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[Music] hey everybody I’m Mary love and welcome to Country Living y’all excuse my hair okay cuz I just throw it up in the bun so I can get another Canon video done today I’m canning green beans I love green beans y’all and I’ve already snapped and washed them I got my water heating up over there in my pressure tenner I’ve got water heating up right here behind me with the jars in it so we’re going to get down here and we’re going to get started I hope y’all are enjoying these canning videos cuz I really do like making them it’s a lot of fun keeps me out sometimes it keeps me out of trouble but not all the time and I will be right back there here in just a jiffy I got to get my Lids out of here but I got found my little lid magnet I don’t know what I did with it aha I found it let’s get these out I hope everybody’s doing good this evening I’m videoing this on what is today Monday so y’all probably won’t see this till Tuesday all right there’s the lids oh we got to have something to set those on cuz that’s going to be hot we’ll just set it right there all right there’s that now then let’s get this deal out of the caner set that right there and we’re going to grab a jar I think on the Wide Mouth Jars I think all my pressure caner is going to hold is eight jars I can’t remember but I think that’s all it will hold all right we’re going to pack these in here just as tightly as we can without breaking them and we’re going to put a half a teaspoon and this is a fourth so we’re going to do two of these of canning salt and we’re going to do about a half a teaspoon of chicken broth bullion powder so let me grab the hot water over here set that right there we’ve got our lid I don’t think we’re going to need it and we’re going to do this to a 1 in head space I think that’s what it said I could be wrong and we’re going to gently debubble these so I don’t break the jar we’re going to need a little B more water in there just a little bit all righty I need a rag we’re going to wipe the rim of this off just like so we don’t want anything under there I cannot stress that enough you don’t want to go through all this hard work just to have some something a a little bitty piece of something under that lid that’s going to keep it from sealing off got my rings we’re going to do this finger tight take the lid off this cner ow that’s hot you’re probably going to hear me say that a lot so please bear with me all right let’s grab grab another jar and we’re going to repeat the process green beans and I’m going to save some I got some over here in a bowl that I’m going to cook tomorrow cuz we’re going to have some fresh green beans um some fresh squash out of the garden and I’m going to make some homemade chicken and dressing that just sounds yummy [Music] delicious I’m pretty sure I already asked y’all but how y’all doing I hope everything’s well and y’all in your neck of the woods everything thing is fine and dandy like cotton candy here in my part of the world I went to Walmart earlier and I got me another pack of that Mrs wages um kosher deal pickle seasoning yep I got me some more cucumbers and I’ve already got them sitting in the ice bath them other ones turned out so pretty I wanted to do some more we’re going to put the salt on the bottom this time not that it makes any difference cuz it don’t hey if y’all haven’t went over to my community tab I know a lot of people have but if you’re watching this and you haven’t been over there yet I put up a freebie um it’s a set of three lighthouses and I captioned it thank God for the lighthouse there’s a a song that I sing at church um say there’s a lighthouse on on a hillside that overlooks life seas and when I’m TOS it SS out of light a light that I might see and the light that shines in dark Darkness [Music] now will safely Le me home if it wasn’t for the [Music] lighthouse my ship would sail no more now everybody that lives around me they say tear that Old Lighthouse down for the big ships don’t sail this way anymore there’s no use of it standing round but then my mind goes back to that stormy night when just in time I Saw The Light yes the light from that Old liouse that still stands up there on a hill and I thank God for the ligh housee I my life to him for Jesus sees the lious and from the rocks of sin he has shown his light around me so that I could clear [Music] see if it wasn’t for the lighthouse tell me where would this ship be and I thank God for the lighthouse I owe my life to him for Jesus is the ligh house and from the rocks of sin he has shown his light around me so that I could clearly see if it wasn’t for the [Music] lighthouse tell me where would this ship be yes if it wasn’t for the liouse tell me where would this ship be that’s what those challenges remind me of and I am so thankful that Jesus Christ is my Guiding Light he never leaves us nor forsakes us no matter how hard the storms may get he’s always right there with us ever constant and I I’m so thankful for that okay now we’re going to get back to the task at hand we’ve almost got all these jars done and I still got green beans so I will have to do another batch and that’s all right cuz these are sure going to taste good this winter all righty pack them down pack them down pack them down all right let’s get some water now these are going to process in the pressure caner after it comes up to pressure for 20 minutes these are one of the easiest things to pressure can and I know a lot of people um have commented that they would like to to pressure can stuff to be able to can like this but they’re afraid of the pressure caner blowing up the one that I have it is utterly impossible for that thing to blow up because it’s got lips all the way around the top of it where that lid when you twist it it locks down underneath those and there’s no way it’s coming off I got my canners at Walmart and I think when I got them I paid um $99 for them I think $89 or 99 something like that it wasn’t a whole lot but I sure do like doing this it keeps me saying for a little bit all righty and we are definitely going to have to do a second batch most decidedly but I won’t make y’all sit through that pain staking task we’ll get you through this one my mother she never did can she always made jelly homemade jellies but those are just water bath she never did can as far as pressure canning but I know I sure do like it ow that’s hot and the good thing about pressure canning is anything that has to be pressure canned for more than 10 minutes you don’t have to heat up your Flats you can just put them on and let her go all right yep that’s only going to hold eight [Music] jars so I will put me some more jars in there and when these get done I’ll have some jars heated up ready to do another batch least a few more jars anyway so we got eight jars done out of this one don’t lose them all down in there get some water some good old H2O I know y’all think I’m crazy y’all wouldn’t be too far from the truth I ain’t certifiable but that ain’t saying much these days oh we need a little bit more water in there I ain’t ready for a crazy chick but hey if they’d give it I’d sure take it no I wouldn’t all right there’s our last jar going to go in this caner we got no room for no more now we’re going to put the lid on this Yep this is the right way and it lines up just like that and you twist it and there’s no way that’s coming off we’re going to turn this burner back up and when the steam starts coming out this little vent right here in a steady stream I will set a timer for 10 minutes after that timer goes off then I will add a 10 lb weight this is two pieces each one of these pieces is 5 lb so we will add a 10 lb weight and as soon as it builds up enough pressure in here for that little weight to go to rocking back and forth then I’ll set the timer for 20 minutes and let it go when that timer goes off I will shut the fire off underneath it and let it set until all the pressure has gone out of it I will remove the lid take it off I will set another timer for 10 minutes and let those jars just sit in that hot water before I take them out and move them over there on my canning mat so this is going to be a little bit of a process but we’ll be back now the steam is glowing I think you can see it so I got the timer set for 10 minutes so in 10 minutes we’ll turn that timer off and put the weight on and then it takes a little bit for it to build up enough pressure in there to start jiggling this thing so we’ll be back here in just a little bit now I’m just plain multitasking we got to have dinner I didn’t realize it was as late as it is so I’m fixing me and my like some copycat Taco Bell Mexican pizzas for dinner so I got my hamburger meat here cooking if i’ stop sosing it out all over the grill and as soon as this gets done I’ll drain the grease off of it then add some taco seasoning and I’m going to add some Rotel uh Great Value brand Rotel tomatoes the mild kind CU I don’t do spicy and then um I got Taco uh flour tortillas for tacos I’ll deep fry some of those in a little bit of oil to get them kind of crispy and we’ll go from there and I’ll show you what I do but for right now I got to get the oh well we’re fixing to put the weight on the caner over here because that timer is just about to go off so we’re just going to hang out for a second I think I might have got a little too ambitious tonight [Music] y’all but that’s all right what we’re eating for dinner ain’t nothing heavy so after my husband eats it it won’t be 30 minutes he’ll be back in here hungry again all right we’re down to just less than 20 seconds and I got laundry going too and don’t don’t look at the mess in here cuz it looks like my Cupboards in refrigerator oh there goes the timer now we’re going to put that on there and we’ll wait for that to go to jiggling and then we’ll take care of that so while we’re here I’ll show y’all how I drain the grease off of the hamburger meat without ever taking it out of the pan this is the easiest way to drain hamburger meat tilt it up to one side put your hamburger meat all on the other side squeeze it out just as much as you can on the grease cuz Lord knows I don’t need all that extra grease in my diet my cholesterol is bad enough I don’t need to add to it all righty can y’all see all that grease down there now we’re going to take some paper towels and soak all that up give it just a minute to soak it up and look at there we never had to take that hamburger meat out all gone now we’re going to dump some taco seasoning in here there’s about a tablespo of taco seasoning with about oh probably a/4 cup of water and we’re going to let that go until that liquid is absorbed now I’m going to heat up some refried beans and after I cook the Tor the taco shells um I’ll spread the reff fried beans down on top of that the bottom one then I’ll put some hamburger meat with the rotail tomatoes on it put another taco shell on top and spread some enchilada sauce on it put some cheese on it and put it in the oven at about 350° until that cheese melts so now let me grab some rotail Tomatoes all right we’re not going to add all that juice cuz we don’t need all that and truthfully we’re not going to add all these tomatoes to this now I know Taco Bell doesn’t put rotail tomatoes in theirs and that’s all right cuz I’m making this my own recipe with a little bit of inspiration from theirs all right we’re going to let that heat up for just a minute and then we’re going to take this out put it in a bowl and put some oil in here and Fry up some tortilla or some taco shells so stick around all right that is jiggling so we’re going to set the timer for 20 minutes and it’s at a nice little steady Rock so we’re good on that so over here I got some oil heating up and I’m going to get some tortilla shells for tacos fried up and I’ll be right back okay I got the last taco shell in here flour taco shell in here frying [Music] up and here’s the other ones I got some refried beans already spread on that one so I’m probably going to have to make like a couple of these then I’ll wind up having to make me another one but that’s all right we’re going to let this one fry and then I’ll show you how to put these things together all right now I’ve already got refried things as I said on this one so we’re going to put some hamburger meat on it or the taco meat and these are not going to be like Taco Bell they are not going to be Sky they’re going to have plenty of stuff on them that’s the good thing about making stuff at home like this you can add as much to it as you want and then you get full all right I’m going set that down for just a second we’re going to put put another layer on here and me grab some enchilada sauce now we’re not going to use a whole lot of this sauce cuz my husband is like me he’s not real crazy about it and that’s all right but we are going to put some on here cuz this guy has it [Music] we’re going to put some on here just like so and spread it around and I think that right there will be a plenty and I got my little oven over here heating up all right now we’re going to spread some refried beans on the thish one I want this one for the bottom get some of these on here I got too many things going at once all right there we go we got that put some meat on here these are going to be very filling all right put the top shell on and don’t worry I’m going to take that paper towel out spread this around like that now we’re going to put some cheese on here actually we’re going to take these off of this paper towel and hopefully I don’t break them there we go now we’re going to put some cheese on them I thought I had some um Kobe Jack but I don’t so you got to deal with what you got and I got cheddar all right and these are going to go in My Little Oven over here for about 15 or 20 minutes until the cheese melts and then these will be done all right there’s dinner Taco Bell Coffee Cat Mexican pizza and a beef bean and cheese burrito fried so let’s try this out and see what it tastes like Now is it going to taste like Taco Bell no it’s going to taste better let’s see if I can get a h of it cuz I should have put some cheese on the hamburger meat that way it would stay together better actually it does kind of taste like Taco Bell I should have put some sour cream on it h that’s a winter and that was so easy to make all right now let’s try this doesn’t that look good [Music] man that’s good need salt though I won’t show y’all how much salt I put on here cuz y’all be notified oh it’s coming out the bottom too it’s just coming apart everywhere man that’s good I think next time I’ll just do them burritos like that that’s really good who knew a fried burrito like that can tastes so [Music] good oh that’s good okay that’s dinner copycat Taco Bell Mexican pizza beef and bean and cheese burrito this is sitting now it’s got to come down to where there’s no pressure before I can take the lid off and then we’ll be back this going to be a long video y’all so I hope y’all survive till the end well I wound up with 13 pint jars of green beans plus I got enough to cook some tomorrow night for dinner I’m a little tired y’all it’s midnight so finally got this one done canning green beans and dinner all in one video I hope that you enjoy it if you do please leave me a thumbs up if you really like it leave me a comment as well to all my new YouTube family members thank y’all so much for joining my channel I deeply appreciate each and every one of y’all but with that I’m going to say good night God bless oh excuse me take care and until we meet again have a wonderful day tomorrow bye now I


  1. Happy Tuesday. Beautiful song. Hope you had a wonderful day. Thank you for teaching us a little more canning

  2. Good video I get tickled when I see you really like something that burrito and then you dance👏🏽👏🏽that’s sweet thanks for sharing

  3. Hey Mary enjoyed the video. Thank you for explaining about the pressure cooker. I saw how you have to line it up to lock it down. Thank you for sharing your canning videos. We love them all canning, happy mail or cash stuffing!!!

  4. I love your canning videos. Well to be honest – I love all your videos. But my absolute favorites are when you sing 😍🤗. Love ya sweet, but tired, aunt Mary ❤💜

  5. Great video! I love green beans! 13 jars is a good amount for your pantry.
    Your supper looked great!
    Thank you for the beautiful song! 🎶

  6. Hi Mary! This was a banner video. Multitasking with canning green beans, singing, fixing dinner, laundry and a finale Happy Dance. Great canning experience. Your song was very meaningful and your voice is beautiful. Dinner looked fabulous. Happy Dance was perfect. Thank you Mary. Also your previous video of canning pickles was very good too. Your canning is explained and you cover all bases. You are the best, my friend. 😊❤

  7. Great job, my friend! Your jars are beautiful, and your meal looked great! I printed out my freebie yesterday and forgot to tell you. I love that song. Love ya, Bestie! 💜

  8. Hey Mary! I am really enjoying these canning videos. My grandmother use to can but I never stayed around to see the work that goes into it. It just warms my heart to see the work that goes into these. It’s definitely a work of love. Thank you for sharing this with us!

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