The best baked beans I’ve ever eaten.
This is a perfect pot luck dish.

1 LG can of baked beans ( I used 1&1/2)
1/2 green pepper chopped
1 sm onion chopped
1 lb hamburger
1 polish sausage sliced
3/4 cup sugar
Salt and pepper
A few dashes of Worcestershire sauce
Bacon slices

Brown hamburger onions and peppers together. Then add in polish sausage and cook for a few minutes. Add baked beans sugar, ketchup, salt and pepper and Worcestershire sauce stir every thing together well. Pour in 9×13 pan. Lay bacon slices on top. Cover with tin foil and place in a 350° oven.and bake for 1 and 1/2 hours. Remove foil and cook a few more minutes until bacon is browned.

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That if the grease is hot enough you can fry anything!

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hey y’all and thank you for watching the farming pastor’s wife today is Memorial Day and I think Caroline and Jamie and Judah are gonna make it home from the beach in time for supper so we’re going to just grill out hamburgers but I wanted a really special side dish to go with that so stay tuned we’re making a delicious not your ordinary but a delicious baked bean baked casserole type thing so stay tuned [Music] hey y’all well I’ve been at the grocery store I don’t know why I chose Memorial Day to do my big grocery shopping but y’all my grocery shopping is not for the faint of heart I do my grocery shopping about once a month and sometimes even longer and I go to two stores I always start it out II and I go to Walmart and then sometimes I’ll add in the food line but today it was just out a and Walmart and is it worth that you know and I only have to go back to the grocery store here and there like when we run out of milk or when we run out of bread or if there’s something special I want to make and a lot of times I can just call the kids and say hey stop by the grocery store y’all my hands gonna be here for just a second my arm was getting tired so anyway it does it is it beneficial to grocery shop like that I don’t know I don’t have to go every week and I don’t have to make a menu really every week I make kind of a broad menu cook from my freezer and just buy things that we use a lot I think it does maybe save us money and so that’s a good thing but I am exhausted when I get back from grocery shopping so if you look over here on my brown cabinet it is full of groceries I don’t normally have that many groceries sitting on my brown cabinet that’s for my canned goods and my flour and sugar and stuff I don’t usually have that many groceries it’s just because I hadn’t had time to clean out the old and put the new away and look it gets better than that hang on the whole table the whole table is full of groceries I haven’t even unpacked yet so but I’ve got to get this dish on to I can make it ahead of time it’s something I can make and then deal with that and so I want to go ahead and get this made and get it off my shoulders we’re gonna grill out hamburgers today so we’re gonna make this baked bean this is not my recipe let me tell you about this recipe a couple years ago a couple it may not even been a couple I think it has been a couple years anyway they were new to the church and it was probably their first homecoming at the church and she brought this baked bean dish well I’ll you know I can eat a spoonful of baked beans here and there but it’s not something I have to have or anything that’s like a big deal to anybody in my family he’s work so good I mean they were so good I went back and back and back and kept getting more and more more so I asked her if I could have a recipe so she sent me her recipe so this is her baking recipe it is so good so good okay guys we the first thing we’re gonna do is cut up about half of a green pepper I make it a little bit more than half because this was a pretty small green pepper and about half of an onion usually but this onion is a really small so we’re gonna cut up the whole thing so that’s what I’m doing now I’m just chopping chopping okay cast I’ve got a field of hamburger over here and I’m fixin Ernie don’t start browning and I’m gonna go ahead and throw I just did a half of that green pepper and that little bitty onions and I think that’s gonna be plenty so I’m just gonna let that kind of cook up together and while that’s cooking that together I’m gonna slice up a Polish sausage now I think this is the Polish sausage but this is a little bit of my ignorance coming out it says post up kielbasa it’s a kielbasa sausage and I am assuming that is Polish sausage but I just know it’s gonna work it’ll be just as good if not better mmm now y’all let me tell you the coolest thing that happened to me while I’m chopping this see I’m chopping this sausage so I want to tell you the coolest thing that happened to me today I was at the grocery store and I was actually over looking at the polish Polish sausage and I was standing there and this lady came up to me and she said I know where I know you from where did you do me from and she said I watch your videos y’all that just absolutely made my day so ma’am if you are watching I did not get your name and I am so sorry but you just absolutely made my day send me an email that my email is listed below send me an email at love to hear from you you absolutely made my day so anyway we’re gonna cut up the Polish sausage and we’re gonna call it that whether it is or not but I know eat no matter what it is this this will work right this is also what I use when I make sauerkraut and weenies goodness is so good so good and once that gets to brown in the hamburger I’m gonna throw this sausage in there as well and cook that with it but I need to get it broke up and I need to get it like chopped up a little bit the hamburger and y’all since the hamburger really isn’t the star of this dish I just bought one of those two hamburgers I don’t normally buy the toupane burgers want to take that back I used to buy them all the time when I made like taco salads a lot and and you used to buy ground turkey that way but I haven’t bought it like that of course not the last few well let at least the last year I’ve had my own hamburger from our own cow out here but yeah I just bought one of those two hamburgers today for this because this is just this is not even the star of this dish I went to Audi and I bought I think their baked beans there can debate beans are the best anywhere and y’all and that there’s a lot coming for me I used to be kind of a grocery snowb when Brian I said we’re dating he went to the grocery store with me one time and I think he really had to step back and ask himself could he marry me my mama always bought name-brand everything that’s that’s just the way my mama did things she also I bought name-brand everything so the first time he went grocery shopping with me he was used to buy an off-brand save money because my husband is the money taper and he was like I don’t know if she can compromise and then I think I was surprised they might compromised a lot I bought off friends just about everything now with the exception of mayonnaise peanut butter and chocolate paper yeah so and cereal no that’s where I was going with this oh well my first start shopping at Audi I really kind of had my mind made up that everything was gonna be bad and that that one’s gonna be good now we’ll say I don’t buy their cereals and my kids don’t like their cereal my husband swore up and down they could tell a difference I mean they couldn’t be able to tell a difference and so he plays a trick on her one time we had both cereals in the house and he just took the bags out of the the Audi brand and he switched it with the name-brand and they could tell so I don’t buy out a cereal but I I’m so ashamed to say that I had my mind made up that I wasn’t gonna like their stuff and I’ll never forget the first item that I purchased and I was like this is better than what I’m used to buying and I thought it was canned tuna I know that’s not gourmet canned tuna but I was used to buying Bumblebee cantina albacore white albacore tuna and so I awesome tuna from Audi and I was just convinced I was not gonna like it well I opened it up and it was the medius the widest the thickest the most solid tuna I have ever had I love out eaten well then I got divine everything so now I just about everything in LD now I still have to go to Walmart because they don’t have everything I need but I find their brands just about everything the produce is a little hitting miss you got to find it on a good day but I like I buy it if it looks good I buy it and it’s good like I said the only thing I really don’t buy there it’s their cereal that’s the only thing and oh and I don’t do their bread I do like oh and I did buy some bread today but I’m gonna use it for a breakfast casserole um I don’t know why I don’t do their bread some things I didn’t have their pita bread I get that all the time they’re sub rolls are amazing i buy those all the time but like their look friend I get them I guess it’s another name-brand thing I’m stuck on I’m kind of stuck on my own nature zone so yep all right I’m just gonna add in this box of sausage and I’ll bring you guys fight in just a minute okay so there’s everything in there right now pick it up together now I am doing this recipe I don’t have her here to ask you know was I supposed to use the whole kielbasa some such thing so I’m just gonna eyeball this what I think it should look like so I’m just getting all this cooked up together I’m getting a green pepper softened and I think I’m gonna put a little salt and pepper in here just season it up a little bit not much because there’s so much flavor going on there now what I was saying earlier is about brand-name stuff but I’m going to tell you something ow d hi I mean I think I’ve already told you but I’m gonna reiterate it they’re baked beans are better than Bush’s baked beans they are so good I mean I could open up a can and eat these and wear with bushes I’d have to doctor up and I mean I still probably with doctor those two and I’m doctoring it today but I think they’re so good so if you if you’ve ever had a me store it doesn’t have to be Audi that just happens to be the one I’m talking about if you have a store that you’re it be about try it before you make up your mind you’re not gonna like it I mean we tell our kids that all the time don’t say you don’t like it until you’ve tried it and so same thing with us I’m ashamed to say that I had those feelings and not everything I don’t like everything but but I buy off-brand just about everything now and I realized that saving a little bit of money is better than having to have the name-brand cuz nobody knows if it tastes just as good nobody knows I’m eating the name-brand I mean really it doesn’t help my social status any but anyway um so yeah and the lady in the grocery store just absolutely made my day made my day now in this bowl right here I’ve got 3/4 cup of sugar and I’m gonna add some ketchup to it I don’t know how much ketchup to add I don’t know yet because I don’t it was said ketchup to taste so I’m not sure this recipe like I said it came from my friend Brenda and I’ve just texted her to make sure it was okay I videoed her recipe and so I may be butchered it but we’re gonna see already I mean you can’t go wrong with this already even if this was just a side dish so I’m gonna get the ketchup out and get a few items ready and we’re gonna put it in a tin pan and we’re gonna bake it in the oven and I’m gonna go ahead and bake it and do everything so like we can be done and they’ll just heat it up for supper tonight okay okay so I’m going to show you my lazy man’s trick um it needs draining just a little bit not an awful lot but enough I need to do something but I don’t want to dump it out and drain it so I’m kind of tilting it over and I push everything to the side my burners down on low and I’m just gonna take a wad of paper towels and I wish I had my tongs better don’t I may have more in here than I thought I did and I’m just turning it over I don’t know if you guys can see what I’m doing but just don’t cook your paper towel you don’t want to cook it I’m just soaking up some of this grease so I don’t have to dump out everything and I flipped my paper towel over and if I had tongs it would be so much better my trashcan is real close by so I just drop it in now if you’re nervous or if you’re cooking over an open flame I would not do that things could go awry real quick but that’s just something I do when I don’t necessarily want to dump it all out to drain it and its really nothing about the dumping out it’s about the dishes that have to okay and I’m not gonna mix together the ketchup and sugar because I’m really not sure how much ketchup so I’m gonna put this in and we may have to transfer this to a different pot I thought I could mix everything together in here and I’m hoping I still fan and I bought two these cans in case one is not enough I’m still not sure because since the the recipe was very specific for bushes and so I’m not sure I didn’t even look at bushes to see what size pan I needed so I may need in fact I think I’m gonna use about half of another can I don’t know I don’t know this is what it’s supposed to look like or not let me do some contemplating and thinking on this and I’ll bring you guys right back okay guys I think I use the right size of fate being can but I kind of want a few more baked beans so I opened up my other can and used about half of it it’s one can of 28 ounces and I’m pretty sure that’s the size that it’s called for so now I’m just sprinkling the sugar in and I’ve got my burner on low and I’m just gonna mix this up and then I’m gonna just gonna squirt some ketchup in don’t this look good oh my goodness this looks so good y’all and then the day she brought it to church the the I think it was a homecoming meal oh my goodness I could not get enough and you should have seen us all trying to figure out who made the baked beans we were like we go to table by table who made the baked beans jeez you make the babies no did you make the babies who made the meat beans we got to find out who made the baked beans and we found that it was Brenda and she was so sweet to share her recipe not only was she sweet to share me share with me her recipe but also to let me film it alright when I grab the ketchup and we’re just going to eyeball that because there’s no measurement on the on the recipe so right I shouldn’t do that on my glass top stove I’m just kind of going around and around that looks good to me I would say that was probably maybe a third of a cup fourth to third I don’t know I don’t know how much to add I don’t know now I know why everybody gets aggravated at me when I don’t put the recipe or don’t give measurements but this this she just passed on the recipe she had so and probably for you know each person that makes it they probably just eyeball the ketchup all right now one more thing before we throw it in the pan and I’m gonna let you say it because I struggle with it we’re just wash or sisters Wurster showers Worcestershire sauce I have so struggled with that word and I’m just given a few little sprinkles oh you’ve had my oven preheated preheat start 350 we’re gonna preheat it to 350 all right we’re gonna pour it in a pan I’m gonna lay half I’m going to cut some bacon strips in half lay them on top cover it up and we’re gonna bake it for a while and then we’ll uncover it and bake the let that they can get done let me give this a taste before we you know the chef’s always supposed to taste their food so let’s taste it and we might can tell if I need more ketchup or not oh my goodness that is perfect oh that is so good y’all so good oh okay so you all know I love my trusty team fans they made my step out of the way now I’ve got to figure out what to connect I figure out what to season my hamburgers that we’re gonna grill with I can’t decide on a seasoned them with Weber steak and chop don’t want to season them with Hidden Valley Ranch the powder dressing or seasoning I don’t think I have any lips and onion soup mix I used to season them with that I don’t think I have you need that all right now you know what first are going to get these pans of this y’all stick your pants back in the oven I always sit my pants like a melon you know I have a little little bitty kitchen a little bitty kitchen with no room whatsoever you know I’m gonna spray the pan I don’t know why I’m this breaking but I’m not spray the pan Bryant was flicking for the spray yesterday so I bought something okay all right Crisco butter spray so happy so maybe I’m gonna get y’all see my trash on the floor oh my goodness y’all this is so good I’m so excited I make this I have to Isaac this morning I said do you want um do you want baked beans or pasta salad because I make a really good pasta salad too I can’t take any credit for this I am just making it all I know is it’s really good this is really clean baking I do not like this bacon if you watch my German pancake video this is from that but it might cook up pretty good on this I’ve got some really cool videos coming one of my viewers have sent me a recipe I’m so excited to try it it’s called a cabbage casserole I went today to get everything I needed to make it but you had just about everything but I’ve never had a cabbage casserole so we’re gonna try that out later this week I’m gonna make a breakfast casserole for you guys it sounds like it’s gonna be casserole I don’t know what else I’m gonna make no I’ve to wait and see I don’t know how many bacon slices I need to put on this I probably should cut that little fatty end off I’m gonna cut it off here so yeah I’ve got some cold videos come out tomorrow we’re going to a little Amish community close to where we used to live not far from where we used to live and we’re taking the seniors from church okay there you go guys I’m gonna cover it with temple get it into bake and I’ll see you when it comes out okay guys well the baked beans were in there for an hour and a half and then I took the ten full off and just let them cook till the bacon was done I didn’t really time it maybe five four minutes not much longer so I’m gonna get them out now Judah just got home and Caroline and Jamie [Music] all right I’m gonna go ahead and try a little bit but Brent’s not in the house right now so you’ll have to try it later I’m just gonna kind of stir it up a little bit oh this is so good it’s really hot oh my that is delicious that is delicious this could be a main course this does not have to be a foundation I mean you got your meat in there yeah that’s so good mmm I can’t wait for the family to get in here and try this it’s coming out actually perfect I’ve got the burgers patty doubt and I actually seasoned them with both I did them with steak and chop and a little bit of the range so this should be really good I’ve already got my lettuce and my tomato my onions sliced up on plates the table set the beans are out of the oven and they’ll stay hot for a while and the chips are on the table the buns are on the table I need to get my ketchup and mayonnaise but as soon as bright and the rest of the family get in the house I’ll bring you back and get their reaction on the baked beans okay Bronx go and try the beans now all right guys here take a look at all that’s in here to that bacon see that sausage and that hamburger meat right there just get your scoop like that I like that and that’s delicious I give it a 12 out of 10 12 out of 10 and there’s our burgers for the night there’s some more and we have shrimp there’s our baked beans there’s my boy there’s Jamie and Caroline and Seberg thank you don’t back say bye-bye nope he’s not doing it well there you have it on the baked beans the better than baked bean beans so um thank y’all for watching y’all got to try this Oh cabinet doors open y’all got to try this it is delicious it’ll be one of your favorite favorite sides especially in the summer when you’re going to cookouts and so forth so you’ve got to try it Thank You Brenda for sharing your recipe and thanks whoever shared it with you so y’all have a great day and remember it’s the grease is hot enough you can fry anything


  1. My Mother made neighborhood famous baked beans. Couple big cans Campbell vegetarian beans in tomato sauce. She'd add brown sugar, ketchup, a little molasses, French's yellow mustard, onion green pepper, bacon cut in half , and I might be forgetting a little something but no BBQ sauce

  2. This looks really good. Thank you! Going grocery shopping is a job but putting it all away….. Is my least favorite to do!!!

  3. i love your blu kitchen beans looked so yummy i was raised to buy off brand as we had little money got to have wieners makes the beans another great video yes no name toilet paper not the best

  4. My mom always bought name brand everything. My husband was a penny pincher very bad to the point that he was incredibly selfish. There is a point where frugality is not the driving force but it’s really just being selfish. On his death bed he thought he was going to prevent me from getting his money, in other words everything that I did for him after 42 years of marriage was worthless to him. I supported him in every way a wife does. Be careful eating tuna because it has mercury in it, we stopped eating it. I know the difference in cereal, ketchups are different. Pickles and jelly is different. I use paper towel all the time to sop up grease.

  5. Yummy yummy! Love that Cowboy Casserole. I drain my meat the sane way, with paper towels using tongs. Love your videos, started with newer one and then going back to blue kitchen ones now. You are doing a fantastic job with your weight loss. 💕

  6. Greetings from South Carolina! Looks delicious 😋I eyeball alot of my added ingredients. I can't say Worcester either lol! I just call it shire sauce lol 😆

  7. Baked beans taste so good baked in clay pots from Mexico. Just be sure your pot is examined by your local city health dept. before using it. For years I made such great baked beans in my pretty clay pot given to me by my sister-in-law. After reading in the local newspaper that Mexican pots were found to have a toxic substance in them,I submitted mine. I had to destroy it.I had another ugly Mexican pot choked. It passed.

  8. Ketch up mustard brown sugar worceshire sauce and barbque sauce a little liquid smoke mix up along with all your other ingredients and bacon on top 🙏🏼😇👍try adding these ingredients you will love it

  9. we serve ours on rice or with fried potatos and onions or roasted is good, and we use jalapeno pepper , mustard or the powder and molasses in our beans it's family favorite for sure some pulled pork sliders are extra delicious with tater salad these beans are just extra for any meal in our opinion, and we sometimes do a bean mix up using chili beans, baked beans, chick peas,kidney and cannelini or pinto called a 5 bean bake casserole. Picnic foods are so addicting, thanks for sharing

  10. I don’t normally buy the tube hamburger either but I recently bought it and it’s not bad at all. I always buy 80/20 ground beef. There are certain things I’ll compromise on with buying store label brands. I’ll try the store labels and if they’re good that’s what I stick with.
    I put a package of hot pan sausage instead of ground beef and brown sugar, Worcestershire, mustard, bbq sauce, garlic powder, dried onions, etc. sounds similar to yours. And girl, let that sausage brown a good bit so those flavors get in there real good. I learned it really helps. (Were ster shire) sauce if that helps

  11. I season our burgers with garlic powder, dried onions and salt and pepper pretty heavily with the garlic and dried onions. It’s my daughter in laws recipe. They are really really good

  12. Up north we call those calico beans or graduation beans because we always have them for grad parties:))). We add butter beans, black beans, lima beans, kidney beans or red beans….what ever kind of beans you like not just baked beans..we do use the hamburger in them and diced bacon but not the polish sausage……they are delicious trust me. Add some garlic or garlic powder a bit of mustard.. It's also called a hot dish up here and not casserole. So interesting the different regional differences. I know this is an older video but I am a new subscriber so just watching a lot of videos..Love them!!

  13. I buy off brand mostly. Always have and also buy clothes at thrift stores. Even went to Hawaii in 2005 and found a thrift store.😊

  14. I make something similar to this, I use brown sugar instead of white sugar, I put in a little mustard in it and I don't use the polish sausage, just hamburger, the rest is the same

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