I’m so new to no till… starting slowly. I feel grass clippings will be a good start. Is my grass ok to put in the beds?

Next step: start a compost bin lol…

Can I use my grass clippings for mulch/nitrogen for my raised gardens?

by GeoAv3


  1. littleguy632

    Yes, but just careful not to put any weeds or grass seeds in

  2. SunshineBeamer

    I don’t know if this is true, but my father always said grass clippings were acidic. So watch the pH of the garden to ensure you aren’t lowering it.

  3. Not_You_247

    Yes, but it can spread weeds. If you have a large tarp you can spread the grass clipping out on that in the sun to let them dry out for a day or two and it should reduce the chance of weeds taking hold.

  4. manyamile

    Yes but…

    Depending on when you cut the grass (and the lawn weeds) you may end up with seeds in your mulch.

    I’m a bug fan of using what you have on hand. Grass clippings, leaves, etc are all excellent mulches but you’ll want to keep an eye out for extra weed pressure and pull them as soon as possible so they don’t get established in your beds.

  5. Lower-Culture-2994

    Yes, it’ll be fine. Not gonna add any more grass or weed seeds than the wind or critters would spread

  6. TurningTwo

    I used grass clippings as garden mulch one year and spent the next three years pulling grass out of my garden. I wouldn’t recommend it.

  7. mixedracebaby

    I do this. Everyone says it’ll spread seeds but I’ve never seen anything major happen. I just pull weed like normal.

    Benefits outweigh any negatives imo

  8. GameEnders10

    Not if you treat the lawn for weeds. I compost grass, and use lawn mowed leaves for mulch myself, but I’ve seen others recommend grass.

  9. ItsLadySlytherin

    I do. As long as you can tell weeds seedlings from what you’re growing, no harm done IMO.

  10. Same-Yesterday6169

    Yes! It’s a great mulch. I never get weeds and my plants do great. I use it straight out of the back of my mower. No drying it out first as someone else said. It works really well.

  11. Floofleboop

    It’s a great mulch, but it can also be a great slug habitat, so keep an eye out for them and change course as needed 🙂

  12. JayEll1969

    I do it – supresses weeds, holds in moistur, breaks down to improve the soil.

  13. sam99871

    Yes. I use grass clippings mixed with shredded leaves.

  14. Finishure

    I’ve done it before , it’s going to smell lol , from the grass breaking down , I found the best way to do it is dry it on a tarp for a few days and then using it as a mulch

  15. marxxximus

    I saw a recent comment about grass clippings producing exorbitant heat while decomposing and cooking some plants, but I have no experience one way or the other

  16. Firstlastusually

    I would recommend looking up how much to apply, I’ve seen it overdone one time.

  17. OldDog1982

    I buy organic wheat straw from Tractor Supply Co. It works great and decomposes quickly.

  18. transmission612

    I use grass clippings or straw every year for mulch it works great. In the spring I rake it all up and throw it in the compost pile and start over with fresh stuff when planting seedlings.

  19. PutosPaPa

    You could but I wouldn’t. I did just that 4 yrs ago and I’m still pulling grass out of my garden. Just get a bag of cheap 10-10-10 fertilizer you’ll have a lot less work.

  20. sheetmetaltom

    Yes I always did it. I add last years leaves too

  21. mahdicktoobig

    I do this too. Plus I have clover mixed in, so it’s like free fertilizer basically

  22. Vast_Citron_1057

    I have noticed the clippings hold dormit squash bugs during the winter and cause issues the next spring. After the frost make sure you till the clippings in well.

  23. networking_noob

    Grass clippings work great, but if spread too thickly it can actually form a mat and prevent water from reaching the soil. It’s not hard to figure out the ratio though. Throw some grass on, spray the water hose for a bit, then pull the grass back and check if the soil is wet. If it’s not, then remove some grass, rinse and repeat

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