Whip cream, was always one of my no-go food items. It was one of those things that I got shamed for eating when I was young so I drilled it into my head that it is bad. Today I decided to have dessert, strawberries and whipped cream and was pleasantly shocked how low cal it can be. I had about 4 tbsp, so just 30 calories worth! That with 4 small/ medium strawberries, coming in at roughly 16-20 calories.

by AlwaysLooking4Ashley


  1. Impossible-Print354

    I’m obsessed with reduced fat coolwhip. It’s so good on top of sugar free pudding too.

  2. pinaple_cheese_girl

    Frozen sugar free or fat free cool whip will change your life

  3. CurlsPearls

    It’s quite delicious, indeed. Unfortunately, it also usually has a lot of fillers to make it lower cal than real whipped cream. That ingredient list has some junk in it – corn syrup, carageenan, high fructose corn syrup.

    Having said that, there’s a zero sugar Reddi Whip with slightly less filler junk in it, which I just bought. It’s really tasty with sugar free jello, too.

    Edit: word

  4. slither36912

    The gay lea coconut whipped cream is great! Slightly lower calorie too (10 cals instead of 15 for 5g) though it’s a bit negligible lol

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