Hello this are hand laminated I did at home I’m looking tips for shaping they look small even tho they are 10-4.

by RmN93x


  1. Good-Ad-5320

    They look absolutely fantastic you did an amazing job !! kudos from a french !!

  2. ThatsJustVile

    ‘small’ is a weird way to spell ‘delicious’

  3. They look great to me…nice layers, nice open insides.

  4. You may be stretching them a bit too much if I had to guess? Also make sure they don’t dry out and get a skin either while they proof. If you stretch the dough too much before final proofing/ baking, it may not have much room to rise more in the oven as the gluten strands are already pulled kinda tight? Maybe? lol

  5. kapurpleni

    Yeah they don’t look quite right tbh, can you pass them to me please so I can investigate and see how to make them ~~disappear~~ bigger

  6. henrickaye

    They look great. Just measure bigger triangles if you want them to be bigger

  7. The simplest answer is to cut a larger triangle 😅. Some people like a little notch in the top of the triangle to help extend the width a bit, although that being said a lot of bakers now aren’t really doing that anymore, some don’t even elongate their triangles, you could also sheet slightly thinner and increase the size of the triangle and still end up with a similar weight.

  8. Fun-Highway-6179

    They look gorgeous. Remember that the ones at Starbucks are freaking gigantic. These look like they’re more of a normal size. I will eat them for you if you don’t like them, though.

  9. Slow_Opportunity_522

    Maybe they’re small but they look INCREDIBLE!!

  10. ihsulemai

    Your dough needs to relax longer before shaping. Color is great.

  11. Yeah you’ve got the lamination down, my goodness. I’d just increase the overall triangle size as others have said.

  12. m_olive14

    Your lamination is fantastic!
    They look ever so slightly under proved, you can see in the center it’s still got a cluster that looks,what I like to call, gummy. So up your proving time a little more and that would make them a bit bigger.
    What is their weight in grams? I would call 60-90g a small croissant and 110-135 a regular size, but it’s all preference.

    They look as though the tops have fallen over a bit, I would suggest hand shaping a bit more long so when you do that last roll it’s not as thick 🙂

  13. GripChinAzz

    They look small enough to fit in my mouth at one time

  14. adhdgurlie

    Ya they look super tiny, i’ll take em off your hands so you don’t have to feel embarassed

  15. LucidCiervo

    what are your dimensions might need more length or need to be stretched out a little more while shaping

  16. ouidconissour666

    They look like snail shells but those insides look nice and fluffy

  17. EmeraldTrooper89

    Do you proof them before? If so how long at what temp and humidity level?

  18. Crzyladyw2manycats

    The secret is to give them to me so I can look at them really close and eat them all to assure quality per batch. You are so hard on yourself those look amazingly deliciously beautiful

  19. These are every bit of perfect! Nice shape, light and airy looking, golden in color. Please invite me over to your house lol.

  20. Kentbaddeley

    Maybe small. But super on point , wouldn’t change a thing , well done indeed

  21. calliel_41

    That’s a weird way to spell “delicious so delicious I want those in my mouth I can smell them through the screen give me the entire tray so I can devour it”

  22. Siren_0f_Titan

    I have no advice to give, just commenting to say those look amazing to me!

  23. lukewarmicecubes

    Theyre underproofed, you can tell by all the layers still stuck together on the bottom. and try shaping them looser as well. The shoulders look constricted.

    For the coning issue, check to make sure your cuts are straight/vertical on both sides of your triangles. 110g is actually quite a large croissant so if theyre looking small somethings def up

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