ALMOST forgot the money shot

by jimmyre10


  1. Head_Nectarine_6260

    It looks weirdly pale in the middle. May just the photo quality?

  2. Loose-Smell-6559

    When he comes back from getting a gallon of milk and pack of smokes ask him

  3. Delicious_Pop_7964

    Your Dad bases his approval of you solely on steak cooking? Sounds like a G!

  4. johnjonesnewphone

    Looks interesting ? How did you cook this?

  5. god_peepee

    Almost came out like prime rib. Probably perfect fat rendering for that cut while keeping the beefy goodness. A1 my friend

  6. Wonderful-Strain-348

    I swear they are sticking all these dads in the back of the isles section.

  7. Are you sure he’s not just feigning disapproval so you’ll keep making him steaks?

  8. Mr_McGigglepants

    I doubt it, considering you fucking ate it

  9. ornitorrinco22

    Not really, son. Next time invite me to eat it, butthead

  10. PolarBurrito

    Asking for dad’s approval? On Juneteenth? Hmmmm….

  11. SUNDER137

    This is.
    Unacceptable. I’m Going Out for cigarettes.I’ll be back in a half an hour. Go ahead and make that mac and cheese that you’re good at.

  12. Shoddy_Squash_8816

    Wanna know something weird? I just ate the exact same meal. Except your steak looks better.

  13. seamohr33

    Don’t have to worry about his approval after he dies from eating that raw piece of meat

  14. The steak looks great but you will never earn your dads approval

  15. Unique_Ewe

    You’re a good lad. You’ve made your dad proud. Now fetch me beer.

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