let it roll man, looks good. Could fertilize if you want low nitrogen high everything else up to you

  3. Numerous-Stranger-81

    Dollar tree sells fertilizer sticks for containers. They’re not AMAZING, but they get the job done.

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