Spicy butter biscuits

by eatsuperhots


  1. eatsuperhots

    – 225g flour
    – 120g cheddar
    – 80g cold butter
    – 150g butter milk
    – 2 scotch bonnets
    – 1 tsp salt
    – 1 tsp jalapeno powder
    – 1 tsp garlic powder
    – 10g baking powder
    – 10g honey

    1. Combine flour and butter with food processor.
    2. Move mixture to a bowl and add cheese, butter milk and seasonings.
    3. Rollout to a 2-3 cm thickness, folding over a few times.
    4. Cut out biscuits using a cookie cutter.
    5. Brush the top with more butter milk before baking in an oven at 220 celcius.

  2. 40prcentiron

    those look deadly!! ill have to save this recipe

  3. HomemPassaro

    Damn, that looks tasty! Gave me some ideas to try to create a spicy variant of Pão de Queijo, a typical Brazilian food.

  4. CornFedBread

    These biscuits with some Nashville hot chicken and coleslaw would be amazing.

    I’m saving and doing it.

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