Can someone please check my math?

If I did the math correctly, 1 liter/ one bottle of this drink is 25,000 calories??

Nutrition label: 25 KKCAL for 100 milliliters
1 liter= 1000 milliliters

I know a liter is a lot but damnnn 😭 😢 i drank like half of this in one day 😢 😭. I guess i'll have to cut this out of my diet and stick with water.

by Fun-Distribution-980


  1. magnoliasandafirefly

    kcal and cal are used interchangeably and ~~mean the same thing (1 kcal = 1 cal)~~. The C would need to be capitalized for it to be 25000 cals (in my country, at least)

    So no, it’s probably not 25k

    Edit : wait no, I thought I understood what you might’ve misunderstood but even with that misunderstanding it wouldn’t have been 25k. Just how exactly did you do the math ? (Also it’s 250cals per litre)

  2. surreal-renaissance

    1 liter of something around as dense as water is 1 kg. No human edible food is 25000kcal/kg.

    25000kcal/kg is 25 calories per gram. The most calorie dense thing humans can digest is pure fat, and that’s 9 calories per gram. Even if you drank 1 kg of vegetable oil, you are only looking at 9000 calories.

  3. Impressive-Buy9706

    I’m pretty sure even pure fat like oil or tallow is not even close to that much a liter. Kcal is a different unit

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