Chicken, paprika, adobo seasoning, season-all, onion and garlic powder. Bake at 375 degree’s uncovered. About 1-1/2hrs.

You need to check: “Hashbrown Potato Casserole HOMEMADE TUTORIAL 2017!”


hi welcome to Chris cook for you – today I’m going to be doing oven baked barbecue chicken that’s my dinner for today so I set up go ahead and show you because I don’t have a baked chicken online actually its oven baked barbecued of late quarters but it’s still chicken um I want to also say if you want to save your stock your chicken stock this is the best way to save your chicken stock one of the reasons is because this chicken stock that comes from the chicken that you’re taking in the oven it’s not diluted with water when you get ready to make chicken stock on top of the stove you have to add water to that and you have to boil it so your chicken stock is actually diluted with this there is no water in this dish the only water comes from the chicken itself so every bit of the juices that come from that chicken that’s going to be a very good chicken stock so if you’re saving chicken stock and like I do I’ll save my chicken stock today I won’t do it but normally I save my chicken stock to use with my dressing or anything else I may want to put in it and it’ll freeze well it freeze well I’ve frozen it up to three months you know while I wait to prepare a dish but today and I didn’t think about it I am also doing homemade cornbread dressing and I know I should have put this online I really do but I was halfway through it before I even thought about it especially since Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching but what I’m going to try to do I don’t want to make my family sick of dressing before the holiday season actually gets here and this is the first time I’ve made a cornbread stuffing since last year but what I’m going to do is I think I’m going to have it one more time just so I can show you how I do it in case you don’t know how to make the cornbread dressing then you would have a very good recipe for your holiday dinner whether it be Christmas would be Thanksgiving so let’s get started with the ingredients that we’re going to need for today I’m going to use a small amount of paprika and one of the reasons for that I’m just going to put it I’m just going to shake it on one side to give it seasoning or coat one side of my chicken to give it seasoning it’s because I don’t want my chicken broth to be red because that will turn my dressing it will have a red tint and I don’t want that okay I’m using adobo seasoning but this is the one with the pepper so that means that I would exclude my pepper because I would get it from here I’m going to use seasoned all I use more than seasoned also I’m going to use seasonal to help seasoned my our chicken and I’m going to use onion powder and garlic powder as well I’m a sprinkle just a little bit of salt on the chicken just to give it a little bit more added flavor but those are the only ingredients that I’m going to need in order to make this chicken dish now I didn’t pick up the chicken until after I got through showing you the seasonings the reason for that is because when I picked this chicken up I’m going straight over to my sink and I’m going to start to wash this you do not want to contaminate your hands and that means that you don’t touch chicken without first washing your hands after you finish touching the chicken and then going ahead and touching the other items because you will pick up contamination from this chicken now I want to show you something I’m going to this is what a late quarter looks like all of this excess skin we don’t need it so when I get over there to wash it I’m going to cut that off I’m going to cut this fat off and I’m going to show you one other thing inside of here just when you can see it a little bit better that this does not should not be in your chicken get it out okay see that little liver tight meat you get that out you don’t want that in your chicken and you wash that away now something else I don’t know if you’ve heard of this phrase or not but this little part on the chicken is like the clip in that’s the butt part of your chicken and you know back in the day people would say cut that last part that goes over the fence off of the chicken it just means that because the birds but go over the fence last they want you to take it off so I’m going to cut snip this right here and take it off I want to show you that and take off any excess fat that I may see so now I’m ready to go to my sink so I’ll meet you at okay then we’re just thinking I have the water running so let’s go ahead let me show you how to do this I’m going to pick up one of these chicken and you see right here or chicken quarters all of that excess skin you don’t really need that I mean if you want to keep it on check it on later you can you just gonna get more flavor from it but you really don’t need it because you’re gonna get a lot of flavor from the chicken remember we talked about the last part that goes over the fence I’m gonna pick that off and I just have a bowl back at it I’m using to just throw in the my leftover parts so I can bag it and then throw it out now I’m taking my song backwards sticking it down in here and you see there see how I released all of that this you definitely don’t want to eat you clean your chicken before you cook your chicken okay and I don’t want it going down my drain either that’s why I have a bowl sitting over there turn this water just a little bit okay now once I got that part out see there go ahead pick it out clean it out get this all ready to fly I’m sorry to bake now if I look on this and I see some excess fat see that excess fat right there I’m just gonna go ahead and take my knife and I’m going to pull it see I pulled it off okay now I got the fat off that’s just a piece of money when they took one and cut it they just cut it wrong I can read that on okay and I got that all cleaned out ready to put in my bowl to go I’ll do another last part over the fence don’t take that off excess skin take all of that off cuz you don’t need that and I’m going to stick my hand down in this chicken see there pull up that take it out cuz you don’t want your family eating that okay once I get it out wash it out any excess fat at that little now this fat does add to the flavor I’m not gonna say it don’t but you got enough flavor coming from the chicken anyway so you know Stoney thought okay so there now one more then I’m going to go away and I’m going to finish up this chicken and then I’ll come back when I get ready to season it and put it into the oven there to pulp that last photo with that took off all of that excess and took off just fat and doesn’t matter what order you doing there just get it done see that fat coming down the side put that off to don’t leave then I run my hand down this here and I get out that girl okay then I rinse my chicken off real good and don’t use hot water if you don’t want to spoil it chicken before you actually start to bake it so don’t use hot water keep your water kind of cool okay so now I’m gonna go away and finish this chicken up when I get it all done then I’ll come back and when I get ready season and put it in the oven I’ll show you that I’m going to put in 375 degree oven cook it roughly about an hour hour and a half I’ll go in one time and drain off the arm all of the chicken broth because I’m going to use that to make my dressing with and I’ll show you that you know the one half the time that I go in one time I’ll show you that I’ll get right back when I get ready to put okay now we’re back with the chicken and I’m going to show you how a big man okay have you bet your chicken that’s fine but this is the way I do Matt I melted a tablespoon of butter because I’m using this aluminum pan I’m going to brush the butter all over the bottom of my aluminum pan making certain that all the bottom is covered now the other reason I do it this way because I’m lazy old school so I’m going to show you how I’ll do it and then of course you can continue to do yours the way you do these are the seasonings that are sheltering I mixed everything up and I don’t have a lot of pepper Rica in here and I told you why because I’m going to use this I’m going someplace with this I’m going to use this for my dressing and I didn’t want the broth to be red well now once I’ve covered that I’m going to place my chicken over in my pan now I think you know why I covered it that’s so the bottom of my chicken can be seasoned and I don’t have to season it and flip it and you know all of that stuff I’ll just place it down over in there okay I’m just hoping that I have enough room I can always make room once I’ve gotten all of my leg quarters down in and it doesn’t matter if one touches the other a slightly bit that’s not important then I’m going to take my I’m using a paintbrush and I’m just going to cover my chicken skins with the butter now once I get all of my chicken scans covered with the butter then I’m going to go ahead and put just clean up my work area a little bit I’m going to stick there for just having a clean work area because I don’t want to get all jumbled up and confuse with everything all around me working on one thing I just had that one thing next to me okay so now I’m going to sprinkle my seasoning and for the second time I just went ahead and mixed all of my seasonings together and I’m sprinkling that all over my chicken now you could cover your chicken if you want if you don’t want you don’t have to or you can bake it sometimes I partially you know cover it and bake it oh we’re being partially covered on the floss top and then sometimes I don’t now if I partially cover my ticket for a portion of the cooking it’s going to give me a little bit moister chicken and if I just straight oven roasted with my oven being on 375 because I told you that’s what it’s going to be on my skin will be a little bit crisper it’s all a personal preference okay yeah I’ve covered that now you may not do yours this way and that’s perfectly fine because we all got techniques that we use this is the way I do mine for the sake of time and for me to make certain that I’m working smarter and not harder I’m very comfortable with doing it this way now that I have this chicken ready I’m going to put this chicken in the oven and I’m going to cook off at 375 for roughly like I said about an hour and a half hour check it after 45 minutes of cooking pour off my chicken broth then I’ll allow it to continue to cook and then I’ll at the end of it um I’ll show you what my chicken looks like before and after I put my barbecue sauce on my chicken also I want to let you know that I’ll show you also how much broth I got from the chicken that I’m able to use to make my dressing which is something that I’m going to do today as well so I’ll get back to you after this is cooked for a while okay well I’m back and I’ve taken the chicken out of the oven because their chicken is baked but I want to show you something this is how much broth and look at how rich my chicken broth and look this is how much broth I got from the chicken plus a little bit more but I just um I put some in the dressing and I’m going to take the rest of this and I’m going to save it until Thanksgiving and I will use it for my dressing for Thanksgiving now remember the barbecue sauce that I made by the time you see this chicken video the barbecue sauce video would be posted so I’m going to pour up some see how it pours it’s very thick so I’m going to pour some up then I’m going to take this and I’m going to put it overnight my chicken now even though you won’t see me put it on the bottom of my chicken my chicken will still have the glaze on the bottom and the reason for that is because I’ve taken all of the juice out of the pan so if I just I didn’t mean to flip it all the way over but look at how that pours see that I meant to just flip it up just a little bit and because I’m using a spoon it makes it kind of difficult but what I’m going to do is to glaze my chicken and I mean this barbecue sauce is very rich you need to try my recipe for it I think you’re going to really enjoy it and barbecue chicken is not just putting barbeque sauce on and they’re not allowing it to bake into your chicken you need to put this on 10 minutes prior to you getting ready to eat it put it back in the oven and let that glaze form on the top which is exactly what I’m going to do I may need just a little bit more because I can once I take this out for the last time if I tilt it from side to side then I’ll get the bottom of that chicken glazed but you see as I pour it out this is really thick barbecue sauce and that’s the way you want your barbecue sauce you don’t want it then you want it thick okay so there you go I mean the chicken baked up real nice and the glaze the barbecue sauce is gonna give it that extra added taste my dinner for today I made collard greens mac and cheese are dressing barbecue chicken and sweet potato pie this is Sunday I don’t cook like that every day but sometimes what we have on Sunday depending on what our taste buds do we’ll have that on Monday now I’m a brush adjust slightly okay I mean the sauce is really good and thick on top of this chicken that’s the way you want it if you’re going to barbecue chicken that’s the way you want it okay look like a little feather just want to pull it up now now that I have all of my chicken glazed I’m going to take it put it back in the oven for the last 10 minutes and then I’ll show you what it looks like once it comes out of the okay now I’m taking it out of the oven because the chicken is done there it is that’s the way of barbecue chicken is supposed to look and you got barbecue sauce all over everywhere and you got enough left over so that if you want to just scoop and put some over it some additional barbecue sauce over it you can well that’s all we have for you today chris is baking oven baked barbecue chicken and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you – bye you


  1. Blessings to you and your family… Keep up the wonderful work dear… God keep you lifted!!💕🤗🥰🙏🏾⭐

  2. I did it. Its finishing the last 30 minutes. I made kale greens with it, and In a few minutes I'm gonna put the bbq sauce on it… I cant wait.. YUM

  3. What am I missing? You say to bake it an 1 1/2 hrs. But the video shows you baking it for 45 min, pouring of drippings. Then applying BBQ sauce and baking for 10 min. Which is a total of 55min bake time. Its really not a trick question, Maybe I missed something?

  4. The fat is a natural part of the chicken i never remove it when I'm baking the fat is the flavor it just gonna melt anyway when you cooking it

  5. The best method to season chicken is to put it all in a large bowl and then add the seasoning and mix it with your hands and then put it in the baking pan

  6. You really clean your chicken 🍗 good. That’s why I stopped eating Popeyes and KFC because they do not clean their chicken 🤮

  7. Oh my gosh, I’m 50 years old and I didn’t know how to clean chicken! Thank you for this info as well as keeping it sanitary! You are wonderful!♥️

  8. I'm new to the channel and I absolutely love your channel. You explain everything in such a simple manner that I feel I can actually make some of your recipes. Hands down you are my favorite cooking channel🙂

  9. Hey Chris. This looks like a great recipe. I've tried making barbecued chicken twice and when I go to eat it it seems tough….it doesn't fall off the bone. What I do is thaw it…..clean it…..then pour the barbecue sauce over it and marinade it overnight. Then the next day I put it in the oven at 300 degrees for an hour then uncover the foil and turn it up to 425 degrees for 30 minutes. The meat seemed tough and not tender. What did I do wrong?????

  10. Why do Americans wash chicken, it doesn’t need washing and all you’re doing is spreading bacteria all over your sink and worktops!
    It’s a totally useless procedure

  11. You are freaking awesome!!!!! I'm actually learning how to cook from you!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤ Thank you… May God continue to bless you and your family

  12. I love how you clean your chicken that’s very important only I do too is take that yellow thing off the legs can’t stand that and I wash it In lemon or lime before i season

  13. What’s the total cooking time. It says 1.5 hours but you took it out at 45 mins to drain and add sauce. Please clarify.

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mrs. Chris! I made your recipe for leg quarters today Sunday 10/15/23. Mom never cooked them cause she only liked drum legs and wings💜. I had a 5 pound bag that had been sitting in my deep freezer for a while, and I took a deep breath and made them. I was always afraid of them being undercooked because it was both parts together(I always split them apart) Crazy thing is, I can cook the mess out of a whole turkey but it's something about those leg quarters… Back in the 90s I called myself trying to grill them at a park. They were undone and that was the last time I ever attempted.😂 Anxiety over cooking certain things is real. I have saved so many of your videos in my collection over time❤🌹 Sorry so long but this meant alot😊

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