My friend poured a full can of black beans on our pizza – I give you: extra-topping deer-droppings

by tyrellidactyl


  1. TheDopeMan_

    I would shake all the beans off while staring them down.

  2. Accurate_Koala_4698

    If they were seasoned maybe it could work, but are these just straight from a can? They’ve got to be flavorless

  3. Fit_Butterscotch2386

    I don’t hate this. Maybe just 1/3 that amount though 👍

  4. BSBitch47

    A full can on a frozen pizza?? Nope. I’m out

  5. arkygeomojo

    That’s not a friend, buddy. What the fuck? I’d be so mad.

  6. HelpfulSituation

    seems like something a vegetarian or vegan would do

  7. AdministrativeBank86

    Did you punch them in the mouth?

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