Bruschetta, a dish with roots deep in the heart of Italy, originally began as a humble way to celebrate the first press of the olive harvest. Farmers would toast bread over open fires, rub it with raw garlic, and top it with fresh, sun-ripened tomatoes and a generous drizzle of olive oil.

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let’s mix some blue sket I have 600 G of Jerry Tomatoes some olive oil a pinch of salt and some black pepper mixy mix Pi at 100° C or 210 f for 2 to 2.5 hours or until it look something at this I’m just going to slice a sour dough bread toast in some olive oil under crispy golden brown rub it with a clove of garlic and top it off with a slow r cherry tomatoes some basil and some reduced balsamic vinegar and now it’s done get the full article at f.g let’s devour this this taste super yummylicious Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication thank you for watching have fun in the kitchen

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