Post was removed because the chicken "was not ground into a patty" well here is proof and the bag says burger right on it.

by Gooey_69


  1. Boeiing_Not_Going

    Still not a burger, regardless of what this sub (and some retarded Aussies who don’t know a burger from a hole in their ass) incorrectly states as criteria.

    That, my friend, is a chicken patty. A chicken patty on buns is a chicken patty sandwich.

    I hope you enjoyed it though because it sounded delicious.

  2. Yeah if it’s ground chicken then it’s indeed a burger, what gets me is people who call a whole unground fried chicken breast and then slap it on buns a burger, that’s just incorrect.

  3. If I put a label that says “Filet Minion” on a turd sandwich, I still know what I’m eating.

  4. RadiumShady

    Americans be like :
    “Akshually, this is a chicken sammich and not a burger” 🤓

    Stfu, this is a chicken burger.

  5. HerbaDerbaSchnerba

    I don’t know why, and I’m definitely in the minority here, but something about avocado and bacon together, whether it’s taste or texture, idk. But it grosses me out.

    Looks great though. I think chicken burgers count too, by the way.

  6. TheDylorean

    Why do the rules of this subreddit say we allow ground chicken formed into a patty be called a burger, if we’re just going to complain and call for the ban hammer every time someone posts one?

    We either need to change the rule or change our mindset. Don’t care which, just pick one.

  7. Celeres517

    People bitching about “Americans” and even the OP seems pretty clearly U.S. based.

    Quit nationalizing dumb Internet debates.

  8. I’d rather see a chicken burger than the 20 daily In N Out posts we typically get.

    “I had a quad today” ” Here’s the 300th picture of fries animal style”

    Guy posts a chicken burger and gets modded…….

  9. Inside-Sleep-706

    Thats a good looking burger. Needs more avocado 🥑

  10. Avocado and bacon, that’s a winner if I’ve ever seen one.

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